
zài báo xiǎn tiáo yuē
  • treaty of reinsurance
  1. 从再保险条约看德意志帝国时代的德俄关系

    Reinsurance Treaty : A Mirror Reflected the German-Russian Relations in the Age of the German Empire

  2. 在他的一系列安排中,俄德再保险条约起着举足轻重的作用,暂时性的巩固了俾斯麦的同盟体系。

    He temporarily solved the crisis by some crafty measures , in which Russo-German Reinsurance Treaty played a significant role , confirming Bismarck 's system .

  3. 本文主要着眼于危机期间欧洲各大国尤其是德俄间展开的激烈外交角逐,以德俄再保险条约的签订为主线,来探究19世纪晚期德俄关系的总体特点。

    This article mainly deals with the aboil diplomatic struggles among the European powers during Bulgarian crisis , especially Germany and Russia , the Russo-German Reinsurance Treaty as the core , probing into the characteristics of the German-Russian relations in the late 19 ~ ( th ) century .