
duān zuò hū xī
  • orthopnoea
端坐呼吸[duān zuò hū xī]
  1. 但是注意到没有发烧,端坐呼吸,或尿量减少。

    But there was no fever , orthopnea or decreased urine output noted .

  2. 如果端坐呼吸引起夜间觉醒,经坐起缓解,是为阵发性夜间呼吸困难。

    If orthopnea causes awakening during the night and is relieved by sitting , it is called paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea .

  3. 我们报告一个罕见病例,26岁初产妇于怀孕34周并发恶性林巴瘤以严重呼吸困难及端坐呼吸为表现。

    We report a rare case of a26-year-old primigravida at34 weeks'gestation complicated with malignant lymphoma presenting as severe dyspnea and orthopnea .

  4. 急性左心衰的诊断依据①急剧出现呼吸困难;②紫绀、端坐呼吸,双肺可闻及散在分布的哮鸣音。

    The diagnosis of acute left heart failure ① rapid breathing difficulties ;② cyanosis , orthopnea , lungs and the distribution of scattered wheeze and could be heard .

  5. 表现:气急21例、咳嗽9例、头面部肿胀12例、颈静脉怒张11例、端坐呼吸9例。

    In 28 children 21 had dyspnea , 9 had cough , 9 had orthopnea , 12 had swelling of head and neck , and 11 had venous engorgement .