
  • 网络National Assembly;National Conference;National Convention;constituent assembly
  1. 要使国民会议在最短期间实现,就要促。

    If we want the national assembly to come into being in the shortest possible time , then we have to " urge " it .

  2. 但孙先生在逝世前的《北上宣言》里,就没有讲三个时期了,那里讲到中国要立即召开国民会议。

    But in his " Statement on My Departure for the North " issued shortly before his death , he no longer spoke of three stages , but said instead that a national assembly must be convened immediately .

  3. 论1931年国民会议代表的选举与产生

    On National Conference Representative 's Election and Have in 1931

  4. 这次讲话发生在1896年芝加哥民主国民会议上。

    It took place at the eighteen ninety-six Democratic National Convention in Chicago .

  5. 从国民会议到国民参政会&职业代表制的持续与变化

    From National Congress to National Political Council & Persistence and Change of Professional Representative System

  6. 关于国民会议运动的几点看法

    On Ideas upon National Congress Movement

  7. 国民会议思想评析

    On the Thoughts of National Congress

  8. 通过比较,力求对社会各界关于这两个时期国民会议的主张有更深刻的把握。

    By comparing to the community on the idea of the National Congress have a more profound grasp .

  9. 分别考察了约法会议、立法院、国民会议、国民代表会议议员选举制度的产生、主要内容及其运行情况,并对上述选举制度的内容进行了评价。

    This dissertation inspects electoral system 's emerging , basic content and operation of them It also appraises the content of those systems .

  10. 这个政权应该以无产阶级为领导阶级,采用国民会议制的政体形式;

    As being the first step into socialism , it would be led by the class of proletarians in the form of " nation parliament " .

  11. 自辛亥革命后的南北和谈中提出国民会议口号后,通过召集国民会议来解决政治问题的思路被继承下来,其后一度被提及。

    After the 1911 revolution since the National Congress of premature forward slogans . To solve problems with National Congress of political thought is inherited , once was mentioned .

  12. 由于社会形势的变化,社会各界在这两个时期国民会议对的主张既有比较一致的地方,又有不一致的地方。

    As a result of changes in social situation , all sectors of society to two periods of National Congress is consistent with both the claim , and have not agreed .

  13. 1924-1925年间,孙中山主张通过召集国民会议来实现国家的和平与统一,在社会上掀起了一场声势浩大的国民会议运动。

    Between the years of 1924 & 1925 , Sun yat-sen advocated National Congress to realize national peace and unity , in the society raises a fifteen-day National Congress of the sport .

  14. 阿拉伯国民帐户会议

    Arab Conference on National Accounts

  15. 粮食和营养调查促进国民发展国际会议

    International Conference on Food and Nutritional Surveillance for National Development

  16. 阿拉伯国家国民核算专家会议

    Expert Meeting on National Accounts in the Arab States

  17. 欧洲统计人员关于国民核算体系会议工作队

    Working Group of the Conference of European Statisticians on the System of National Accounts

  18. 在民怨沸腾,社会不稳的情况下,南京国民政府多次召开会议,制定相关法令,试图改变这种局面。

    At popular discontent and social instability , the Nanjing Nationalist Government convened several meetings , formulate relevant laws , trying to change this situation .

  19. 汪精卫扩大会议派和南京国民政府先后主张召集国民会议,社会各界又一次掀起关于国民会议的讨论。

    Wang ching-wei and enlarged meeting of the nanjing national government has advocated called the National Congress , and another social circles about National Congress of the discussion .