
bù xiǔ
  • immortal;eternity;enduring;live
不朽 [bù xiǔ]
  • [immortal;enduring] 永不磨灭

  • 不朽的功勋

  • [live] 存在于人类的记忆或记载中

  • 人类愿望通过他的行动而不朽,这是建立金字塔的特征

不朽[bù xiǔ]
  1. 剧本中有一句不朽的名言。

    The play contained one immortal line .

  2. 不朽者是我在新P族兵器谱中的最爱之一。

    The Immortal turned out to be one of my favorite units in the new Protoss arsenal .

  3. 这些录音是展现他钢琴家才华的不朽之作。

    These recordings are a monument to his talent as a pianist .

  4. 火焰可以算作不朽的宗教象征。

    The flame is a quasi-religious emblem of immortality .

  5. 周总理的光辉业绩在中国人民心中立下了不朽的丰碑。

    Premier Zhou 's illustrious deeds are an everlasting monument in the hearts of the Chinese people .

  6. 它们亘古不变,不可摧毁,所以是永存不朽的。

    They are imperishable and indestructible and thus eternal .

  7. 是萨拉·约瑟夫·赫尔写了“玛丽有一只小羊羔”吗?这首不朽的儿歌讲述了一个名叫玛丽的小姑娘和一头顽固的小羊羔的故事。

    Did Sarah Josepha Hale write " Mary 's Little Lamb , " the eternal nursery rhymeabout girl named Mary with a stubborn lamb ?

  8. 永恒不朽的飞龙支撑着寓意着生命的淡紫色多面水晶。

    The dragon of eternity sustains the faceted heliotrope crystal of life .

  9. 伟大思想古今有,载入书中成不朽

    In books , are embalmed the greatest thoughts of all ages .

  10. 如好奇的群星下的一棵树那样不朽。

    Enduring like a tree under the curious stars .

  11. 它打扰你一小时,偿还给你的却是不朽的生命。

    It troubles you for an hour , it repays you by immortality .

  12. 罗马一向被称为不朽之城。

    Rome has been called the Eternal City .

  13. 游戏开发者可以踩在盛大的肩膀上,共同造就世界级的不朽之作。

    Game developer can walk on royal shoulder , bring up class jointly make immortally .

  14. 一本好书是一位鸿儒的宝贵心血,是立意奉献给子孙后代的不朽珍宝。

    A good book is the precious life-blood of a master spirit , embalmed and treasured up on purpose to a life beyond life .

  15. 这种方式的优势是您可以编写标准Java代码,每个new操作都将在不朽内存中创建一个对象。

    The advantage of this approach is that you can write standard Java code and every new operation will create an object in immortal memory .

  16. 不朽内存泄漏是RTJava应用程序中的常见错误源头。

    Immortal memory leaks are a common source of errors in RT Java applications .

  17. n.锻�adj.不朽的;永远的;长久的他给后世留下了不朽的典范。

    immortal : He left behind an immortal example to all posterity .

  18. 它与Java堆和不朽或作用域内存分离,但无法容纳对象&仅能容纳原始值或对象引用。

    It is separate from the Java heap and immortal or scoped memory but cannot hold objects & only primitive values or object references .

  19. 多才多艺的人通过自己内心死亡和再生的持续过程将对不朽的渴望藏在心底(亨利S.雷斯尼克)

    Protean man internalizes the longing for immortality through an ongoing process of death and rebirth within himself ( Henry S.Resnik )

  20. v.使不朽纪念碑的建造使民族英雄永垂不朽。

    perpetuate This monument was built to perpetuate the memory of the national hero .

  21. 利奥·达姆罗施(LeoDamrosch),《不朽的日出:威廉·布莱克的虚构世界》(Eternity’sSunrise:TheImaginativeWorldofWilliamBlake,耶鲁大学出版社[YaleUniversityPress])

    Leo Damrosch , " Eternity 's Sunrise : The Imaginative World of William Blake " ( Yale University Press )

  22. 为了支持那些不能容忍被GC打断的任务,RTSJ定义了不朽(immortal)和作用域(scoped)内存区域,以补充标准的Java堆。

    To support tasks that cannot tolerate GC interruptions , the RTSJ defines immortal and scoped memory areas to supplement the standard Java heap .

  23. NHRT必须使用作用域或不朽存储器创建其对象。

    NHRTs must create their objects using scoped or immortal memory .

  24. 被《卫报》称为卡夫卡最好的书之一,这本小说详细描述了无名主人公(K)同云雾缭绕的城堡展开的不朽的斗争,体现了不灭的人文精神。

    Hailed as one of the best books of Kafka by the Guardian , this novel details the unquenchable human spirit of the unnamed protagonist ( K ) in his monumental struggle against the mist-enveloped Castle .

  25. 为了支持无法容忍标准垃圾收集器导致延迟的RT系统,RTSJ定义了不朽和作用域存储区,补充了标准Java堆。

    To support RT systems that can 't tolerate delays resulting from a standard garbage collector , the RTSJ defines immortal and scoped memory areas to supplement the standard Java heap .

  26. 为确保堆和不朽内存区域的完整性,RTSJ定义了使用作用域内存的规则。

    To ensure the integrity of the heap and the immortal memory area , the RTSJ defines rules for using scoped memory .

  27. 当Lexie奄奄一息的是时候,Mark不断重复着对她不朽的爱,告诉她自己所做的有关他们的将来的梦。

    As Lexie neared her tragic death , Sloan repeating his undying love to her , telling her about the picket-fenced dream he had for their future .

  28. 杜德纳博士是加州大学伯克利分校的生物化学家。3年前,她帮助完成了生物学界堪称不朽的一项发现:用一种比较简单的方法来改变任何生物体的DNA,犹如电脑使用者可以在文档中编辑一个单词一样。

    Three years ago , Dr. Doudna , a biochemist at the University of California , Berkeley , helped make one of the most monumental discoveries in biology : a relatively easy way to alter any organism 's DNA , just as a computer user can edit a word in a document .

  29. 罗斯特走在了用广播和写作不朽的大罗斯的前面;走在了妻子、作家MaureenOrth的前面;

    Russert is survived by Big Russ , whom he immortalized through his writing and broadcasts , and by his wife , writer Maureen Orth .

  30. 例如,每个生产线轮询线程都将在不朽内存中启动,查询ProductionLine之前,要为其预先创建一个作用域。

    For our example , each production line polling thread will be started in immortal memory and have a scope created up front that 's entered each time before querying the ProductionLine .