
  • 网络LTRO;refinance;seo;SPO
  1. 长期再融资操作已经降低了一些银行对回购市场资金的依赖度。

    The LTRO has reduced the reliance by some banks on funding from the repo market .

  2. 长期再融资操作使西班牙和意大利的银行能够利用本国债券开展高利润、低风险的套利交易。

    The LTRO enabled Spanish and Italian banks to engage in very profitable and low-risk arbitrage in their own countries ' bonds .

  3. 再融资有时费用会很高。

    It can be costly to refinance .

  4. 这些长期的债务人兼房奴将很可能永远无法完全拥有这个房子,因为炫耀性消费需要周期性的再融资来提供资金,也因为房产税的存在。

    These perpetual debtors / serfs will probably never own the home outright1 , thanks to cyclical refinancing ( used to fund conspicuous2 consumption ) and property taxes .

  5. 本文所关注的仅是指直接融资,而且主要是关注那些已经通过IPO完成上市的上市公司再融资及其相关的后续投资行为。

    The dissertation only discusses the indirect financing way and emphasizes on the list company 's re-financing and related investment after IPO .

  6. 这轮融资对Twitter的估值为2.5亿美元左右。上周有传闻称,Twitter寻求再融资5000万美元。

    That round valued Twitter at about $ 250m . Last week Twitter was rumoured to be looking for an additional $ 50m in funding .

  7. StandardPoor'sLeveragedCommentaryandData表示,公司已经为杠杆贷款再融资约500亿美元,但仍有4240亿美元债务在2012年到2014年间到期。

    Companies have refinanced about $ 50bn in leveraged loans , but $ 424bn are still due in the years 2012 to 2014 , according to Standard Poor 's Leveraged Commentary and Data .

  8. IPO是上市公司在证券市场上第一次大规模筹资行为,而股权再融资则是上市公司进行的第二次圈钱。

    IPO is the first large-scale financing behavior of listed companies on the stockmarket , and equity refinancing of listed companies is the second ring of money .

  9. 这些债券将用于对现存债务的再融资,由MU财务公司发行。

    The notes , whose proceeds will be used to refinance existing debt secured against the club , will be issued by MU Finance plc .

  10. 作为一家银行,欧洲金融稳定安排(efsf)能够在一场再融资危机中使用欧洲央行的流动性。

    As a bank , the European financial stability facility would be able to access ECB liquidity in a refinancing crisis .

  11. 正在与激进会计指控做斗争的大宗商品交易商来宝集团(NobleGroup)周二遭遇又一个打击。出于对该公司债务再融资能力的担忧,穆迪(Moody's)将其信用评级下调至垃圾级。

    Noble Group , the commodity trader fighting allegations of aggressive accounting , suffered another blow on Tuesday when its credit rating was cut to junk status by Moody 's because of concerns about the company 's ability to refinance debts .

  12. 除了IASIS,NeimanMarcus也在寻求20亿美元再融资。

    Besides iasis , Neiman Marcus is shopping around for a $ 2 billion refi .

  13. 他的第一项措施是针对银行引入长期再融资操作(ltro)计划。

    His first move was to introduce the longer-term refinancing operation for banks .

  14. 欧元问世后,商业银行可在欧洲央行(ecb)的贴现窗口,为自己所持有的政府债券进行再融资,而监管者认为这些债券是无风险的。

    After the euro came into force , commercial banks could refinance their holdings of government bonds at the discount window of the European Central Bank and regulators treated such bonds as riskless .

  15. 在很多市场上,公司借款人纷纷准备对辛迪加贷款(syndicated-loanfacilities注11)进行再融资,将给它们的外国银行债权人带来重大考验。

    Corporate borrowers in many markets are about to put their foreign bank creditors to the test , as they prepare to refinance syndicated-loan facilities .

  16. 花旗集团(citigroup)亚洲投资银行部门主管马睿明(markrenton)表示,一些中国企业的财务状况依然良好,它们将能够进行贷款再融资。

    Mark Renton , head of investment banking in Asia for Citigroup , says that some Chinese companies remain financially sound and would be able to refinance loans .

  17. ozminerals数月来一直在努力出售资产、削减成本、筹措大宗商品资金和为其债务进行再融资,以便安抚那些威胁将把其纳入破产管理的金融家。

    Oz minerals has for months been struggling to sell assets , cut costs , raise commodity funding and refinance its debt to appease financiers who have threatened to place oz minerals into administration .

