
  • 网络Range;transmission range
  1. 而定向天线的空间复用特性,以及它在天线增益、传输范围和抗干扰方面的优势,能够极大的改善无线adhoc网络的性能。

    While the directional antenna has superiority on spatial reuse , antenna gain , transmission range and interference rejection , it can greatly improve the performance of wireless ad hoc networks .

  2. 针对传感器节点能量及传输范围有限等特点,提出了一种基于簇的自适应路由算法。

    Considering the limited energy and transmission range of sensor nodes in sensor networks , an innovative routing algorithm was proposed .

  3. adhoc网络保持连通度的临界传输范围的研究

    Study of Critical Transmitting Range for Connectivity in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  4. PN码同步和BER对DS/CDMA移动adhoc网络最佳传输范围的影响

    Effect of PN Code Synchronization and BER on Optimum Transmission Ranges in DS / CDMA Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

  5. 该协议解决了在不同发送速率条件下,因MAC层帧头的传输范围不同而引起邻节点对信道状态认知产生差异的问题,从而降低了分组发送失败概率和提高了信道利用率。

    RIEMS + can decrease the transmission failure probability and increase the channel utility factor , because it overcomes the drawback that nodes may have different cognitions on channel status , which arises from the differences in propagation ranges of frames with varying transmission rates .

  6. 无线传感器网络中传输范围调整的动态规划算法

    Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Transmision Range Adjustment in Wireless Sensor Networks

  7. 卫星通信是目前传输范围最广,覆盖面积最大的通信方式。

    Satellite communication is a means of communication of the broadest transmission scope and the largest coverage .

  8. 由于无线网络接口传输范围的限制,需要一个或多个移动节点来参与路由的建立。

    Because of the restriction of wireless network interface , one or many moving nodes are needed to set up route .

  9. 每个节点都能够自动地路由其他节点中传来的消息,即有效地增强了信号的传输范围。

    Each node can automatically route messages from other nodes , greatly increasing the communication range beyond that of any single device .

  10. 考虑到节点的无线链路和移动性,当节点移动且离开了其他节点的传输范围时,节点有可能失去与其他节点的连接。

    Given the wireless links and mobility of nodes , it is possible that nodes may lose connectivity to some other nodes .

  11. 在我们的演算中,一个无线自组织网络节点能够本地广播消息给它传输范围内的一组节点。

    In our cal-culus , a MANET node can locally broadcast messages to a group of nodes within its physical transmission range .

  12. 对移动自组织网络中多路径之间的不相交性进行了研究,给出了一种基于节点传输范围叠交的路径不相交性定义;

    According to the analyses of disjoint path set for MANET , we propose a transmission scope overlapped based definition of disjoint path ;

  13. 在电力系统中,为了使电能传输范围及数量提高,变压器得到广泛应用。

    To enlarge the scope and increase the transmission quantity of electric energy in the power system , the transformer is widely used .

  14. 由节点的位置和传输范围确定的无线网络拓扑结构对网络的性能有着重大的影响。

    The topology of a wireless Ad Hoc network , which is determined by nodes ′ positions and transmission ranges , has a significant effect on network performance .

  15. 通过仿真验证了所得邻居距离概率分布函数和相应的传感器节点的临界传输范围的有效性。

    At last , the effectiveness of calculated probability distribution function of neighbor node distance and corresponding critical transmitting range of sensor nodes are checked by simulation . 3 .

  16. 研究在无线传感器网络中如何选择活动的路由节点及其传输范围,以有效节省能量的消耗。

    This paper investigates how to determine the active nodes in wireless sensor networks ( WSNs ) and the optimal transmission ranges for each active routing nodes in order to save the energy consumption .

  17. 结合路由质量检测结果和最优搜索模型的射线解,提出了控制修复信息传输范围的本地路由自适应修复算法,以较小代价和较高概率实现业务传输路径的修复。

    Combining route inspection result and radial solution from the optimal exploring model , a local link self-adaptive repair algorithm will be proposed by restricting the flooding region to repair the route with less cost and higher probability .

