
  • 网络capital-intensive;Capital Intensive;capitalintensive
  1. 当前主要集中在资本密集型和资源密集型产业的固定资产投资增长过快需要抑制;

    Fixed assets investment which is currently concentrated on capital-intensive and resource-intensive industries increases too fast and needs to be hampered .

  2. 资本密集型行业的企业将面临新的压力,要求它们提高资本生产率,即单位资金的产出。

    Companies in capital-intensive industries would be under extra pressure to raise their capital productivity that is , output per dollar invested .

  3. 研究结果表明,江苏省食品行业为资本密集型产业,FDI对食品行业发展的作用高于国内资本。

    The results showed that the food industry in Jiangsu Province were capital-intensive industries , the role of FDI in development of the food industry was higher than domestic capital .

  4. 与其他全球银行一样,瑞银和瑞信都急于在《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)全球银行规则实施前,减少资本密集型活动。

    Like their global peers , UBS and Credit Suisse are under regulatory pressure to reduce capital-intensive activities ahead of the introduction of Basel III global banking rules .

  5. 这些工具是必要的:资本密集型(capital-intensive)行业,例如资本性产品生产商,经常会遇到大额折旧问题。

    This is necessary because some of the industries are capital asset intensive with substantial depreciation , such as capital goods manufacturers .

  6. 但不可否认的是SON的部署是一个资本密集型投资,站在SON提供商的角度,必须要考虑SON的成本问题,包括SON节点的费用和带宽花费。

    But it is undeniable that the deployment of SON is a capital intensive investment . From overlay service providers ' point of view , the cost , including bandwidth cost and node cost has to be taken into consideration .

  7. 结合我国实际,指出随着FDI在我国高新技术行业和高附加值行业投入的增加,势必促进我国这些技术、资本密集型行业的净出口,从而提升贸易结构。

    In the light of our country 's reality , with the increase of FDI enticement in the Hi-technology industry and high added - value industry , it will promote these industries ' net export and thereby optimize TS.

  8. 这种生产往往被称为资本密集型生产,但Olson认为其实这是财产密集型生产。

    How rude of you to barge into the conversation ! 6.This production is often called capital-intensive , but it is really property-intensive , Olson observes .

  9. 民航业是高科技、高风险的资本密集型服务性行业。

    Civil aviation is a high-tech , high-risk capital-intensive service industry .

  10. 乡镇企业资本密集型增长及其对农民收入的影响分析

    CTEs ' Capital-Intensive Growth and Its Influence to Farmers ' Income

  11. 实际上,这块业务看起来比资本密集型的主题乐园好得多。

    Indeed , it looks much better than the capital-intensive resorts .

  12. 实现人力资本密集型发展方式的税收政策选择

    On the Tax Policy Options to Realize the Human-Capital-Intensive Development Mode

  13. 房地产业是一个非常典型的资本密集型行业。

    Real estate industry is one of the typical capital denseness industries .

  14. 我们现在欢迎资本密集型和高科技公司。

    We now welcome capital - intensive and high-tech companies .

  15. 技术、智力、资本密集型享受技术密集型和知识密集型项目优惠待遇

    Enjoy preferential treatments as technology-intensive and / or knowledge-intensive enterprises

  16. 并购活动通常发生在资本密集型行业。

    Merge and acquisition usually occur in capital intensive industries .

  17. 但涉及到资本密集型的战略行业时,其政策便发生了变化。

    But as regards capital-intensive strategic industries , the policy was different .

  18. 该省目前的重点是技术密集和资本密集型产业。

    The province is currently focusing on the technology-intensive and capital-intensive industries .

  19. 炼铝业等行业是周期较长的资本密集型行业,不可能说迁移就能迁移的。

    These are long-cycle , capital-intensive industries that cannot move on a whim .

  20. 格拉夫公司并不涉足资本密集型的钻石开采业务。

    Graff is not involved in capital-intensive diamond mining .

  21. 人力资本密集型企业的治理问题研究

    Research on the Governance Problems of Human-captial-intensive Firms

  22. 光伏产业在我国是一个新兴产业,是高新技术和资本密集型产业。

    Photovoltaic industry is an emerging , new and high technology and capital-intensive industry .

  23. 化工产业是资本密集型的还是劳动力密集型的?

    Is the chemical industry capital-or labor-intensive ?

  24. 夏普经营的是竞争激烈的资本密集型业务,包括显示器和智能手机。

    Sharp operates in highly competitive and capital intensive businesses , including display and smartphones .

  25. 大规模企业、资本密集型企业往往因为政治成本的因素而采用能够平滑当期盈利的会计政策。

    And mangers in big companies prefer polices to smooth income on reason of political cost .

  26. 我国出口商品结构存在的问题较多。工业制成品中劳动和资本密集型产品比重较大而知识和技术密集型产品比重较小。

    There are far mare labor-intensive and capital-intensive products than knowledge-intensive and technology-intensive products among manufactured goods .

  27. 这些焚化炉运行费用昂贵,并且为资本密集型,需要大型烟囱。

    These incinerators are costly to run and capital intensive in cost and require large chimney stacks .

  28. 技术进步对产业振兴规划中资本密集型产业的物质要素资本投入替代作用明显。

    We find that technological progress has a strong substitution effect of capital in capital intensive industry .

  29. 饭店不仅是人力资本密集型行业,也是顾客密集型行业。

    The restaurant is not only a human capital-intensive industry , but also a customer intensive one .

  30. 作为风险投资家,莱茵目前最关注的是资本密集型的清洁技术公司。

    As a venture capitalist , Lane currently focuses most of his efforts on capital-intensive cleantech companies .