
  • 网络Chemical Laboratory;chemistry lab;chemical lab;Chemist
  1. 文章中初步探讨了化学实验室中的Y2K问题的类型,检测方法以及解决方法。

    It argued preliminarily about Y2K Question in chemical Lab , such as show style , determination method and solution programme .

  2. 化学实验室常见废液处理的探讨

    Probe into the disposal of common waste liquids in Chemical Lab

  3. 血清中DDT浓度在哈佛大学有机化学实验室测定。

    We measured serum DDT and its metabolites at the Harvard University Organic Chemistry Laboratory .

  4. HNO3、Fe2+是化学实验室经常遇到的物质。

    HNO 3 , Fe 2 + are two substances of common use in chemical laboratory .

  5. 比如,Hedley&Bennett的腰部系带色块围裙(40美元起,特价)或者MarcyButler的意大利亚麻V领卡罗尔围裙(118美元),后者是一种裁剪符号学,反映出对斯堪的纳维亚风格和化学实验室的双重喜爱。

    Think of aprons like Hedley & Bennett 's color-blocked waist-tied styles ( from $ 40 , on sale ) or the Marcy Butler Italian linen V-neck Carol ( $ 118 ) as a piece of tied-on sartorial semiology that reflects a fondness for both Scandinavia and the chemistry lab.

  6. 现代化学实验室的建设探索&实验室的改造、实践与探索

    Exploration of Modern Chemical Laboratory Construction & Exploration of Laboratory Reconstruction

  7. 有机化学实验室排风系统改造与探索

    Rebuilding and Exploration of a Ventilation System in Organic Chemistry Laboratory

  8. 生物化学实验室环境保护规范化研究

    Study on the Standardization Management of Environmental Protection in Biochemistry Laboratory

  9. 化学实验室内部分析精密度·偏性试验和评估

    Analysis of accuracy , bias experiment and estimation inside Chemistry Laboratory

  10. 对建设绿色化学实验室的几点设想

    Discussion of Laboratory on the Construction of the Green Chemistry Laboratory

  11. 我们学校正在修建一个新的化学实验室。

    A new chemistry lab is being built in our school .

  12. 创新成人高校化学实验室管理工作的几点建议

    Discussion on the Management of Chemistry Laboratories in an Adult College

  13. 单位:一所大学的细胞与生物化学实验室。

    SETTING : Laboratory of Cell and Biochemistry in a university .

  14. GB2595-1981冶金分析化学实验室安全技术标准

    Safety of chemical laboratories & Technical standards for conducting metallurgical analysis

  15. 严禁在化学实验室进食;严禁在化学实验室大声喧哗、打闹;

    Don 't eating or talk loudly in the chemistry laboratory .

  16. 化学实验室常见无机废液净化处理方法研究

    Study on the Treatment of Inorganic Waste Liquid from Chemical Laboratory

  17. 要不我们到楼上的化学实验室去吧

    Why don 't we go upstairs to the chem lab ?

  18. 高职院校建立开放式综合化学实验室的探索

    Exploration of Establishing Open Chemical Laboratories in Vocational and Technology Institutes

  19. 化学实验室微观环境污染的危害与对策

    Danger and countermeasure of the chemical laboratory micro environmental pollution

  20. 高校化学实验室废水处理

    Chemistry of Laboratory waste water Treatment in Colleges and universities

  21. 高校化学实验室对环境的污染及其治理

    The Environmental Pollution Made by Chemical laboratories in Universities and Its Control

  22. 化学实验室废气治理现状与方法

    Status quo of waste gas from laboratory and its treatment

  23. 在1936年,3名中国助手来到他的生物化学实验室工作。

    In1936 three Chinese assistants came to workinhis biochemistry laboratory .

  24. 离开化学实验室请注意及时关闭电源、水源;

    Turn off all switches in time before leaving laboratory .

  25. 化学实验室排风设备技术标准及检测方法

    Technical Standard and Detection of Ventilation Equipment for Chemistry Lab

  26. 化学实验室三废的处理方法

    Methods of Treating " Three Wastes " in Chemical Laboratories

  27. 化学实验室需要强化的几个问题

    A Few Problems about Strengthening the Management of Chemical Laboratory

  28. 电热蒸馏水器是化学实验室的常规设备之一。

    Electrothermal distiller is one of the common devices in chemistry laboratory .

  29. 高校化学实验室污染是普遍存在的现象。

    The pollution of university chemical laboratory is a generally existent phenomenon .

  30. 浅析新升格本科院校化学实验室的人性化管理

    On Humanized Management of Chemical Laboratory in New Upgraded University