
miè wáng
  • perish;death;be destroyed;die;ruin;subjugate;die out;be conquered;become extinct
灭亡 [miè wáng]
  • (1) [death;die out]∶消失

  • 帝国的灭亡过程

  • 韩魏灭亡。--《战国策.魏策》

  • (2) [ruin;subjugate;be conquered]∶消灭;被征服;被消灭

  • 自取灭亡

灭亡[miè wáng]
  1. 我今日明明告诉你们,你们必要灭亡。

    I declare to you this day that you will certainly be destroyed .

  2. 如果忽视品质,无异于我们的企业正在失去一个灵魂,正在逐步的走向灭亡。

    If ignore quality , equal to our enterprise at lose a soul , at gradual make for be destroyed .

  3. 这些牧师给我们带来了灭亡。

    The clerics have brought ruination on our people .

  4. 他说任何不尊重人民意愿而发号施令的人都注定会走向灭亡。

    He said anyone giving orders without respecting the wishes of his people is heading for disaster

  5. 在耶稣死后的几个世纪里,基督徒们真的相信世界将要灭亡。

    In the centuries following Christ 's death , Christians genuinely believed the world was about to end

  6. 我们生活的这个时期所经历的变革可能是罗马帝国灭亡以来最巨大的。

    Our lives have straddled a period of greater change than perhaps any since the end of the Roman Empire

  7. 旧制度行将灭亡,新制度就要出世。

    The old system is dying out ; a new system is coming into being .

  8. 这昏君荒淫无道,加速了这个国家的灭亡。

    The licentious monarch helped bring about his country 's downfall .

  9. 一位预言家预言那个王国将要灭亡。

    A prophet made a prophecy that the kingdom would fall .

  10. 塑料垃圾的气味可能会导致动物灭亡的想法最早出现在2016年。

    The idea that the smell of plastic flotsam might lure7 animals to their doom8 first emerged in 2016 .

  11. 如果齐国灭亡了,即使薛城筑得上顶青天,还不是一样无济于事吗?”田婴听了这个故事,马上终止了薛地筑城的计划。

    If state Qi was conquered , then it wouldn 't help even if there was a very high city wall here . " After hearing this story , Tian Ying stopped the plan to build the city wall .

  12. 可以说只有IBM和苹果(Apple)成功了,而且这两家公司都曾濒临灭亡。

    Arguably only IBM ( IBM ) and apple have done it successfully and both have faced extinction .

  13. 等到无线运营商开始提供和手机捆绑的、便宜的数据套餐之后,SPOT手表就不可避免地走向了灭亡。

    When wireless providers began offering cheap data plans wrapped with their phone , the spot watch was basically doomed .

  14. 何西阿在以色列国王耶罗波安二世(JeroboamII)在位期间开始预言,其活动一直延续到以色列国灭亡之时(西元前721年)。

    He began to prophesy during the reign of Jeroboam II and continued until near the fall of the northern kingdom of Israel in721 BC .

  15. 我的一位辩论对手引用了新技术拥趸杰夫贾维斯(JeffJarvis)的话:文字将在印刷品中走向灭亡。

    One of my debate opponents quoted Jeff Jarvis , a new-technology champion , who said : Print is where words go to die .

  16. 不管属于哪一种情况,WASP-18b似乎在50万年以内注定要灭亡。

    In either case , WASP-18b appears doomed to die within half a million years .

  17. 种族隔离制度的灭亡告诉我,政治是重要的,个别政治家可能扭转乾坤(白人政权信任纳尔逊•曼德拉(NelsonMandela)执掌国家),以及历史永远不按照你预期的道路发展。

    Apartheid 's demise taught me that politics matter , that individual politicians matter ( the white regime trusted Nelson Mandela with the country ) and that history never happens the way you expect .

  18. 在这个应用程序中,对象创建和灭亡的模式受益于gencon策略没有碎片和稀疏填充婴儿区域的迅速收集。

    The pattern of object creation and object death in this application benefits from the gencon policy 's absence of fragmentation and rapid collections of sparsely populated nurseries .

  19. KH报道。当你听说小行星与地球接近时,很可能印入脑海的场景是撞击、灭亡、灾难,或者想到勇敢的星际牛仔们想尽一切办法改变小行星的轨道。

    When you hear about asteroids close to the Earth , you probably have visions of collisions and extinctions and a postapocalyptic future . Or of brave space cowboys trying to knock them off course .

  20. 但是LimeWire的灭亡并不是因为LimeWire背后的团队犯了一些错误,或者因为网络设计存在不足。

    But LimeWire 's demise wasn 't because the team behind LimeWire did something wrong , or because they were inadequate in their network design .

  21. 如果没法做到,这个特种就会濒临灭亡。

    If this is not possible , the species becomes endangered .

  22. 法西斯主义救不了资本主义,而只会加快其灭亡。

    Fascism cannot save capitalism , but only hastens its destruction .

  23. 强者生存;弱者灭亡。

    The strong survived , the weak went to the ground .

  24. 我们过去常认为资本主义制度很快就会灭亡。

    We used to believe that capitalism would soon die out .

  25. 这条新闻意味着美国汽车产业的灭亡。

    The news spelled the death of the US car industry .

  26. 她提到我父亲和刚铎的灭亡。

    She spoke of my father and the fall of Gondor .

  27. 期望它们远离灭亡回到我的生命之中。

    To wish its long denied existence back into my life .

  28. 敌人会留心我们的警告,否则他们就将灭亡。

    The enemy will heed our warnings or they will perish .

  29. 雷曼灭亡扰乱了商业票据市场。

    The demise of Lehman disrupted the commercial paper market .

  30. 后来商朝灭亡了,这里变成了一片废墟。

    After the fall of Shang , it ended up in ruins .