
  1. 工艺操作支持系统需要能够反映系统动态和故障传播现象的CBR技术。

    Process operation support systems require a CBR method that can represent system dynamics and fault propagation phenomena .

  2. 概括了TVB电视剧在中国内地的传播现象,分析了香港电视剧本身的特色,并就这些特色与其在中国内地被广泛传播的关系进行了分析。

    Under the sum-up of characteristics of Hong Kong teleplays , this thesis also makes a deep analysis of its broad transmission in Mainland .

  3. 根据模型计算结果对当前存在悬疑的PV-A实验的逐步传播现象给出了合理解释。

    The computation results can also be used to explain the PV-A experiment 's stepwise penetration phenomena .

  4. 对2H2/O2/Ar系统爆轰波在T形管(截面为40mm×40mm)中传播现象进行了实验研究。

    The gaseous detonation of 2H2 / O2 / Ar mixture propagation through a T-shape bifurcated tube with a square cross-section 40mm × 40mm has been experimentally studied in this paper .

  5. MPEG-2等图像编码算法对信道干扰是非常敏感的,由于错误传播现象,1bit的错误将可能使图像质量有明显的下降.因此,接收端常常提供错误隐藏技术,来改善图像效果。

    Picture coding algorithms such as MPEG-2 are very sensitive to channel disturbance . A single bit error may cause severe degradation of picture quality due to error propagation , therefore error concealment techniques are required at the receiver .

  6. 论澳门文学之大众传播现象

    On the phenomena of the Mass Media of Macao Literature

  7. 几千年来,谣言一直是一种困扰社会的传播现象。

    For thousands of years , rumors have been troubling the community .

  8. 中国古代诗词中的修改传播现象探析

    Analysis of the Modification Phenomenon in China 's Ancient Poems

  9. 对开放空间中微波异常传播现象的探讨

    Discussion on Anomalous Microwave Propagation in Open Space

  10. 论中国电影对陕北民歌的两次演绎和传播现象

    On the twice focus and spread of Northern Shaanxi folk songs in Chinese films

  11. 国际恐怖主义不仅是一种政治现象,也是一种传播现象。

    International terrorism is not only a political phenomenon , but also a communication phenomenon .

  12. 当前我国大众传媒方言传播现象解析

    Interpretation of the Phenomenon of the Spread of Local Dialect in Mass Communication in China

  13. 旅游是一种大规模的人际交流活动,也是一种跨文化传播现象。

    Tourism is an massive interpersonal communication activity and also a kind of cultural diffusion phenomenon .

  14. 后宫题材电视剧是一种传播现象,也是大众文化的产物。

    Harem teleplay is a kind of phenomenon , and also is the product of popular culture .

  15. 当新闻成为武器之后&伊拉克战争与当前军事新闻传播现象的理论思考

    When Used as a Weapon : on the War of Iraq and the Dissemination of Military News

  16. 进一步分析了波的前向和后向传播现象,定义了排队长度。

    Wave propagation The phenomenon of forward and afterward propagation is analyzed , and queuing length is defined .

  17. 诗歌流派、诗歌社团、诗歌朗诵会等,构成了比较典型的群体传播现象。

    Poetry schools , poetry corporations , poetry recitation and so on are typical phenomenon of colony transmission .

  18. 新闻理论是研究人类新闻传播现象、新闻传播事业及其规律的一门科学。

    Theory of Journalism , is a subject that studies human 's news communication , media cause and their principles .

  19. 本文的主要目的就是试图给自由空间中电磁波的异常传播现象提供一个合理的理论解释。

    In this paper , our main aim lies in trying to provide a reasonable interpretation theoretically to this phenomenon .

  20. 许多实际复杂网络具有局域世界特性,为此研究病毒在局域世界复杂演化网络中的传播现象。

    Local-world property exists in many real-life complex networks . The virus spreading in local-world complex evolving networks is studied .

  21. 本论文意在研究我国现实题材电视剧的文化传播现象。

    This thesis is intended to study the phenomenon of cultural transmission about the TV series of domestic realistic themes .

  22. 图形界面设计的一个重要目的是传达信息,其本身就是一种信息传播现象。

    One important aim of interface design is to convey information , which itself is just a phenomenon of information dissemination .

  23. 新疆电视文化的跨文化传播现象&新疆电视台少数民族语言电视剧译制现状分析

    Cross-cultural Propagation Phenomenon of Television Culture in Xinjiang & Present Situation Analysis of Teleplay Dubbing in Minorities ' Languages by Xinjiang Television

  24. 然而,就象布鲁纳和卡尔在他们很合时宜的著作中所言,历史表明,早在有电脑之前就有危机传播现象了。

    However , as Mr Bruner and Mr Carr demonstrate in their well-timed book , history shows that contagion has predated computers .

  25. 由于太阳耀斑引起的这一传播现象在以往的讨论中比较罕见,因此,对这一问题的讨论具有特殊意义。

    The phenomenon discussed above is seldomly seen in past references . Therefore , discussion on the problem is of special significant .

  26. 为验证正确与否,文中试算了两个实例并分别用理论和试验方法加以证明。最后,本文根据计算得出的声场情况初步分析了一些二维声传播现象。

    As a check , two actual examples are calculated and good agreement exists between finite-element approach and simple plane-wave theory at most of frequencies .

  27. 媒介形态理论的原理与方法给出了研究当代传播现象和动态传播规律一个很好的研究方法和视角。

    The principles and methods of Medium Theory have given us great ways and views to study the phenomenon of contemporary communication and dynamic propagation discipline .

  28. 最后,应用本文研究开发的阵面推进法自动生成三维复杂外形形体非结构网格的功能,采用已有的流场解算器,对爆炸波在T形圆拱坑道中的传播现象进行数值模拟。

    Finally , the developed mesh generation code is employed to simulate the propagation phenomena of a blast wave in a T channel with a round roof .

  29. 在当代,户外标语口号不仅影响着人们日常的语言生活,也影响着人们意识和行为,是中国一种重要的传播现象。

    In contemporary , outdoor slogans affects not only the language of everyday life , also influence people 's consciousness and behavior , is an important propagation .

  30. 雷达电磁波在大气环境中会出现异常传播现象,尤其在陷获折射条件下,形成大气波导传播。

    Anomalous propagation may be appeared , while radar electromagnetic wave propagating in the atmosphere . Especially when there is atmospheric duct in the condition of trap refraction .