
  • 网络Fire extinguishing equipment;FIREDETECT
  1. 加装SCR脱硝装置的锅炉系统数值模拟二氧化碳手提软管灭火装置


  2. 山东220kV及以上大型变压器灭火装置情况调查

    A Survey on Fire-control Equipment of 220 kV & up Transformers in Shandong

  3. DQ-1000型惰气灭火装置补燃室的设计和试验研究

    Design and experimental investigation of secondary burner in an inert gas extinguishing set model dq-1000

  4. 低压洒水喷头和简易自动喷水灭火装置

    Low Pressure Nozzle and Simple Automatic Sprinkling System for Fire Control

  5. MPZ-1型矿用胶带输送机自动防灭火装置研究

    Study of model MPZ-1 automatic fire-fighting system for mine belt conveyor

  6. 因此配备有效的灭火装置非常重要。

    So it is very important to equip effective fire-extinguishing plants .

  7. 移动式细水雾灭火装置的应用试验研究

    Study on Application Experiments of Mobile Water Mist Fire Suppression Device

  8. 油浸变压器火灾及灭火装置的应用

    Fire Hazard of Oil-Immersed Transformer and Application of Fire-Extinguishing Device

  9. 机舱惰性气体灭火装置这个仪器舱是个圆柱体。

    Gas smothering system in machinery space This instrument unit is cylindrical .

  10. 浅析自动扫描定位灭火装置的应用

    Study on the Application of Automatic Scanning Fire Extinguishing Equipment

  11. 灭火装置控制盒检测仪的研制

    Development of Automatic Detection System of Fire Extinguisher ′ s Controller Box

  12. 干粉灭火装置的设计思考

    Consideration on design of dry powder fire extinguishing system

  13. 对变压器装设水喷雾自动灭火装置的看法

    Opinion of installing automatic fire sprinklers on transformers

  14. 本建议考虑了固定灭火装置和手提灭火器的维护和管理问题。

    This Recommendation considers the maintenance and control of fixed installations and portable extinguishers .

  15. 手提式超细水雾灭火装置的试验研究

    Experimental research of portable fine water mist apparatus

  16. 多孔管喷水灭火装置火探管式自动探火灭火装置在电厂中的应用

    Perforated pipe sprinkler Application of Automatic Detecting and Fire Extinguishing Device in Power Plant

  17. 采用液下喷射泡沫灭火装置不受油罐爆炸的影响,,能有效地控制火情。

    It is considered that the under-liquid foam extinguishing technology is effective to control fire .

  18. 侧门可开以储存灭火装置!

    Side doors open for equipment storage !

  19. 壁装移动式悬臂起重机壁挂式干粉灭火装置

    Cantilever walking crane wall powder extinguishing equipment

  20. 智能型灭火装置设计

    The design of intelligent fire fighting device

  21. 二氧化碳手提软管灭火装置

    Carbon dioxide hand hose extinguishing system

  22. 大空间自动扫描自动定位喷淋灭火装置的设计

    The Design of Device for Automatic Scanning and Automatic Positioning Sprinkling Fire Extinguisher in Large Space

  23. 火警指示及灭火装置考虑设置灭火器及消防毯是容易在厨房。

    Consider installing a fire extinguisher and fire blanket which is easily accessible in the kitchen .

  24. 吸烟可能触动屋顶的撒水灭火装置,所以,请你到外面去吸烟。

    ex : Smoking in the office may trigger the sprinklers , so please smoke outside .

  25. DQ&500型惰气灭火装置

    Inert gas extinguishing device model dq-500

  26. 局部自动操作的灭火装置

    Local automatically operated fire-extinguishing unit

  27. 储罐新型灭火装置的探讨延长油矿的早期勘探与开采简述

    Research on New Type Fire-fighting Device for Storage Tank Early Exploration and Exploitation of the Yanchang Oilfield

  28. 带式输送机防灭火装置配备的报警传感器主要用于火灾监测。

    The transducer of automatic fire-extinction device of belt conveyor is applied to monitor belt conveyor fire .

  29. 高膨胀泡沫发生器灭火装置

    Hi-ex foam generator limited swelling

  30. 悬挂式干粉灭火装置

    Hanged powder extinguishing equipment