
  • 网络can't stand it any longer;can’t stand it any longer;canapos,t stand it any longer
  1. 我活腻味了,我要放弃,我再也无法忍受了。

    I give up . I can 't stand it any longer .

  2. 我感到生活再也无法忍受。

    I felt that life was no longer endurable .

  3. 他们再也无法忍受这些政客,希望通过选举把他们赶下台。

    They are fed up with the politicians and want to vote them out of office

  4. 刚好她父亲的一位朋友也在旁边,朋友再也无法忍受,只好用手捂着耳朵。

    Her father had14 one of his friends with him , and the friend put his hands over his ears .

  5. 后来有一天,当K再也无法忍受时,他开始节食了。

    Then one day , when K.could stand it no longer , he dieted .

  6. 凤凰城(Phoenix)药物滥用顾问迈克&12539;斯皮克曼(MikeSpeakman)保守着一个有关复仇的秘密,直到他再也无法忍受为止。

    Mike Speakman , a substance-abuse counselor in Phoenix , kept a secret about revenge until he couldn 't stand it anymore .

  7. 32岁的加拿大福音歌手奥莉维亚•波瑞尔(OliviaBurrell)再也无法忍受自己在东京的蜗居,她躺在床上,都能看到自己的厨房并闻到厨房里传来的味道。

    Olivia Burrell , a32-year-old Canadian gospel singer , was fed up with living in Lilliputian studio apartments in Tokyo where she could see ( and smell ) her kitchen from her bed .

  8. 他们的抗拒终于使他再也无法忍受。

    In the end their recalcitrance was too much for him .

  9. 我要死,我再也无法忍受了。

    I shall die . I Ca n 't stand any more .

  10. 我再也无法忍受她了。

    A : I can 't stand her any longer .

  11. 她再也无法忍受他们的愚弄了。

    She couldn 't stand any more of their mockery .

  12. 赫莉再也无法忍受他的绝情和冷漠,终于,一个无知的谎言在她的脑海中诞生了。

    Hayley could not bear his indifference and made up a lie .

  13. 镇民再也无法忍受这些老鼠。

    The people could not put up with the rats any longer .

  14. 她终于感到再也无法忍受和他作伴。

    At last she felt it impossible any longer to endure his company .

  15. 我逼得她再也无法忍受了。

    I tried her patience to the limits .

  16. 我再也无法忍受这么大的噪音。

    I cannot abide the loud noise anymore .

  17. 噪音越来越大,直至我母亲再也无法忍受。

    The noise built up until my mother couldn 't stand it any longer .

  18. 最后,杰克再也无法忍受了。

    Finally Jack could stand it no longer .

  19. 他常常这样大喊大叫,直到她再也无法忍受下去。

    He would rant like this till she could not bear it any more .

  20. 到了开晚饭的时候,他饿极了,再也无法忍受了。

    At dinner time he was so hungry that he could not stand it any longer .

  21. 我对这地方烦透了,再也无法忍受了。

    I 'm so sick of this place that I can 't stand it any more .

  22. 我已经到了再也无法忍受她的争辩的地步了。

    I have come to the point where I can 't stand her arguing any longer .

  23. 我不想打扰你,可我真的再也无法忍受了。

    I hate to disturb you , but I really can 't stand it any more .

  24. 被他老婆的絮絮叨叨烦坏了,再也无法忍受了。

    Was nagged so much by his wife that he couldn 't stand it any longer .

  25. 人类能承受的惩罚是有限的,我再也无法忍受了。

    There 's only so much punishment a human can take . I can 't take anymore .

  26. 当双方再也无法忍受对方时,他们就分手了。

    They broke up when both of them can 't put up with each other any more .

  27. 可是今年初的一天,罗娜意识到自己再也无法忍受萨莉了。

    Then one day , earlier this year , Rhona realised that she couldn 't stand Sally .

  28. 终于,他再也无法忍受这相思之苦,提笔给他的爸爸写了一封信,求他帮助他实现他的梦想。

    Finally , he wrote to Papa , asking him to help make this dream come true .

  29. 我们再也无法忍受命运的冲击和生活的剧变。

    We can no longer endure the buffetings or fate , the storm and stress of life .

  30. 我再也无法忍受.我想也是很难熬.

    And I just can 't take it anymore . It 's tough to take , I guess .