
  1. 无论我们如何悉心地设计Web服务,都将出现需要对接口进行变更的情况。

    No matter how carefully we design our Web services , there will be situations where the interface needs to change .

  2. 企业可能认定,对RAM中的资产描述进行变更

    An enterprise may determine that a change to an asset description in RAM would

  3. 基于soa的企业体系结构的方法使得在对企业it基础架构进行变更时,相关的移植风险更小。

    The phased approach to the SOA-based enterprise architecture allows for easier mitigation of risk associated with changes to an enterprise it infrastructure .

  4. 尽管EUP可能在RUP的未来实现方面进行变更。

    Although EUP may change in relation to future implementations of RUP .

  5. Bill决定他想要对SimpleTest类进行变更。

    Bill decides he would like to make a change to the SimpleTest class .

  6. 然后,MDD工具负责将每个文档中该事实的所有实例进行变更。

    Then , the MDD tool takes care of changing all instance of that fact in every document .

  7. 绑定vars允许在线程本地范围内对事物进行变更。

    Binding vars simply allows you to change things in a thread local scope .

  8. 但我怀疑Oracle与Google之间的诉讼只要不结束,那么Oracle就会随意对其资产进行变更,这是因为我怀疑任何行动都会对可能的胜利作出妥协。

    I 'm unconvinced however that Oracle will make any changes of substance so long as the Oracle-Google case is open , simply because I suspect any action compromises their chance of victory .

  9. 您的JSP源代码应给更精悍更清晰,如果您曾需要变更这个地址组,您就只需要在一个位置进行变更。

    Your JSP source would be much shorter and clearer , and if you ever needed to change the address block , you would only need to do it in one place .

  10. 利用XML的易于扩展、与平台无关、交互性好、语义性强、可格式化等优点,进行变更数据信息的封装和解析,实现异构数据库之间的数据同步。

    By way of the advantages of XML , such as the platform-independent , easy extensibility , interactivity , semantic , etc , it can pack and unpack the change track table into document ,, for achieving the heterogeneous databases synchronization . 3 .

  11. 最初,您的工作区中是文件的版本S1您进行变更,创建了文件的版本S2,然后悬挂变更。

    You initially had version S1 of the file in your workspace , you made a change creating version S2 of the file , then suspended the change .

  12. 于是英国将这些问题提交给了CHMP,以期得到欧洲范围内的推荐意见,即现有的授权许可是继续保持还是进行变更。

    The UK therefore referred the matter to the CHMP for adoption of a Europe-wide recommendation whether the existing marketing authorisations should be maintained or changed .

  13. 按照BQ围岩分级方法通过测定岩石单轴饱和抗压强度和岩体完整性系数进行变更围岩级别,显然不能满足隧道快速施工的实时需要。

    In accordance with BQ rock classification method , by measuring the uniaxial compressive strength and integrity parameters change the rock level , obviously it can not meet the real-time need for the rapid construction of the tunnel .

  14. 现在您将准备对您的测试进行变更。

    You are now ready to make changes to your tests .

  15. 上诉人要求对她生活费的命令的条件进行变更。

    The petitioner ask for a variation in her maintenance order .

  16. 您可以在不需要显示地检出或加锁的情况下对文件进行变更。

    Changes are made to files without needing an explicit checkout or lock .

  17. 所以,我们应该取消“金融世界”这个节目或是进行变更吗?

    So . Shall we cancel or change " The Financial World " ?

  18. 对我来说是增量地进行变更似乎是一种常识。

    It has always seemed like common sense to me to make changes incrementally .

  19. 但也规定了例外,允许法院对一些包容性的罪名进行变更。

    However , exceptions have been made for the court to alter comprehensive accusations .

  20. 国际局可以在不予通知的情况下随时对这些资料进行变更。

    The International Bureau may make changes to these materials at any time without notice .

  21. 他负责寄存器落实到位及对机构变更进行变更评估?

    He is responsible for ensuring a register is in place and changes assessed for organisational change .

  22. 随着中等教育改革的不断深化,原有的教育理论课程也应进行变更。

    With the constant promotion of national educational reform , the orginal educational theory course should be reformed .

  23. 您需要在创建这个地址组的每个页面进行变更!

    You would need to make the change on every single page where you created this address block !

  24. 涉及权属调整的要依法和按程序确认调整后的权属,进行变更登记。

    The adjustment of the land right should be confirmed and registered according to the law and the program .

  25. 所以我们只有从制度上来根本约束随意对会计政策进行变更的公司。

    And we can only make a system constraint on the listed companies which change their accounting methods randomly .

  26. 而对许多企业来说,答案非常清楚:进行变更的压力来自各处。

    And for many enterprises , the answer is pretty clear : The pressure to change is coming from everywhere .

  27. 假如服务接口不变化,则基础运营系统可能会在不影响服务使用者的情况下进行变更。

    Providing the service interface doesn 't change , the underlying operational systems may change without affecting the service consumer .

  28. 如果已经加载了类,则类定义会重新打开类以允许我进行变更。

    If the class is already loaded , the class definition reopens the class , allowing me to make changes .

  29. 解决这些问题要求进行变更,而如果组织变更,支持它的IT系统也必须变更。

    Solving these issues requires change , and as the organization changes , so must the IT systems that underpin it .

  30. 如合同一方当事人希望对合同内容进行变更,必须得到协议中所有签字方的同意。

    You have to get the permission of all the signatories to the agreement if you want to change the terms .