
  • 网络International Strategy;internationalization strategy
  1. 日本的K.日本综合商社的国际战略学解析

    Study results given by K. International Strategy 's Analysis of the Japanese Sogo Shosha

  2. 美国文化产业已经成为美国国际战略中重要的软权力;美国一直把WTO当成输出美国价值的工具;

    American cultural industry has actually become an important force in implementing American international strategy which always regards the WTO as a tool for exporting American values .

  3. 第三部分:通过SWOT分析、波特国际战略模型分析、SPACE模型分析,提出HT公司应该实行全球成本领先战略。

    Thirdly the discourse use the SWOT matrix , Porter 's international matrix and SPACE matrix , and point out that the HT should use a global Cost lead strategic .

  4. NigelInkster是英国国际战略研究所的主任。

    Nigel Inkster is a director at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in Britain .

  5. “spc将成为实施本公司国际战略的新平台,并将提供一个更宽广的发展基础和更稳定的发展道路,”中石油在一份声明中表示。

    " SPC will become a new platform for the implementation of our international strategy and will provide a broader foundation and stable path for development , " PetroChina said in a statement .

  6. 对外直接投资(ODI)已经成为中国主动参与经济全球化,获取国际战略资源和在更高层次上实施对外开放战略的主要形式之一。

    ODI has become the important means of China to active economic globalization , to access international strategic resources and implement the strategy of Opening-up .

  7. “中国人可能将南海部分地区,视为其未来弹道导弹潜艇潜在的防御阵地,”国际战略研究所的蒂姆赫胥黎(timhuxley)表示。

    " The Chinese may see parts of the South China Sea as the potential redoubt for their future ballistic missile-carrying submarines , " said Tim Huxley of the International Institute for strategic studies .

  8. 英国退休准将,现于国际战略研究所的BenBarry,说叙利亚政府在失去其化学武器后,有可能会更多地使用其他军备。

    Retired British Brigadier Ben Barry , now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies , says with the loss of its chemical weapons , the Syrian government is likely to make more extensive use of its other military assets .

  9. 试论中国国际战略理念的转型

    On the Transformation of the Idea of China 's International Strategy

  10. 国际战略环境决定着国际战略选择,国际战略选择反作用于国际战略环境。

    International strategy choice is a reflection of international strategy environment .

  11. 我国企业参与国际战略联盟的策略探讨

    Tactics for Chinese Enterprises to Join in the International Strategic Alliances

  12. 论中国和平崛起的国际战略新思想

    On the New International Strategic Thinking of the Peaceful Rise of China

  13. 国际战略态势对中国更为有利。

    The international strategic posture was more favorable to China .

  14. 从国际战略角度来看,台湾具有重要的国际战略地位。

    Taiwan plays an important role from the point of international strategies .

  15. 引入国际战略投资者,改变目前国有独资的格局。

    Inducting international strategic investor , changing present ownership only by SASAC .

  16. 国际战略联盟类型选择的演化博弈分析

    Evolutionary Game Analysis on Type Selection of International Strategic Alliance

  17. 太空是国际战略竞争制高点。

    Outer space has become a commanding height in international strategic competition .

  18. 中国企业国际战略联盟合作伙伴选择动机与标准研究

    Motivation and Partner Selection Criteria in International Strategic Alliances of Chinese Firms

  19. 国际战略石油储备体系比较与中国的石油储备

    Comparison of International Strategic Oil Reserves System and Oil Reserves in China

  20. 环境问题:中国国际战略的新课题

    Environment : A New Issue in China 's International Strategy

  21. 中国和平崛起的国际战略框架

    Peaceful Rise : A Framework for China 's International Strategy

  22. 中印能源安全国际战略比较研究

    Comparative Study of China and India Energy Security Internationalization Strategy

  23. 跨国公司国际战略联盟的动因研究

    The Study About the Drivers of International Strategy Alliance Formation Between the MNC

  24. 基于进化博弈分析的跨国国际战略联盟构建研究

    A Study on Construction of International Strategic Alliance Based on Evolutionary Game Analysis

  25. 关于中国涉台国际战略的思考

    Thinking on China 's International Strategy Concerning Taiwan Question

  26. 当前国际战略形势评估与中国对外工作展望

    Assessment of Current International Strategic Situations And Prospects for China 's Foreign Work

  27. 对国际战略结构未来发展变化的论述。

    Discuss the future change of the stratagem structure .

  28. 民航企业引进国际战略投资者问题

    Thoughts of Civil Aviation Corporations Introducing International Strategic Investment

  29. 世纪之交国际战略态势

    International Strategic Trends at the Turn of Century

  30. 当前国际战略形势分析

    The Analysis of International Strategical Situation at Present