
  • 网络Silas;Sellars;Salas;Selas
  1. 七十年前,厄尔塞拉斯塔珀(EarlSilasTupper)偶然产生了在塑料盒子上使用橡胶封口的想法。

    Seven decades ago , Earl Silas Tupper stumbled on the idea of using rubber seals for plastic boxes .

  2. 塞拉斯跪在地板上祈求宽恕。

    Kneeling on the wooden floor , Silas prayed for forgiveness .

  3. 在帕迪利亚翻拍的影片中,由冷面CEO雷蒙德•塞拉斯(迈克尔•基顿饰演)领导的跨国公司OnmiCorp成为了美国头号军火商。

    Padilha 's remake is set in a world where multinational corporation OmniCorp , led by ruthless CEO Raymond Sellars ( Michael Keaton ) , has become the US military 's major contractor .

  4. 塞拉斯处理了冰量和地表温度的各种经验关系。

    Sellars incorporated various empirical relations between ice cover and surface temperature .

  5. 早在开车到这里来时,塞拉斯就已经问过雷米。

    Silas had asked R é my as they drove over here .

  6. 塞拉斯几乎一丝不挂,他拖着苍白的身子拾阶而下。

    Almost naked , Silas hurled his pale body down the staircase .

  7. 第一位进来的警官转身准备开枪,塞拉斯急忙猫下腰。

    As the first officer wheeled to shoot , Silasdove for his legs .

  8. 塞拉斯跪在地上,双手在石块铺就的地面上摸索着。

    On his knees now , Silas ran his hands across the stone floor .

  9. 塞拉斯看着光光的地板,害怕胜利就将离他们而去。

    Silas now gazed at the bare floor and feared victory had eluded them .

  10. 通过对看起来话语的讨论,塞拉斯提出了一种概念整体论。

    By analyzing the " the discourse of ' look '", Sellars argues for Conceptual Holism .

  11. 在此期间,我们的始祖也发现了是什么使塞拉斯这么强大。

    In the meantime , the Original finds out more about what makes Silas so formidable .

  12. 彼得•塞拉斯:我想,首先是柔和。

    PETER SELLARS : Well I think it , for one thing , it is tenderness .

  13. 梅塞拉斯对这个项目的参与,始于她对中国煤炭行业的兴趣。

    Meiselas ' participation in this project began with her interest in the world of coal in China .

  14. 塞拉斯一瘸一拐地走进一个看不见的寂静空间里。这时薄雾已经在肯辛顿花园中弥漫开来。

    The mist had settled low on Kensington Gardens as Silas limped into a quiet hollow out of sight .

  15. 彼得•塞拉斯:你知道,将搜索目标定位为全球范围是非常重要的。

    PETER SELLARS : Well , you know , it 's very important was to have some global scope .

  16. 塞拉斯将所与论斥为一种神话,否定存在所谓直接的、独立的知觉经验。

    For instance , Sellars criticizes the theory as myth and denies the existence of so-called direct and independent perceptual experience .

  17. 塞拉斯从未到过那里,然而当他以步代车向那栋房子走去时,他的心中逐渐有种越来强烈的前来寻求避难的感觉。

    Silas had never been here , but he felt a rising sense of refuge and asylum ashe approached the building on foot .

  18. 彼得•塞拉斯:事实并非如此。大部分的艺术家,例如莎士比亚,他死的时候并没有写下自传。

    PETER SELLARS : No , I mean , most artists , is like Shakespeare , you know he died not writing an autobiography .

  19. 语言是心灵的镜子;一个人只要说话,他说的话就是他的心灵的镜子。(美国作家塞拉斯)

    Speech is a mirror of the soul ; as a man speaks , so is he . ( Ephraem Syrus , american writer )

  20. 彼得•塞拉斯:如果莫扎特今天还活着的话,他肯定会成为一位电影制作人。因为电影是现在文化的脉搏。

    PETER SELLARS : Well , if Mozart was alive today he would be a film maker because film is what has the pulse of the culture .

  21. 在北京期间,梅塞拉斯的主要工作是担任在三影堂摄影艺术中心举办的《煤和冰》(Coal+Ice)展览的联合策展人。

    While Meiselas is in Beijing , her main role will be co-curator of Coal + Ice , an exhibition at the Three Shadows Photography Art Centre .

  22. 邦尼仍在试图强迫卡瑟琳帮助她,她拒绝放弃打败塞拉斯的计划。

    Still trying to force Katherine ( Elena Dobrev ) to help her , Bonnie ( Kat Graham ) refuses to give up on her plan to defeat Silas .

  23. 他把传统的唯物论和塞拉斯的语义学结合起来,提出了“因果内在实在论”。

    Having connected classic materialism with Sellars s semantics , Raimo Tuomila suggested a " causal internal realism ", which not only has heavy intellectual meaning , but also give astro .

  24. 去年维也纳邀请了美国“怪鸡”导演彼得•塞拉斯创立一个纪念莫扎特诞辰250周年的庆典活动,当时庆典就是在这段歌剧中开始的。

    It also started when last year the city of Vienna invited the maverick American director Peter Sellars to create a festival that will to mark the250th Anniversary of Mozart 's birth .

  25. 虽然布吕耶尔街上那褐色的斯巴达克式石屋已经见证了无数的苦难,但塞拉斯却觉得他现在的痛苦才是世间最难堪的。我被骗了。

    Although the spartan room in the brownstone on Rue La Bruy è re had witnessed a lot of suffering , Silas doubted anything could match the anguish now gripping his pale body .

  26. 梅塞拉斯将加入由美国画家、音乐家、演员、电影制片人、厨师和作家组成的美国代表团,参加为期四天的活动,包括电影放映、小组讨论和展览。

    Meiselas is part of a delegation of American painters , musicians , actors , filmmakers , chefs and writers that will participate in four days of screenings , panel discussions and exhibitions .

  27. 同时,卡罗琳和斯蒂芬试图说服克劳斯相信帮助他们打倒塞拉斯对他自己也有益,邦尼还在挣扎着让自己紧跟现实做正确的事情。

    Meanwhile , Caroline and Stefan try to convince Klaus that it would be in his own best interest to help them track down Silas , and Bonnie struggles to keep her grasp on reality and do the right thing .