
  • 网络End system;end-system
  1. 然而传统的TCP拥塞控制协议是基于端系统的流量控制的,它们已经无法适应这些变化。

    However , the traditional TCP congestion control protocols based on end system have been unable to adapt to these changes .

  2. 近年来,不少人都开始反思IP组播体系结构本身的问题,并提出将复杂的组播功能放在端系统来实现的新思想,这就是应用层组播技术。

    Recently , a new thought was put forward by some researcher . The new technology is called application layer multicast which implement the multicasting in end system instead of in network system .

  3. 通过有效的端系统动态资源管理实现QoS控制

    Efficient dynamic resource management in end-system for QoS control

  4. 对ARM子系统的设计采用多线程的服务端程序设计,使得ARM端系统控制功能得到最大限度的发挥。

    Multi-threaded programming is used in ARM subsystem designed to maximally exploit its system control ability .

  5. 早期的网络拥塞控制研究主要集中于改进端系统的TCP拥塞控制机制,取得了一定的研究成果。

    The early network congestion control has focused on improving TCP congestion control and got some achievements .

  6. 结合J2EE技术设计服务器端系统总体框架的优势,分析设计了基于J2EE技术的系统总体框架。

    The system 's total frame is designed , which has the superiority of the J2EE in server side .

  7. 无线流媒体应用中端系统切换触发机制和AP选择策略的研究与实现

    Handoff trigger mechanism and AP selection strategy based on wireless streaming media applications in end systems

  8. 该文提出了一种应用层的基于中间件的QoS管理模型,研究端系统的QoS和资源管理。

    This paper proposes an application-aware QoS management framework based on Middleware to research the end - system QoS management .

  9. 自组网端系统中UDP流的拥塞控制

    End to end congestion control of UDP stream for Ad hoc networks

  10. 为了改善网络性能,将adhoc接入方式融入蜂窝通信势必会大大提高端系统接入骨干网的灵活性。

    Introduction of Ad hoc access mode into cellular communication certainly will enhance the agility of end systems accessing into backbone network .

  11. 并针对端系统的QoS动态协商模块进行了模拟实验,验证了我们的预期结果。

    Additionally , against the dynamic QoS negotiation module of the terminal system , we carry on a simulation experiment which validated our expected results .

  12. HVDC弱受端系统电压支撑策略研究及RTDS仿真

    The Voltage Support Strategies for HVDC Feeding into a Week AC System and Simulation with RTDS

  13. 多层语音流程关联的IVR对端系统的实现

    The Realization of Associated Multi-layer Voice Processes IVR Corresponding System

  14. 本文描述ATM网络中的信息安全、可能受到的威胁、安全结构和端系统之间的鉴别技术。

    This paper describes information security , possible threats to be subjected , security architecture , and authentication technology between end systems in ATM network .

  15. 服务器端系统与客户端系统间通过套接字SOCKET(TCP)连接并采用多线程以满足多用户的请求。

    Server-side systems and client systems are connected through the SOCKET ( TCP ), and multi-threaded is used in order to meet the request of multi-user .

  16. 研究了直流辅助频率控制与PSS对送端系统频率稳定的影响。

    Studies are conducted on the frequency stability of the delivering side drawing on the DC frequency control and PSS .

  17. ATM网络中业务量管理的主要作用是防止网络和端系统拥塞以便获得网络性能目标。

    A primary role of traffic management in ATM networks is to protect the network and the end-system from congestion in order to achieve network performance objectives .

  18. 论文结尾总结了所有的研究工作,并对PKI端系统的进一步研究进行了展望,指出引入策略控制机制将是进一步提供端系统易用性和灵活性的关键。

    It also mentions that policy-based control mechanism is the key point to improve the extensibility and facility of PKI end system in future .

  19. 本文研究了端系统提供QoS应该解决的一般性问题,提出了SBNS端系统中实现QoS的框架。

    The dissertation addresses the issues about providing QoS at end-system , and presents the QoS framework at the end-system of SBNS .

  20. 另一方面,随着P2P计算模式的兴起、网络带宽的大幅增加和Internet端系统计算能力的迅速增强,原先被忽视的端用户设备成为一种宝贵的资源。

    On the other hand , with the development of peer-to-peer ( P2P ) computing paradigm , network bandwidth and the capacity of Internet-based end-systems , the end-systems ignored in the past become valuable computing resources .

  21. 上面已经提到,IBM在其中端系统上拥有一种称为PowerVM的虚拟化类型,以前称为高级电源虚拟化。

    As mentioned , IBM has one virtualization type on their midrange systems , PowerVM , formerly referred to as Advanced Power Virtualization .

  22. 采用了应用级别的端系统QoS控制策略来提高视频的实时传输质量:提出并实现了接收端的拥塞控制、发送端的拥塞控制和差错控制的重传策略。

    Control strategies of application layer for video real-time transmission services : The paper introduces congestion control strategy on both receiving sides and sending sides and data packets repeating strategy of error control .

  23. 该方案除了传统的边缘节点的模块控制机制外,还在端系统中的QoS协商模块中使用了主动测量技术,以实现QoS的动态自适应的请求。

    The method not only uses traditionally control module on edge node , but also adopts active measurement method in QoS negotiation module of end system . In order to realize dynamic and self-adaptation QoS request .

  24. 本文主要作了如下创新性研究工作:1.提出了在SBNS端系统中实现QoS的框架。

    The primary innovative works of the dissertation are as follows : 1 . Presenting the QoS framework at the end-system of SBNS .

  25. 测试结果表明,基于SBNS的端系统能够很好地控制网络应用程序的QoS。

    Based on the testbed , a conclusion can be drawn that the end-system in SBNS is able to control the QoS of applications well .

  26. VCP的效率控制和公平控制都是在端系统执行的,网络和端系统之间交换的信息很少。

    VCP executes fairness and efficiency control in the end systems and conveys little information between end systems and network .

  27. 通过分析开放系统的特点和安全需求,探明了开放系统安全性应包括三个方面:通信安全性(在OSI通信安全性的基础上进行扩充)、端系统安全性和管理安全性。

    From the features and requirements of open system , it is deduced that open system security contains three aspects : communication security , end-sysytem security and management security .

  28. 综上所述,本文通过结合EFCI和ERICA算法分析了ATM网络端系统的离散事件系统行为,说明了拥塞控制算法的运行机制。

    In a word , combining with EFCI and ERICA algorithm , the algorithm execution mechanism is exposed by analyzing the discrete event behavior of end system .

  29. 本论文介绍的网络游戏服务器端系统是在J2EE框架的基础之上,以Web浏览器为平台,实现了一种胖服务器、瘦客户端的模式。它可以支持多种操作系统和数据库系统,支持分布式应用。

    In this thesis , the online game server , introduced a framework based on J2EE , used Web browser as a platform to achieve a thin client and fat server model , it can support multiple operating systems and database systems , support distributed applications .

  30. 利用EMTP仿真工具,建立简单双端系统,研究了故障位置、故障类型、接地电阻和不同长度线路对电流行波测距仿真结果的影响。

    Influence of fault type , fault resistance , line length and fault inception angle on fault location result using current traveling wave has been studied by using EMTP .