
  • 网络Resources;resource issues;resource problem
  1. 资源问题已成为制约该区域PRED系统持续发展的主要因素;

    Resource problems has become mostly factor that restricting sustainable development of the regional PRED system ;

  2. 我们并不把资源问题贬为对发展无关紧要的问题。

    We are not dismissing resource problems as inconsequential to development .

  3. 我国造纸工业发展的水资源问题

    Water Resource Issue in the Development of China 's Paper Industry

  4. 关于如何扩大和充分合理利用我国铀矿资源问题的探讨

    Exploration on problem about full utilization of china 's uranium resources

  5. 城市水资源问题及解决措施的探讨

    Exploring the Problems of Urban Water Resources and the Relevant Solutions

  6. 21世纪面临的水资源问题及解决办法

    The water resource problem and its solution in 21 century

  7. 科研单位转制后人才资源问题及对策研究

    Studies of Talent Resources Strategies for the Transformed Technological Enterprises

  8. 论人类第四次生存环境危机中的水资源问题

    On water resources problems in fourth human survival environment crisis

  9. 解决西北地区水资源问题的出路

    Solutions of the Problems of Water Resources in China 's Northwestern Areas

  10. 我国人力资源问题探析

    On Problems and Strategy of the Human Resources in China

  11. 求解模糊目标/资源问题的拟人化算法

    An personified algorithm for linear programming problems with fuzzy objective and resources

  12. 解决&解决查询、数据库设计、以及数据库资源问题。

    Solve & Resolve query , database design , and database resource issues .

  13. 惠州学院人力资源问题浅议

    The Argument on Talents ' Resources of Huizhou University

  14. 随着这场没有硝烟的水务抢滩争夺战的愈演愈烈,水务行业的人力资源问题日益显现出其重要性。

    The human resources in the water industry become more and more important .

  15. 中国水资源问题与农业可持续发展

    Water resources problem and agricultural sustainable development in China

  16. 知识经济与吉林省人才资源问题研究

    Knowledge-based Economy and Talent Resources in Jilin Province

  17. 我国未来发展中解决环境资源问题的基本取向

    Basic trend in solving the problem of environmental resources in china 's future development

  18. 西安市的水资源问题

    Problem of Water Resource in Xi ′ an

  19. 第一,人力资源问题。

    First , the human resources problem .

  20. 论我国目前次生环境资源问题的产生原因

    On the Causes of the Production of Secondary Environment and Resource Problems in Present-dey China

  21. 关于我国花卉种质资源问题

    On the Chinese flower germplasm resources

  22. 水资源问题制约了贵州岩溶地区农业和地区经济的发展。

    Problems of water resource limit the agricultural development and economical development of Guizhou Karst Region .

  23. 以色列的水资源问题

    Water resource problem in Israel

  24. 解决河西走廊水资源问题的战略选择:建立节水型社会

    Strategic Choice to Solve the Water Resources Problems of the Hexi Corridor & Establishing A Water-Saving Society

  25. 烟台市水资源问题·供需态势及对策研究

    Study on the Problem of Water Resource Management , Supply and Demand in Yantai City and its Countermeasure

  26. 人才资源问题是制约山西煤炭腾飞的主要因素。

    The problem of talent resource is an important factor to trouble the Shanxi ′ s coal development .

  27. 陕北能源基地环境资源问题分析与经济可持续发展研究

    The Problems of Environment and Resources in Relation to Economic Sustained Development in the Northern Shaanxi Energy Base

  28. 可持续发展战略是人类针对人口、环境、资源问题的明智选择。

    Sustainable development is the only option when human-being is dealing with the issues of population , natural resources and environment .

  29. 中水回用对解决城市水资源问题的实证分析&以江苏省为例

    Empirical Analysis on Recycle of Post-Treatment Sewage to Solve the Problem of Urban Water Resources & a Case Study of Jiangsu Province

  30. 我国的环境资源问题及其法律对策可持续发展战略与我国环境资源立法的完善

    On problems of environment and resources in China and their legal countermeasures Sustainable Development Stratagem and China 's Environment and Resources Legislative Accomplish