  18. 这种伪码测距系统在微波技术传输范围远,穿透力强的基础上,又增加了扩频技术抗噪声,抗多径干扰,及不占用具体频带的优点。

    This system aside from the transmission range , strong penetrability of microwave technology characteristics , also has anti-noise , anti-multipath interference , and without specific band occupation and so on which is derived from the benefits of spread spectrum technology .

  19. 借助于移动自组网,无线移动用户可以通过中间节点分组传发实现与直接传输范围之外的其他移动设备进行无线多跳路由通信,扩展无线接入网的覆盖范围。

    With Mobile Ad hoc Networks , wireless mobile users can implement the multi-hop routing communication with other mobile devices that may be out of their direct propagation range by intermediate nodes to forward the packets , which expands wireless access coverage .

  20. 它由大量具有通信与计算能力的传感器节点组成,由节点的位置和传输范围确定的网络拓扑结构对网络性能有重大影响。

    It is composed of numberless tiny sensor nodes that have the ability of communicating and computing . The topology of a network , which is determined by nodes ' positions and transmission ranges , has a significant effect on network performance .

  21. 结果表明,选择一定数量的移动设备,恰当的传输范围以及移动速度可以保证较低的端到端分组传输时延,显著提高能量的使用效率。

    Analysis and simulation results show that , instead of deploying mobile sinks as much as possible , choosing appropriate number , transmission range , velocity and gathering mode of the sink nodes can significantly decrease the average end-to-end data delivery delay and improve the energy conservation .

  22. 网络应用的扩展,通信数据量、数据传输的范围、参与通信的用户增加等都对网络的带宽提出了更高的要求。

    The expansion of network application , the amount of communication data , the scope of data transmission and the rapid increase of network users require more bandwidth of the network .

  23. 分别对普通节点和高能节点在有无农作物两种情况、三种不同高度条件下的有效传输距离范围进行了测试,确定了大田节点部署时的节点间距离及节点放置高度。

    The effective transmission range of ordinary node and high energy node was tested in obstacle and non-obstacle as well as in three different heights . Thus the distance between nodes and node height were decided in the farmland node deployment .

  24. 带电粒子束传输中发散范围的计算

    The Calculation of Diffusive Region of Charged Partical Beam in Transmiting

  25. 随着现代数字通信传输网络覆盖范围逐渐深入、传输带宽大幅提高、传输数据灵活性不断增强的现阶段特点。

    With the gradual depth of modern digital communication transmission network coverage range , big scale increase of transmission bandwidth and the characteristics of transmission data flexibility continuously enhancement .

  26. 该算法解决了数值计算过程中由于无法事先估计传输后时域范围而可能引起的仿真结果失真,同时通过对步长的动态选择大大提高了计算效率。

    The algorithm can avoid the distortion which results from the improper time domain in numerical calculation , and also can enhance the calculation efficiency by dynamic choice for step size .

  27. 近年来的研究表明,分布式无线通信技术将有望成为解决高速数据传输和大范围网络覆盖的关键技术。

    In recent years , some investigations have indicated that distributed wireless communication technology will be hopeful to turn into the key technology for resolving the high-speed data transmition and large scale network covering .

  28. 纳米技术的飞速发展给药物传输的给药范围、方法带来了巨大的变化。

    Nanotechnology is beginning to change the scale and methods of drug delivery .

  29. 相位抖动软件仿真环境的建立为研究数字电路相位抖动的传输特性、忍受范围、时间余量预算等建立了基础。

    The jitter simulation environment establishes the basis for the research of jitter transfer , jitter tolerance and timing budget in digital circuits .

  30. 有机氯农药可以在不同的环境介质间迁移,并能在大气环境中进行远程传输,导致大范围乃至全球性的环境污染。

    OCPs are able to migrate between the different environmental media , proceed to long-range transport in the air , and lead to global environmental problems .