
  • 网络Decimal conversion;The Moronic Cowmpouter;number base conversion
  1. 十进制与任意进制转换的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Conversion Between Decimal Representation and N - scale Notation

  2. 将十六进制转换成二进制,二进制转换成十进制,等等。

    Binary to decimal converter Convert hex to bin , bin to dec and more .

  3. 数据的输入输出、存储显示乃至运算都需要进行反复的进制转换。

    Data input , output , storage display and even operation are need repeated binary conversion .

  4. 利用16进制转换工具自动生成可以用来帮助二级引导装载程序引导代码的引导表。

    The boot table which will be necessary for booting code could be generated automatically by hex conversion .

  5. 针对基于区间划分的数值型关联规则分析方法存在的问题,提出了一种基于进制转换的分析方法。

    Aiming at the issues on the method of quantitative association rule mining based on section partition , this paper introduces a method based on decimal-binary conversion .

  6. 通过将十六进制值转换为十进制值来对dsirr进行解码。

    Decoding the dsirr is done by converting the hexadecimal value to decimal .

  7. 浅析进制的转换

    On the Converting Scales

  8. PC机上可通过串口测试程序显示出采集数据的十六进制A/D转换结果。

    The host PC can display the A / D results of the data through the serial test program .

  9. 计算机中进制之间的快速转换方法

    A Simple and Fast Method in Conversion of Number Systems

  10. 该系统利用了高精度A/D转换器、自动量程转换技术、自校准技术及电参量算法,还使用了进制数间的转换及数的计算算法。

    This system has used high accuracy A / D switch , the automatic measuring range transform , the self-adjusting technology , the electricity parameter algorithm . In order to compute conveniently , this system has also used the massive transformation of scale numbers and computation algorithm of numbers .