
ɡuó jì hé zuò
  • international cooperation;cooperation among nations
  1. 可持续发展原则的落实离不开环境影响评价制度、清洁生产制度、国际合作等相关制度作用的发挥。

    The implementation of sustainable development principle needs environmental impact assessment system , clean production system , cooperation among nations and other systems .

  2. 我们加强自身市场推进的同时,积极寻求国际合作,现已分别在美国、日本、泰国等建立了代理销售体系;

    We reinforce pushing forward in our own marketplace , simultaneously , pursuing cooperation among nations actively , and by now , we have set up agent selling system in USA , Japan , Thailand and so on .

  3. 她的被捕是国际合作的成果。

    Her arrest was a triumph of international cooperation .

  4. 总统说日本现在是盟友和国际合作伙伴。

    The president said that Japan is now a friend and international partner .

  5. 冷战的结束带来了建立一个以国际合作为基础的世界新秩序的希望。

    The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation

  6. 两国希望面向所有国际合作开放国际月球科研站,加强科学研究交流,推进全人类和平探索利用太空。

    Both nations want to open the station to international cooperation so it can serve as a platform to boost scientific exchanges and foster peaceful exploration and development of outer space .

  7. 完善核安全政策举措,发展现代化和低风险的核能技术,坚持核材料供需平衡,加强防扩散出口控制,深化打击核恐怖主义的国际合作,是消除核安全隐患和核扩散风险的直接和有效途径。

    To effectively eliminate risks of nuclear security and nuclear proliferation , the international community should improve relevant policies and measures , and develop modern , low-risk nuclear energy technologies , maintain balanced supply and demand of nuclear materials , strengthen non-proliferation efforts , and promote international cooperation against nuclear terrorism .

  8. 析工程建设国际合作中的BOT方式

    An Analysis into BOT Mode of International Cooperation in Construction Projects

  9. 正是在这种基础性作用之上,我们才能够讨论QDII监管制度的国际合作问题。

    Are the basic role above , we could talk about international cooperation of QDII .

  10. PAMS-Ⅰ(PneumaticsAutomationManufacturingSystem-Ⅰ,气动自动化制造系统-Ⅰ)是一个国际合作研制的自动化气动控制系统,该系统由加工、装配、包装,标贴和成品存取等子系统组成。

    PAMS-I ( Pneumatics Automation Manufacturing System-I ) is an international cooperative project that develops automated pneumatic control system . This system is made up of several subsystems including processing , assembling , packing , labeling and end-product accessing .

  11. 此外,要加强国际合作,实现天然气进口多元化,做到PNG与LNG进口的合理布局、匹配。

    Furthermore , the plan of importing LNG and PNG will be reasonable and fit each other in many ways to import more gas in concerted efforts by cooperation with other countries .

  12. 其中清洁发展机制(CDM)的国际合作就是发展中国家的新能源企业可以利用获得发达国家的资金和先进技术的支持,减少二氧化碳排量的排放。

    The Clean Development Mechanism ( CDM ) is one of the international cooperation , a new energy enterprise in developed countries can get the support of funds and advanced technology from developed countries to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide emissions .

  13. 通过积极参与联合项目、双边和多边方案,粮农组织代表进一步致力于解决新兴问题以及通过国际合作帮助中国应对包括季节性干旱在内的突发事件,实现千年发展目标(MDGs)和人类发展。

    By active participation in joint programs , bilateral and multi-lateral initiatives , FAOR has further contributed to the One UN efforts and international synergy in assisting China with Millennium Development Goals ( MDGs ) and human development . Responding to the latest emergencies including the seasonal droughts .

  14. 俄远东铁路货物运输及其国际合作

    The Russian Far East Railway Freight Transportation and its international cooperation

  15. 通过构筑国际合作体系来实现消费者利益。

    Realize consumers interests by constructing a system of international cooperation .

  16. 国际合作在生态省建设中的主要形式及意义

    Main Modalities and Significance of International Cooperation During Ecological Province Construction

  17. 加强石油与天然气领域的国际合作;

    Strengthening international collaboration in the realm of oil and gas ;

  18. 国际合作教育已经成为不以人的意志为转移的世界潮流。

    International cooperation in education has become an unchangeable world trend .

  19. 本次会议对加强国际合作起了重要作用。

    The conference played an important role for promoting the international collaboration .

  20. 中国国防科技工业国际合作之路

    International cooperation of Chinese science , technology and industry for national defense

  21. 主权财富基金监管国际合作的法律问题初探

    Legal Issues of International Supervision Cooperation on Sovereign Wealth Funds

  22. 摘要国际合作理论研究发轫于美国。

    Americans began the research of the theories of international cooperation firstly .

  23. 它能够增进国际合作和对该国的友好。

    It can promote international cooperation and good will toward this country .

  24. 积极开展多边外交,推进国际合作。

    Vigorously conducting multilateral diplomacy for closer international cooperation .

  25. 当代海洋科学研究的国际化和国际合作

    Internationalization and international cooperation on modern ocean science study

  26. 图们江流域的区域国际合作开发模式

    The regional development model on international cooperation and development in Tumen River area

  27. 加强国际合作发展中国船舶工业

    Strengthening International Cooperation and Developing China 's Shipbuilding Industry

  28. 复方蒿甲醚国际合作的回顾与思考

    Review and Consideration of International Cooperation in Compound Artemether

  29. 教育国际化的趋势要求我们必须广开国际合作的途径。

    The tendency of education internationalization requests us to develop international approach widely .

  30. 中国国际合作理论的成果与不足

    International Cooperation Theories in China : Achievements and Shortage