
  • 网络Coordination Theory;Theoryofharmoniza tion;adjustablism;the harmonization of law theory
  1. 协调论与现代行政法的理论基础

    Theoretical Basis of Coordination Theory and Modern Administrative Law

  2. 社会主义的利益协调论

    On the Coordination of Benefits in Socialist Society

  3. 当前,人地关系的协调论已成为全球共识。

    Presently , coordination principle of human-environment relations has become the global mutual recognition .

  4. 浅谈生态平衡与生态协调论图书馆协调

    Discussions on coordination or equilibrium of ecological relationship

  5. 区域控制原则以生态系统运行规律、可持续发展思想和协调论为三大基本理论支柱。

    Regional control is based theoretically on ecological law and the thought of sustainable development .

  6. 金融系统协调论

    The Coordination Theory of the Financial System

  7. 坚持协调论的环境观

    Uphold Environmental Outlook of Harmonious Theory

  8. 协调论模式无疑给心理学发展提供一个新的视角和切入点。

    Undoubtedly ," Concert theories " offers a new angle and cut-in point to psychology development .

  9. 浅谈总包单位的施工协调论建筑工程总承包企业的管理

    Discussion on construction coordination of general contracting unit ON MANAGEMENT OF GENERAL CONTRACTING ENTERPRISE OF CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING

  10. 协调论认为,协调力大的理论具有更大的真理性。

    The coordination theory upholds that theories with more coordination force are likely to bear more truth .

  11. 科学知识社会学将会走向何方?本文最后用协调论作为解决方法,为科学知识社会学找到一条可能的出路。

    At last , the tendency and outlet of sociology of scientific knowledge is pointed out in this paper .

  12. 在协调论的基础上建构更加开放的心理学理论评价体系是可能的。

    It 's feasible for us to establish more opening theoretic evaluating system on the basis of " Concert theories " .

  13. 军队后勤领导综合协调论不同军兵种官兵对初级军官胜任特征的评价

    COMPREHENSIVE COORDINATING CAPACITY OF MILITARY LOGISTIC COMMANDERS Evaluation of competency in low-ranking commanders in different armed services and arms of services

  14. 社会分层理论有三种主要模式,即功能主义理论、冲突主义理论、协调论。

    There are three kinds of main pattern theory of the social stratification : functionalism theory , conflict theory and coordination theory .

  15. 并以协调论和可持续发展理论为指导,阐明了优化研究区人地系统和协调研究区人地关系的合理途径。

    Last , the paper finds ways to improving human-environment systems or relations , based on theories of coordinated and sustainable development .

  16. 本文以整体哲学与混沌理论对可持续发展进行了全新的阐释,试图以协调论与平衡论建立地球系统的可持续发展模型。

    The development model of the earth system has been established on coordination and balance . This theory is greatly instructive and applicable .

  17. 和谐社会的构建是经济社会协调论与人的全面发展论的辩证统一

    Construction of a Harmonious Society is a Dialectical Unity of View of Balance between Economy and Society View of Over-all Development of Humans

  18. 相关理论包括区域联合与区际协调论、承载力理论、投入产出潜力理论和资产负债表理论。

    Relevant theories include the theory of regional combination and regional coordination , the theory of bearing capacity input-output potential mode and balance sheet mode .

  19. 介绍了经验适当性真理观,分析了存在于其中的问题,提出了协调论真理观。

    This paper introduces the empirically adequate truth theory , analyzes on the problems existing in it , and advances the truth outlook of the coordination theory .

  20. 现代主义思维方式、后现代主义思维方式的缺陷与环境决定论、意志决定论、人地关系协调论等理论的不足息息相关。

    Defects of modernistic thinking mode and post modernistic thinking mode are closely linked to deficiency of environmental deterministic ? volitional determinism and the harmony of man-land relationship .

  21. 协调论强调“1+1>2”的非线性的螺旋式发展,平衡论强调既稳定又不稳定的混沌边界的协调度。

    The former emphasizes " 1 + 1 > 2 " non-linear spiral development ; the latter puts weight on the coordination of the uncertainty of the earth .

  22. 本论文将协调论的思想引入到虚拟企业工作流分析过程中,并提出通过引入电子合同来建立各企业业务过程协调的约束机制。

    It is one of the thesis 's contribution that introduces the Coordination theory in the analysis to the VE workflow process , and builds the restriction rule for the process coordinating on the electronic contract .

  23. 第一章介绍幽默研究的理论背景,首先从词源学解释了幽默一词的发展历史,然后介绍幽默研究的三种传统理论:优越论、解脱论和不协调论。

    The literature review about humor research is introduced in Chapter One , which includes introducing the development of the meaning of the word " humor "; three traditional theories about humor : superiority theory , relief theory and incongruity theory ;

  24. 村庄合并的理论分析。首先,总结了村庄合并的涵义和分类;其次,介绍了土地升值补偿机制、规模经济理论和人地关系协调论;最后,对村庄合并的人口规模进行了探讨。

    The second part makes a summary of the meaning and classification of village merger , introduces the compensation mechanism of land appreciation , scale economy and the coordination between people and land , and analysis the population size of village .

  25. 人地关系随着社会和生成力的发展而发展,先后经历了天命论、地理环境决定论、或然论、协调论等认识阶段。

    Human-environment relationship develops along with society and the productive forces development and had experienced several different phases such as " mandate of heaven "," geographic environmental determinism "," the law of probability " and " the coordination principle " and so on .

  26. 坚持内部制约和外部监督相协调;论独立董事与监事会监督的协调

    Talk about coordination that independent director and board of supervisors supervise

  27. 现代西方文明协调发展论之我见

    A Tentative Idea on the Theory of Coordinated Development of Modern Western Civilization

  28. 文章具体分析了企业社会责任的理论来源,从协调发展论、权力让渡论和规避国家干预论等角度比较充分地阐释了企业承担社会责任的理论依据。

    The theory of harmonious development , the theory of releasing rights and the theory of eluding the state interferences will expound the origins of the corporate social responsibility .

  29. 以协调发展论为基础,建立协调发展度计算公式,为沿海城市生态环境与旅游经济的协调发展提供了定量评判依据。

    Based on the coordinated development theory , this article set up its calculating model to offering a quantitative assessment for coordinated development on the ecological environment and tourist economy in the coastal cities .

  30. 进一步应用协调发展论、可持续发展论和生态理论等环境规划基础理论,提出了拉萨市区环境空气污染综合防治对策。

    Use and develop the basics theory of environmental program , such as theory , sustainable development theory and ecological theory , etc. in harmony further , have put forward the urban area environmental air pollution integrated control countermeasure in Lhasa .