
xié shānɡ yī zhì
  • consensus
  1. 如本谅解的规则和程序规定由DSB作出决定,则DSB应经协商一致作出决定。

    Where the rules and procedures of this Understanding provide for the DSB to take a decision , it shall do so by consensus .

  2. 乌拉圭代表团表示,它不愿意阻止达成协商一致。

    The delegation of Uruguay stated that it would not block consensus .

  3. 当事人协商一致即可以变更合同。

    A contract may be modified if the parties reach a consensus .

  4. WTO决策程序可分为正式与非正式两种:前者包括协商一致与投票表决;

    WTO decision-making process can be divided into formal and informal process : the former includes consensus and voting ;

  5. 巴拉圭强调WTO中的协商一致原则,但也表示其并不会轻率利用自己的权力封阻协商一致。

    Stressing the importance of the consensus rule in the WTO , Paraguay noted that it was not using its power to block consensus lightly .

  6. IMF的加权投票制、多数表决制和协商一致等决策规则都存在着财大气粗、以富压贫等霸权现象。

    IMF 's weighted voting system , majority voting system and negotiation voting system are all having the problems of money hegemony .

  7. KPI指标是经协商一致的量化指标,它反映了企业成功的关键因素。

    Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements , agreed to beforehand , that reflect the critical success factors of an organization .

  8. WTO争端解决机制决策规则,是在GATT争端解决机制协商一致规则的基础上发展出的一种新的协商一致规则,即反向协商一致规则。

    The " reverse consensus " decision-making rule of WTO dispute settlement mechanism is developing on the basis of the " consensus " decision-making rule of GATT dispute settlement mechanism .

  9. 这显示了g7对市场的影响力,也显示了它在没有取得协商一致情况下的力不从心。

    It highlighted the power of the G7 to move markets and its powerlessness to achieve what it wants without unanimity .

  10. 例如,CoCoMoII模型,Coarse-grainedWide-bandDelphi(如协商一致的评估),以及功能点分析(包括“用例点”)。

    E.g. , models such as CoCoMo II , Coarse-grained Wide-band Delphi ( i.e. , consensus-based estimates ), and function point analysis ( including " use-case points ") .

  11. 从WTO决策机制与国家主权、协商一致机制和投票表决机制三个方面进行了分析,并指出了WTO决策机制的缺陷与不足,旨在为WTO决策机制的改进与完善作出努力。

    In this article , the author make an analysis from the following three aspects : decision-making of WTO and national sovereignty , the system of consensus and that of vote by ballot . In order to improve it , its defects are also presented in this article .

  12. 但是各方理解,TMB的协商一致不要求其审议的未决问题所涉及的成员任命的成员同意或赞成。

    It is understood , however , that consensus within the TMB does not require the assent or concurrence of members appointed by Members involved in an unresolved issue under review by the TMB .

  13. 仲裁人的决定应迅速通知dsb,应请求,dsb应授权中止减让或其他义务,除非dsb经协商一致决定拒绝该请求。

    The DSB shall be informed promptly of the decision of the arbitrator and shall upon request , grant authorization to suspend concessions or other obligations where the request is consistent with the decision of the arbitrator , unless the DSB decides by consensus to reject the request .

  14. 中方愿同东盟国家继续全面有效落实《宣言》,并在协商一致基础上,积极稳妥推进南海行为准则(COC)磋商。

    China will continue to work with ASEAN countries to fully and effectively implement the DOC and will work for positive and steady progress in the consultations on a code of conduct in the South China Sea ( COC ) on the basis of consensus building .

  15. 当事人协商一致,可以解除合同。

    48.The parties may dissolve the contract upon consensus through consultation .

  16. 完善大国协商一致原则。

    It needs to improve the principle of consensus of the powers .

  17. 博世因以协商一致为推动力而著称,但同时也是一家伟大的创新型企业。

    Bosch is renowned as consensus-driven but also as a great innovator .

  18. 国际标准化团体制定的标准是建立在协商一致基础之上的。

    Standards prepared by the international standardization community are based on consensus .

  19. 为终结某种事物而进行的协商一致的运动。

    A concerted campaign to end something that is injurious .

  20. 本协定还涵盖不是建立在协商一致基础之上的文件。

    This Agreement covers also documents that are not based on consensus .

  21. 订立劳动合同应坚持两个原则:平等自愿、协商一致的原则和合法原则。

    There are two principles in this : the equality and legislation .

  22. 经双方协商一致的,可以解除或续订劳动合同。

    Both parties may rescind or renew the contract via mutual consultation .

  23. 委员会的所有决定均经协商一致做出。

    The Committee will make all its decisions by consensus .

  24. 在施工期间对合同约定的工程内容如需变更,双方应协商一致。

    Changes to the contracted construction content shall be approved by two parties'consensus .

  25. 在生物技术领域建立工业协商一致意见会议

    Meeting for Industrial Consensus-Building in the Field of Biotechnology

  26. 经甲乙双方协商一致,可以解除本合同。

    The Agreement can be terminated if both Part A and Part B agree .

  27. 的唯一协商一致的观点是,有一个大规模的缺乏信心。

    The only consensus viewpoint is that there was a large-scale lack of confidence .

  28. 经劳动合同当事人协商一致,劳动合同可以解除。

    A labour contract may be dissolved upon agreement of parties concerned through consultation .

  29. 为终结诉讼,他们各自让步,协商一致,达成协议。

    10.To end the lawsuit , they reached an agreement resolving differences by mutual concessions .

  30. 指导思想和主要目标协商一致的指导原则

    Guidelines and primary objectives philosophy of consensus