
  • 网络traditional economy;old economy
  1. 转换思想,扬弃GDP万能情节,实现传统经济模式向循环经济模式的转换,是实现经济和谐发展的途径;

    Changing mind , realizing the transformation of traditional economy mode to circular economy mode is the way of realizing society harmonious development .

  2. 本文着重研究了循环经济在区域层面上的发展,首先对循环经济的理论渊源、内涵、基本原则(3R原则)进行了分析,并对循环经济模式与传统经济模式进行了分析比较;

    This article mainly study circular economy development on region lay . First analysised the theory origin , connotation and basic principle ( 3R principle ) of circular economy , compared circular economy mode with traditional economy mode ;

  3. 阿当斯密被视为传统经济学派的创始人之一。

    Adam Smith is considered one of the founders of classical economics .

  4. 免费素食主义是指有限参与传统经济,尽力减少资源消耗的行为和理念,通过重复利用食品等废旧物品来践行。

    Freeganism is a practice and ideology1 of limited participation2 in the conventional economy and minimal3 consumption of resources , particularly through recovering wasted goods like food .

  5. 以环境因素对传统经济指标进行调整,并非只是计算绿色GDP,可持续收入、真实储蓄和真实投资等都属于这样的调整总量。

    Secondly , when we adjust the traditional economic indicators , we do not calculate " green GDP " only , but also sustainable income , real savings and real investments .

  6. 传统经济生产批量(EPL)模型没有考虑制造系统的产量柔性,机器的生产率和单位生产成本都被假定为不变的。

    The classical economic production lot size ( EPL ) models do not take volume flexibility of manufacturing system into account .

  7. 通过实证分析,本文发现,无论是传统经济地理因素、新经济地理因素还是经济政策因素,都对FDI的分布具有一定程度的影响,但在不同阶段的表现不尽相同。

    Through empirical analysis , this article found that all factors has affected the distribution of FDI to a certain extent , including traditional economic geography factors , new economic geography factors and economic policy factors . The numerical value of different factors varies in different stages .

  8. 在传统经济理论和国民经济核算理论(SNA)中,忽视自然资产的价值,将自然资源和环境要素排除在决策框架之外,这是造成全球环境危机的理论根源。

    The value of natural resources was neglected in traditional economic theory and system of national accounts ( SNA ) . The natural resources and environmental factors are removed from policy decision and this is the source of global environment crisis .

  9. 生态经济:从反思传统经济到面对生态风险

    Ecological Economy : from Introspecting Traditional Economy to Facing Ecological Risk

  10. 用循环经济理念重构传统经济流程

    Rebuilding the Traditional Economy Procedure with the Idea of Circular Economy

  11. 新经济地理学与传统经济地理学之比较研究

    A comparative study of new economic geography and traditional economic geography

  12. 论绍兴传统经济人格之形成

    On the Evolving of the Traditional Economic Personality in Shaoxing

  13. 传统经济理论主要是从区域经济和城市管理的角度对商业街进行研究,在商业街面临的竞争日趋激烈的背景下,已经越来越不适应于商业街深入发展的需要。

    Traditional economy theories has not adapted to the development of business streets .

  14. 从传统经济型政府向流程型政府转变的探讨

    Transformation from Traditional Economic Government to Procedure Type Government

  15. 此种划分方法可以使效益划分方向更为明确,而且可以极大限度的避免重复计算,同时也对一些传统经济评价方法没有涉及的指标进行了量化计算。

    The method makes efficiency division more clear and can avoid repeated calculation .

  16. 区别于经典经济学和传统经济发展模式的根本特征;

    Fundamental characteristic differing from the economics and traditional pattern of economic development ;

  17. 休闲经济挑战传统经济理论

    " Leisure Economy " Challenges Traditional Economic Theory

  18. 新经济与传统经济的比较分析

    Comparative analysis of new economy and traditional economy

  19. 传统经济增长模式之我见

    My Opinion about the Traditional Economy Increasing Mode

  20. 改革开放以来,我国那种大一统的传统经济模式被打破了。

    Since the Reform and Open policy , the traditional economic pattern was broken .

  21. 传统经济增长理论完全排斥产业结构升级。

    The theory of traditional economic growth totally opposes the upgrading of industrial structure .

  22. 成都市的城市形象定位为全球最悠久的休闲欢乐之都,这一形象源自富饶的成都平原之传统经济和文化。

    Chengdu image will be defined a traditional happiest fallow city in the world .

  23. 传统经济理论认为垄断会导致社会福利的损失。

    Traditional economy theories believe that monopoly should lead to the loss of social welfare .

  24. 它是有别于农业经济、工业经济的一种虚拟经济,并由此呈现出与传统经济不同的经济学特征。

    It is the virtual economy which is different from agricultural economy and industrial economy .

  25. 索洛模型显示效率工资理论对传统经济理论的突破。

    Solow Model shows advances of Efficiency Wages Theory as contrasted with traditional economic theory .

  26. 微软诉讼案涉及的是软件产品之间的搭配销售,新经济条件下软件产品之间的搭配销售与传统经济条件下物质产品之间搭配销售有什么不同呢?

    What is difference between the tying arrangements of visible material products and invisible software products ?

  27. 传统经济成分逐步缩小,近代经济成分日益增加;

    The portion of traditional economy was gradually reducing ; the portion of modern economy was gradually increasing .

  28. 传统经济环境下制造企业价值链及其增值模式在网络经济环境下已经发生了很大的变化。

    There have been many changes of value chain and increase model in value of manufacturers in traditional economics .

  29. 网络经济是传统经济的衍生形态,是经济发展的最新阶段。

    Network economy is deriving of the traditional economy , it is new stage the most of economic development .

  30. 本文认为,以地域文化为代表的非传统经济要素对区域经济的发展具有重要作用。

    This paper argues that the non-traditional economic factors such as regional culture have important role for regional economic development .