
  • 网络Seleucid;Seleucus
  1. 古代巴比伦塞琉古王朝时期食分算法初探

    A research on calculation of eclipse magnitude and eclipse bound in Seleucid Period in ancient Babylon

  2. 通过考察塞琉古王朝时期的天学文献,复原了古代巴比伦合朔时刻月亮的黄纬计算法,并给出了该算法的程序框图。

    After researching the astronomical literature in Seleucid Period , this article revives the algorithm of latitude of the moon in the moment of syzygies in ancient Babylon , and draws a procedure table of this algorithm .

  3. 塞琉古或者安条克,北方的王指的一定是塞琉西帝国。

    Seleucus or Antiochus , so whenever you see the King of the North it refers to one of the Seleucids .

  4. 这可能是贝勒尼基,她是安条克或塞琉古的女儿,嫁给了某个托勒密王。

    This may be Berenice because we know that she was a daughter of Antiochus or Seleucus , she was married to one of the Ptolemies .