
  • 网络Microsoft Research Asia;MSRA;MSR Asia;msra.cn
  1. 这也是我为什么来到微软亚洲研究院工作的原因。

    That is why I work at Microsoft Research Asia .

  2. 张亚勤博士是微软亚洲研究院的创始人之一,并曾经担任的院长及首席科学家。

    Zhang is one of the founding members of the Microsoft Research Asia lab , where he served as managing director and chief scientist .

  3. 首先由赵进师兄以自己的亲身经历向我们介绍他在微软亚洲研究院作实习生的生活。

    First , Zhao Jin introduced his exercitation life in Microsoft Asia academe .

  4. 当各大新闻媒体还在报道“比尔盖茨进京后行踪神秘”的时候,比尔昨天在微软亚洲研究院出现了。

    While the news medias reported Bill Gate went to Beijing and didn 't leave any whereabouts , Bill appeared in MSRA yesterday .

  5. 微软亚洲研究院负责搜索的一名技术专家说:75%的内容通用搜索引擎搜索不出来,仅仅能够获取互联网中的一小部分信息。

    A technical expert of Microsoft Research Asia responsible for the search said , " The general search engine does not come out 75 % of the contents " .

  6. 马毅是微软亚洲研究院视觉计算组的主任研究员。他的研究兴趣在于视觉认知背后的数学原理以及对视觉数据的理解。

    Ma , research manager of the Visual Computing Group at Microsoft Research Asia , is interested in the mathematical principles behind the processing and understanding of visual data .

  7. 随后,曾在微软亚洲研究院从事搜索和数据挖掘研究工作的陈传亮通过统计分析,将粉丝中的那些无效帐号全部屏蔽掉。

    Chen , who used to do search and data mining for Microsoft Asia Research Institute , then ran a statistical analysis and screened all the null accounts among his fans .

  8. 由于事先的大力宣传和微软亚洲研究院的巨大影响,还没有到讲座时间,我校的逸夫科学馆报告厅就已经座无虚席、满为患了。

    Because of an advanced promotion and the great effect made by Microsoft Research asia , the hall of Yifu scientific center was full of people ahead of the fixed time .

  9. 在微软亚洲研究院,从经理到员工,从访客到实习生,我每天都被许许多多优秀的人围绕着,和他们一起工作让我感到无尚快乐。

    At Microsoft Research Asia , I am surrounded by exceptional people every day , from managers and employees to visitors and interns , and working with them is always a pleasure .

  10. 报告会上,微软亚洲研究院的李明镜博士还给在场的师生演示了公司研制的最新三款产品:学术搜索、微软对联和水墨动画。

    At the meeting , Dr Li Mingjing from the Microsoft Research Asia gives a show on three latest products : academics search , micro couplet and wash cartoon to students and teachers present .

  11. 5月22日,微软亚洲研究院常务副院长周明在于北京举行的2017全球人工智能技术大会上发表的主旨演讲中这样说道。

    Zhou Ming , standing deputy dean of Microsoft Research Asia , made the statement in his keynote speech at the 2017 Global Artificial Intelligence Technology Conference , held in Beijing on May 22 .

  12. 为了能够取得中-英翻译的里程碑式突破,来自微软亚洲研究院和雷德蒙研究院的三个研究组,进行了跨越中美时区、跨越研究领域的联合创新。

    In order to be able to obtain a landmark breakthrough in Chinese-English translation , three research groups from the Microsoft Asian Research Institute and the Redmond Research Institute conducted joint innovation across the region and across the area of research .

  13. 由微软亚洲研究院与雷德蒙研究院的研究人员组成的团队近日宣布,其研发的机器翻译系统在通用新闻报道的中译英测试中,达到了人类专业译者水平。

    A team of researchers from the Microsoft Research Asia and Research Redmond announced that , when reporting and translating general news between Chinese and English , its R & D machine translation system has reached the level of human professional translators .

  14. 加入谷歌之前,他是一个公司副总裁负责先进的自然语言和用户界面技术在微软的创始人,是微软亚洲研究院。

    Prior to joining Google , he was a corporate vice president responsible for advanced natural language and user interface technologies at Microsoft and was the founder of Microsoft Research Asia .

  15. 尽管和微软总部相距尚远,但是微软亚洲研究院在建构方面已经非常成功,并且影响着微软产品群的发展。

    Microsoft Research Asia has been quite successful in building things and having impact on Microsoft product groups , despite its distance from Redmond .

  16. 一些微软总部的研究人员也将在微软亚洲研究院利用更长的时间,更深入地了解那里的项目流程。

    Some of the Redmond researchers are going to spend extended periods of time at Microsoft Research Asia to learn more about projects there .

  17. 南京理工大学微软技术俱乐部首届平面设计大赛闪亮启动!本次大赛由微软技术俱乐部举办,并得到微软亚洲研究院的鼎力支持。

    The first Ichnography Design Competition in South China University of Technology initiated by MS club and sponsored by Microsoft Research Asia debuted stately .