
xié yuē
  • A treaty;agreement;covenant;composition
协约 [xié yuē]
  • [composition] 解决(如两派之间的)争论的协议或和解

  • 两国是由一个古老的协约联合起来的

协约[xié yuē]
  1. 确定各种网络服务或应用服务的SLA(服务等级协约)参数是实施SLA管理的前提之一。

    To enforce SLA ( Service Level Agreement ) management , SLA metrics for network services or application services must be established in advance .

  2. 中美两国就双方贸易问题签订了协约。

    China and the U.S. government signed an agreement concerning bilateral trade .

  3. 1915年,意大利加入协约国参战。

    Italy joined the war on the Allied side in 1915 .

  4. 用尽一切欺瞒和阻挠的手段来避开协约国委员会的耳目。

    Every form of deception and every obstacle baffled the Allied commission .

  5. 所以,应用程序能够以相同的方式使用标准应用程序协约访问不同的EIS。

    So applications access different EIS in the same way using a standard application contract .

  6. 此规范为应用服务器和EIS定义了协约集。

    This specification defines the set of contracts for both the application server and the EIS .

  7. 导入和导出需要接口,该接口是业务应用程序和模块正在调用的EIS服务或正在调用模块的EIS服务之间的协约。

    Imports and exports require an interface , which is the contract between your business application and the EIS service that your module is calling , or that is calling your module .

  8. 诚然,奥斯曼帝国(ottomanempire)的确承认败给了协约国(entente),此后数月中,英国对诸多奥斯曼机构具有极大的影响力。

    The Ottoman Empire did , of course , accept defeat by the Entente , and in the months that followed , Britain had much sway over the Ottoman institutions .

  9. 本文说明了JCA适配器体系结构、资源适配器及其协约、通用客户接口、以及如何实现、打包和部署资源适配器,更好地实现企业级应用程序的整合。

    This paper explains JCA adapter architecture , resource adapter and contract , Common Cli - ent Interface , and how to realize and package and deploy resource adapter , so can realize integration of enterprise application .

  10. 我协约国已决定宣战。

    Our Entente have [ has ] decided to declare war .

  11. 在第一次世界大战中,中国加入了协约国阵营,并先后对德国断交、宣战。

    During the first World War , China joined the Allies .

  12. 他们所能想到的极限不过达到订立协约和联盟而已。

    At the utmost their minds reached out to alliances and leagues .

  13. 系统协约定义了适配器如何处理事务和安全。

    The system contract defines how the adapter handles transactions and security .

  14. 期权协约的价格称为期权费。

    The price of this option contract is its premium .

  15. 常见的类型安全好处都是通过服务协约实现的。

    The usual benefits of type safety as enabled by service contracts .

  16. 以私人协约形式售卖他做过买卖私酒的生意。

    Sale by private treaty He trafficked in illicit liquor .

  17. 最有害的童工形式公约以私人协约形式售卖

    Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention sale by private treaty

  18. 协约国力图突破德军防线。

    The Allies sought to break through the German lines .

  19. 其时,21艘协约国战舰正在港口停泊。

    Meanwhile , 21 allied warships sat in the harbour .

  20. 加拿大和美国在边界问题上有一个长期存在的协约。

    Canada and the United States have a long-standing entente on border problems .

  21. 再加一点防御协约上的武器。

    Just a little something from our defense contracts .

  22. 委托协约作为偿还贷款的保证。

    Borrowing and leaving an article as security for repayment of the loan .

  23. 但这并没有阻止她为协约国服务。

    But she did not let it stop her from serving the Allies .

  24. 四次日俄协约的形成及对东北亚国际关系的影响

    Formation of Four Russo-Japanese Agreements and Impact for International Relations of Northeast Asia

  25. 核武器协约未必始终管用。

    Agreements on nuclear weapons have not always worked .

  26. 他们双方已签定了协约。

    The agreement between them has been signed .

  27. 强加于德国的《凡尔塞条约》正式宣告协约国的胜利。

    The Treaty of Versailles , imposed on Germany , formalized the Allied victory .

  28. 协约型环境模式的有效性及其对中国环境管理的启示

    The Motility Mechanism of Environmental Covenant Model and Its Inspirations to Chinese Environmental Policies

  29. 在这种威胁面前,协约国诸领导人暂时屈服。

    The Allied leaders surrendered for the moment in the face of this threat .

  30. 第二阶段谈判三方签订了《中俄蒙协约》。

    In the second stage China , Russia and Mongolia Compact was signed through negotiation .