
  • 网络resampling;resample;re-sampling
  1. 为了确切地估计软件缺陷分布,提出了基于AODE和再抽样的软件缺陷预测模型。

    To evaluate software defect distribution exactly , a software defect prediction model based on AODE and resampling is put forward .

  2. 结果实例分析表明,当再抽样容量较大时,Bootstrap区间估计和假设检验与直接对原样本应用正态性得到的结果相差不大,前者在后者周围波动,假设检验结果也趋于一致。

    Results When sample is enough , the example shows that confidence intervals and hypothesis tests which set up according to bootstrap method and normality respectively are of asymptotic consistency .

  3. 第二章的内容是关于再抽样均值序列的精确渐近性质。

    The content of the second chapter is about precise asymptotics of bootstrap means .

  4. 捕获&再捕获抽样中的组合估计量

    A Composite Estimate of Capture-recapture Sampling SONG DANDAN : LOVE AGAIN

  5. 抽检中有一个不合格则再加倍抽样检查。

    In case one unqualified valve were found during random inspection , double random inspection will be conducted .

  6. 第二,在选取数据样本时,我们采用先分层,再等距抽样的方法,选取了数据样本,保证了样本的代表性。

    Second , during the process of selecting sample data , we make use of the stratified sampling first , systematic sampling later to ensure representativeness of the sample .

  7. 因此,本文提出了一种非线性变换的多描述编码,利用特定的非线性函数将图像进行变换,从而使感兴趣区域得到一定程度的扩展,再进行抽样形成多描述编码。

    It use a special non-linear function to transform the image , so that the regions of interest of the image can be expanded and then samples the expanded-image to form the multiple description coding .

  8. 统计模拟法先求随机变量的分布函数,再随机抽样,然后统计模拟资源量的概率分布。

    In statistical modeling , the distribution function of the random variables is def - ined ; and then a statistics on the probability distribution of the simulated re - sources is obtained by means of random sampling .

  9. 再谈计量抽样检验与低压电器生产

    On Metering and Sampling Examination and Production of Low Voltage Apparatus

  10. 先利用整群随机抽样法抽取乡镇,再利用单纯随机抽样法抽取行政村,对村民进行问卷调查。

    Then the township health centers were selected by cluster random sampling method and the administrative villages were selected by simple random sampling method .