  18. 比如说,假设一国政府的债务再融资周期是6年,同时财政赤字约为GDP的3%,则它每年需要发行相当于其GDP五分之一的新债。

    If , say , a government rolls over its debt every six years and also runs a fiscal deficit of about 3 per cent of GDP , it needs to issue new debt equal to a fifth of GDP every year .

  19. 分离交易可转债WBs(WarrantBonds)这一关联股票、债券和权证三种金融工具的初级衍生产品于2006年5月8日被批准为上市公司再融资工具。

    Warrant Bonds ( WBs ) which conjuncts three financial tools including stock , bond and warrant as a junior derivative was approved to be a refinance tool for the list companies in May 8th , 2006 .

  20. 平安保险此次的再融资行动将成为中国内地股市迄今规模最大的融资,融资所得将用于海外和国内收购,其中可能包括收购保诚保险(prudential)等英国保险公司。

    The fundraising , which would be the biggest fundraising so far in the mainland Chinese stock market , would pay for offshore and domestic acquisitions that could include British Insurers such as Prudential .

  21. 银行将如何使用这笔3年期贷款(称为长期再融资操作,简称:LTRO),一直是市场热议的话题。

    How banks will use the three-year loans , called longer-term refinancing operations or LTROs , has been a matter of much debate in markets .

  22. 相同之处主要表现在:(1)同股票超额收益率、ROE、EPS、EVA等现有评估指标一样,借助于股权再融资价值创造函数不仅可以考评资金取得效率,还可以考量资金使用效率。

    The similarities lie in : ( 1 ) Both the existing assessment indices , such as excess return rate of stock , ROE , EPS and EVA , and the function of value creation of SEO can examine the efficiency of acquirement and use of funds .

  23. 股权再融资(Seasoned-Equity-Offering)近年来一直是国内外理论和实务研究的热门领域。

    Equity refinancing ( Seasoned-Equity-Offering ) in recent years has been a popular field of domestic and international theoretical and practical research in China .

  24. 美国证券交易委员会(SEC)周一指控已破产公司FastFrankInc.的所有人之一布伦斯坦(FrankBluestein),他曾劝说800余名投资者对他们的住房进行再融资,并将筹得的资金投入无价值证券,这些投资者以老年人为主。

    Michigan Broker Charged In Ponzi Case The Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday accused a part owner of a now-defunct firm known as Fast Frank Inc. of persuading more than 800 investors -- many of them elderly -- to refinance their homes and invest millions of dollars in worthless securities .

  25. 标准普尔(Standard&Poor's)首席信用分析师戴安·瓦扎(DianeVazza)说,如果市场继续冻结下去,评级较低的企业明年将到期的1780亿美元债务将很难获得再融资。

    If the market remains frozen , the $ 178 billion of debt coming due next year for weaker-rated companies will be difficult to refinance , said Diane Vazza , chief credit analyst at Standard & Poor 's.

  26. 此外,上周OFR还指出:“根据我们的评估,美国非金融业务部门的信贷风险有所增加并在持续上升”,以至于“更高的基准利率可能会带来再融资方面的风险……并有可能促发更大范围的违约循环”。

    Also , the OFR observed this week : " In our assessment , credit risk in the US non-financial business sector is elevated and rising " - to a point where " higher base rates may create refinancing risks ... potentially precipitate a broader default cycle . "

  27. 欧洲央行本月早些时候宣布将提供一笔被称为长期再融资操作(LTRO)的应急3年期贷款,以帮助银行应对将于明年到期的价值7200欧元的贷款。

    The ECB announced the emergency three-year loans , known as longer-term refinancing operations , or LTROs , earlier this month , in an attempt to help banks overcome € 720bn worth of funding due to mature next year .

  28. 要将eonia维持在接近于零的水平,需要欧洲央行要么大幅下调主要再融资利率,要么大幅增加政府债券的购买,要么恢复对银行提供更具扩张性的流动性支持。

    To keep the EONIA at close to zero will require either a big cut in the main refinancing rate , a significant increase in the purchase of government bonds , or a return to more expansive liquidity support for the banks .

  29. 上市公司再融资方式的比较与选择

    The Comparison and Alternative of the Listed Corporation 's Refinancing Approach

  30. 可转换债券融资是企业再融资途径中一种重要的融资方式。

    Convertible bond financing is a significant way of refinancing for businesses .