
bù shòu lǐ
  • not entertained;reject a complaint
不受理[bù shòu lǐ]
  1. 辩护律师希望区法官不受理那个案子。

    The defense wants the district Judge to throw out the case .

  2. 据NPR新闻的妮娜·托滕伯格报道,最高法院决定不受理三家联邦上诉法院就推翻州同性婚姻禁令做出的决定。

    NPR 's Nina Totenberg reports the court left in place 3 federal appeal court decisions that struck down state ban on gay marriage .

  3. COMAP拥有对所有规则和制度的解释权,有权不受理任何不符合要求的参赛申请。

    COMAP is the final arbiter of all rules and policies , and may disqualify or refuse to register any team that , in its sole discretion , does not follow these contest regulations and procedures .

  4. 我们恐怕不受理早餐的预约。

    I 'm afraid we do not take reservations for breakfast .

  5. 若课程已开始,将不受理任何退款。

    After the course commence , no refund will be entertained .

  6. 你是说你们不受理个人支票?

    B : You mean you don 't handle personal checks ?

  7. 法官因缺乏证据而拒不受理这宗案件。

    The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence .

  8. 考试当天,考场不受理姓名的更改。

    Name changes are not allowed at the test site .

  9. 幸运的是,我们部门不受理投诉。

    Luckily , complaints don 't come under our department .

  10. 逾期报名、传真或电邮报名,恕不受理。

    Late entry , application by fax or email will not be accepted .

  11. 请注意,截止日期以后收到的申请概不受理。

    NB any applications received after the closing date will not be accepted .

  12. 保险公司不受理任何因为地势不利而受损的财产。

    Insurance companies will not insure any property that is at a dangerous elevation .

  13. 法官驳回对史密斯的控诉,而说“本案不受理!”

    The judge dismissed all the charges against smith , saying " case dismissed !"

  14. 游戏中爆粗不过没有当前时间,不受理。

    The game but without the current time blasting thick , not be entertained .

  15. 参与人士的配偶或子女如拟以团聚理由申请来港,概不受理。

    Entry applications from dependent spouse children to join the participants will not be considered .

  16. 前项不受理之书面通知,应叙明理由。

    The notification in the preceding paragraph shall explain the reason of its rejection in writing .

  17. 委员会不受理个人信函咨询,而是在它的简报上探讨问题。

    The committee does not deal with individual correspondence , but rather discusses issues in its newsletter .

  18. 另外,根据该法的“自动冻结”规定,负债人还可以受保护不受理其他任何的法律控诉。

    Debtors are also protected from other litigation against the business through the imposition of an automatic stay .

  19. 但是,我方不受理属于承运人及保险人责任的任何索赔。

    However , claim which fall within the responsibility of shipping company and underwriter shall not is entertain .

  20. 雇主一经对是否提出退还长期服务金/遣散费之申索作出声明,其后任何更改恕不受理。

    Once the employer has declared his option on the LSP / SP reimbursement , any subsequent amendment will not be accepted .

  21. 要是覆核要求在一周后才提出或者没有附上书面说明的话,那么覆核将不受理。

    If the re-grade request is made after one week or without an accompanying written explanation , no re-grade will be given .

  22. 质地、重量、尺寸、花型、颜色均允许合理差异,对合理范围内差异题吃的索赔,概不受理。

    Reasonable tolerance in quality , weight , measurements , designs and colors is allowed , for which no claims will be entertained .

  23. 除非是遇到非常特殊的情况(需事先和我讨论),一旦过了报告预定的缴交日期即不受理。

    Therefore , except in very special circumstances ( arranged with me ), response papers will not be accepted after the assigned date .

  24. 论文最后了一个有关法院不受理有关资源管理环境公益诉讼的案例,并对案例进行分析。

    At last , this paper quotes a relevant case court not be accepted by the court , and then analyzes the case .

  25. 原则上不受理公费预科生,本科生、硕士研究生和普通进修生单住申请。

    Principally no application from full scholarship pre-student , bachelor candidates , master candidates and visiting students to take one-bed room will be accepted .

  26. 所有这些和变性有关的治疗,包括变性手术和乳房填充术,帕吉特女士的医疗保险公司几乎都不受理。

    Almost nothing related to Ms. Padgett 's gender transition was covered by her health insurance company , including her gender reassignment surgery and breast implants .

  27. 未依法说明不受理行政许可申请或者不予行政许可的理由的;

    Failing to explain why an application for the administrative license is rejected , or why the administrative license is disapproved in accordance with the law ;

  28. 北京奥组委不受理持票人放弃观看或因个人原因无法观看该场次而提出的退票申请。

    BOCOG will not accept any applications for refund in which the non-attendance is due to the ticket holder 's waiver or any other personal reasons .

  29. 并自发现上市公司存在违反本《通知》规定行为起12个月内不受理其再融资申请。

    And shall , within 12 months as of finding the listed company 's violation of the present Notice , refuse to accept its application for further financing .

  30. 海事法院管辖第一审海事案件和海商案件,不受理刑事案件和其他民事案件。

    The maritime courts shall have jurisdiction over maritime cases and maritime trade cases of first instance ; they shall not handle criminal cases or other civil cases .