
  • 网络illegitimate interests;improper benefits
  1. 泄露委托人的商业秘密或是个人隐私以谋取不正当利益。

    Divulge trade secrets or personal privacy of the client to seek illegitimate interests .

  2. 本案焦点问题是:1.单位行贿罪中为谋取不正当利益的认定。

    Case focus is : 1 . Bribery in the unit " to seek illegitimate interests " identified .

  3. 第二部分,研究不正当利益。

    Part two , the author studies " unfair interests " .

  4. 不正当利益分实体违法利益和程序违法利益;

    The illegal interests can be divided into substantial interests and procedural ones .

  5. 论行贿罪中不正当利益之认定

    The Identification of the Illegitimate Benefits of Bribery

  6. 对请托人给予近亲属或关系密切人财物谋取不正当利益的行为没有定性。

    There is no regulation on behaviors of bribing illegal interest to closely-related people .

  7. 论行贿罪中的为谋取不正当利益

    Study on " to Seek the Unjustified Interests " of the Crime of Bribery

  8. 上市公司通常会利用关联方交易谋取不正当利益。

    By the use of the related party transactions , enterprises seek illegitimate gains more frequently .

  9. 文章第三部分围绕着斡旋受贿犯罪中的为请托人谋取不正当利益这一要件展开分析。

    Part III mainly deals with the crime condition of securing illegitimate benefits for the entrusting person .

  10. 如何界定为他人谋取利益的利益和不正当利益?

    How do we define " benefit " in " making benefits " and " unfair benefit "?

  11. 同时,如果为他人谋取不正当利益,其法定刑又应重于为他人谋取正当利益。

    Meanwhile , if the people seek illegitimate benefits , they will be punished more severe than seeking legitimate benefits .

  12. 剖析了单位犯罪的意识与意志、故意与过失的罪过形式,认为为单位谋取不正当利益不是单位犯罪构成的必备条件;

    It is analyzed the consciousness and purpose of unit crime and the crime form of the intent and blame .

  13. 而不正当利益的界定可以按受贿人、第三人是否违背职务上要求作判断标准。

    The illicit interest should be defined according to the criterion that whether the bribe receiver or the third party violates functionary requests .

  14. 为谋取不正当利益应当是本罪两种行为方式的共同必备要件。

    To the two kinds of behavior methods of this offense ," Figure for malfeasant benefits " is the common element of them .

  15. 共谋是组织中少数人,为了谋取某种不正当利益而采取的一种结盟的活动。

    The collusion is an activity of alliance made by some people in an organization for seeking a certain kind of malfeasant benefit .

  16. 从主观方面来讲,着重阐述了对为请托人谋取不正当利益以及不正当利益的理解。

    From the subjective point , the paper emphatically elaborated understanding of the " forpersons seeking illegitimate interests " and " illegitimate interests " .

  17. 此外,在不正当利益方面,对比新加坡、保加利亚等国的规定,认为我国关于不正当利益的规定范围过窄。

    Besides , on the aspect of illegal interest , Chinese regulations on illegal interest are too narrow compared with those in Singapore and Bulgaria .

  18. 因被勒索给予国家工作人员以财物,没有获得不正当利益的,不是行贿。

    Any person who offers money or property to a State functionary through extortion but gains no illegitimate benefits shall not be regarded as offering bribes .

  19. 其中,对性贿赂应否入罪、贿赂和馈赠的差异、受贿罪的表现形式、不正当利益的界定等方面提出了自己的观点。

    Particularly , the author puts forward his own opinion about the problems such as the sex bribe problem , the difference between bribe and presentation , etc.

  20. 要构成行贿型犯罪,行贿人必须具有谋取不正当利益的主观目的。不正当利益的表现形式具有丰富性和多样性。

    Will be constituted bribery crime , briber must have to seek " unjustified interests " of the subjective purpose , unjustified interests are in diversity form .

  21. 有助于上市公司克服管理者利用会计政策选择实现自己不正当利益的机会主义行为,实现会计政策选择的合法和公允;(3)有助于丰富和发展我国关于会计政策披露的理论。

    It is helpful to the listed companies to overcome the managers ' opportunisms behaviors and to make accounting policy choice " legitimate " and " fair ";

  22. 退休官员,亲戚以及关系密切的朋友如果利用了政府职位获取不正当利益的话也将面临刑事处罚。

    Retired officials , relatives and close friends of officials also face criminal penalties if they take advantage of the official 's position to make improper profits .

  23. 第二十七条医师不得利用职务之便,索取、非法收受患者财物或者牟取其他不正当利益。

    Article Twenty-seven Doctors shall not solicit or illegally accept money or articles from patients or seek other illegitimate gains by taking advantage of one 's position .

  24. 正确界定行贿罪中的不正当利益,关键在于解决不确定利益的性质和归属问题。

    The key to define the illegitimate benefits of offering bribes correctly lies in solving the matter that the nature of uncertain benefits and what they belong to .

  25. 在从事企业年金中介服务过程中,通过收取招投标保证金、管理费分成等手段谋取不正当利益。

    During the process of engaging in enterprise annuity intermediary services , it seeks unfair benefits through collection of bid deposits or sharing of management fees , etc. ; or .

  26. 具有相似形象的权利人应以合理的方式行使自己的真实人物形象权,不能通过混淆形象等手段误导公众,谋取不正当利益。

    The obligee who has similar image should be exercise in a reasonable way and should not mislead the public by confusing image of obligee for the sake of unjust enrichment .

  27. 而在我国,关联方交易的目的不仅仅是为了避税,更多的企业利用关联方交易操纵利润,谋求不正当利益。

    In our country the enterprises conducting the transactions do not only aim to evade taxes , but more of them seek for an illegal interest by controlling profits through these transactions .

  28. 由于刑法对为谋取不正当利益的内涵和性质等没有明确定义,使之成为理论界和实务界争论的焦点。

    Because criminal law has no clear definitions for the connotation and character of " to figure for unfair interests ", causes it to become the bone of contention in theory and practice .

  29. 受贿罪中的不正当利益应当包括违反法律、法规、国家政策和国务院各部门规章规定的利益和通过行贿手段获得的不确定的、竞争性的利益;

    The term unjust enrichment should include the interests against laws , regulations , government policies and other regulations made by the State Council and the incorrect and competitive interests obtained through accepting bribes .

  30. 不得通过贿赂、走私等非法活动谋取不正当利益,不得侵犯他人的商标、专利和著作权等知识产权,不得从事不正当竞争行为。

    The companies shall neither obtain improper benefits through illegal bribery and smuggling activities , nor infringe the intellectual properties of the trademarks , patents and copyrights of others , nor carry out unfair competitions .