
chuán piào
  • summons;subpoena;citation;monition
传票 [chuán piào]
  • [summons] 出庭的预先通知;法院特定程序及诉讼开始时发出的书面通知;会计工作中据以登记账目的凭单

传票[chuán piào]
  1. 她收到一张传票,让她下周出庭。

    She received a summons to appear in court the following week .

  2. 警方一直无法把传票送达他本人。

    The police have been unable to serve a summons on him .

  3. 警方已向这辆汽车的驾驶人发出传票。

    The police have taken out a summons against the driver of the car .

  4. 法庭可能会发传票,对罗宾斯女士处以罚款。

    The court could issue a citation and fine Ms. Robbins .

  5. 她已经接到法院传唤其出庭的传票。

    She had received a summons to appear in court .

  6. 他向其中一个指控他的人发了传票。

    He issued a writ against one of his accusers .

  7. 她已经收到传票,要求其到圣奥尔本斯地方法院出庭。

    She has been summonsed to appear at St Albans magistrates ' court .

  8. 他接到传票要出庭应诉。

    He has been served with a subpoena to answer the charges in court .

  9. 传票被撤回。

    The summons was withdrawn .

  10. 他们向那个年轻人发出了传票。

    They served a summons on the young man .

  11. 法院向他送达了传票。

    The court served a summons on him .

  12. 第二传票是取代因无法送达或者因其他原因失效的传票之传票。

    Alias summons is a subsequent summons issued to replace one that could not be served or otherwise failed .

  13. 此外,调查人员已要求西德意志州银行(westlb)提供信息,但该银行称,并未接到传票。

    Investigators have also demanded information from west lb , although the bank said it had not received a subpoena .

  14. 这有张传票Sheldon

    Sheldon , this is a summons .

  15. 在去年8月的一起诉讼中,微软(Microsoft)不得不申请法庭传票,找出它声称侵犯其商标权的217个网站的所有者。

    In a lawsuit launched last August , Microsoft had to get court subpoenas to discover the owners of 217 websites it claimed were infringing its trademark .

  16. 这家英国银行是接到有关2006年至2008年Libor设定问题之调查案传票的四家银行之一。

    The British bank is one of four banks to have received subpoenas about the setting of Libor between 2006 and 2008 .

  17. 被雇佣的动物(英文)平版胶印JDF工作传票分析及通讯接口开发

    Analysis of Offset Printing Job Ticket in JDF Print Workflow and Development of Communication Interface

  18. FBI官员和国安部探员们察看了卡片。周三,一名FBI探员回到商店出示了一张传票要求将卡片带走。

    FBI officials and agents for the Department of Homeland Security did so and on Wednesday , an FBI agent returned with a subpoena demanding the item .

  19. 美国金融危机调查委员会(financialcrisisinquirycommission)尖锐抨击高盛(goldmansachs)“糟糕”回应提供信息请求,并已发出传票,强迫该行提供资料,并让高管接受质询。

    The US Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission has launched a sharp attack on Goldman Sachs for its " abysmal " response to requests for information and issued a subpoena to compel it to provide documents and executives for interviews .

  20. 这个故事还得从去年夏天说起,当时Holloway因院子里杂草灌木丛生而收到法院的传票。

    The saga began last summer , when Holloway was sent a citation for her overgrown grass and shrubbery .

  21. 上周有消息称,雷曼兄弟首席执行官迪克富尔德(dickfuld)等12名高管接到了与联邦调查有关的传票。

    It emerged last week that dick Fuld , Lehman Brothers chief executive , is among 12 executives who received subpoenas related to federal investigations .

  22. Telegram公司总部设在柏林,刻意设计了一个复杂的结构,由全球各地的空壳公司组成,力图做到比任何国家的政府发出的传票都领先一步。

    The Telegram company , based in Berlin , has a deliberately complex structure of scattered global shell companies intended to keep it a step ahead of subpoenas from any one government .

  23. 知情人士表示,周三总检察长埃里克施奈德曼(EricSchneiderman)向埃克森美孚发出了传票,要求对方提供电子邮件、财务记录和其他文件。

    Attorney-general Eric Schneiderman sent a subpoena to the company on Wednesday requesting emails , financial records and other documents , said people familiar with the case .

  24. 丰田(Toyota)收到了一个美国联邦大陪审团的传票,要求其解释对汽车安全问题的处理办法。这一进展是一个开端,表明这家日本公司可能面临刑事起诉和巨额罚款。

    Toyota has received a subpoena from a US federal grand jury over its handling of safety problems with its cars in a development that opens the door to criminal prosecution and hefty fines for the Japanese company .

  25. 高盛交易业务秘密会议受调查马萨诸塞州金融监管负责人盖文(WilliamGalvin)向华尔街公司高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)发出了传票,要其提供公司研究分析师与交易员每周就交易业务所举行秘密会议的信息。

    Goldman Subpoenaed On Huddles William Galvin , Massachusetts 's chief financial regulator , has subpoenaed Wall Street firm Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , demanding information on the firm 's weekly trading huddles between its research analysts and traders .

  26. 巴菲特曾拒绝出席就金融危机起因而举行的听证会,直到接到传票才被迫出庭。巴菲特与穆迪首席执行官雷蒙德麦克丹尼尔(RayMcDaniel)一同现身听证会。

    Mr Buffett , who refused to attend a hearing on the causes of the financial crisis until he was forced by a subpoena , appeared alongside Ray McDaniel , chief executive of Moody 's.

  27. 根据本条例第16a条发出的证人传票,须符合附表所列的格式。

    A witness summons under section16a of the Ordinance shall be in accordance with the form in the schedule .

  28. 据知情人士透露,投资者和dbzwirn员工已收到法院传票,要求提供该基金如何估值及其它问题的信息。

    Investors and staff at DB Zwirn have received subpoenas seeking information about how the fund valued assets , among other issues , according to people familiar with the matter .

  29. 其次课题通过分析JDF标准对生产流程控制及节点处理时状态的迁移,设计实现了状态模块从三个角度对JDF传票的状态进行操作。

    Second , analyze how JDF standard control production and how the node change when it is operated , then , design status module by which JDF ticket status can be changed from three angles .

  30. 丰田表示,其于2月8日接到纽约南区大陪审团的传票,要求出具与某些汽车非故意加速和普锐斯(prius)混合动力车刹车失灵相关的文件。

    Toyota said that on February 8 it had received a subpoena from the grand jury in the Southern District of New York asking it to produce documents related to unintended acceleration of some cars and the braking system of its Prius hybrid .