
huà xué wǔ qì
  • chemical weapons
  1. 化学武器已被禁止使用。

    A ban was imposed on the use of chemical weapons .

  2. 该国并未保证禁用化学武器。

    The country has not forsworn the use of chemical weapons .

  3. 国际上禁止使用化学武器。

    Chemical weapons are banned internationally .

  4. 他声称从未在德国部署过化学武器。

    He said chemical weapons had never been sited in Germany .

  5. 两位领导人还同意签署削减化学武器储备的几项条约。

    The two leaders also approved treaties to cut stockpiles of chemical weapons .

  6. 大概有20个国家可能正在制造或计划获取化学武器。

    A score of countries may be producing or planning to obtain chemical weapons

  7. 有些公司非法为制造化学武器提供所需的资金和设备等。

    Some of the companies illegally sent the wherewithal for making chemical weapons .

  8. 削减化学武器的任何进展都是受人欢迎的。

    Any progress in reducing chemical weapons is welcome .

  9. 任何人都不应大肆鼓吹化学武器。

    Nobody should be trumpeting about chemical weapons

  10. 侯赛因总统号召中东所有国家放弃核武器和化学武器。

    President Hussein called on all countries in the Middle East to scrap nuclear or chemical weapons

  11. 他们正采取预防措施保护其军队免受化学武器的伤害。

    They are taking precautionary measures to safeguard their forces from the effects of chemical weapons .

  12. 我们必须通过控制核武器、化学武器和常规武器的数量来减少战争的危险。

    We must reduce the danger of war by controlling nuclear , chemical and conventional arms .

  13. 精密化学武器-软件培训阅读莫尔斯电码或软件运行CW模式或什相干CW模式的业余无线电设备从您的PC。

    Precision CW-Software to train reading Morse code or software to run CW mode or even COHERENT CW mode on your amateur radio equipment from your PC.

  14. 据NPR新闻的米歇尔·凯莱门报道,美国称化学武器为“红线”。

    NPR 's Michele Kelemen reports the U.S. calls that a red line .

  15. 最近的报道称,isis正在对库尔德人的部队使用化学武器

    More recent reports claim that chemical weapons are being used by ISIS against Kurdish troops

  16. 虽然美国总统奥巴马(BarackObama)不想对叙利亚进行军事干预,但他已表态说,阿萨德的部队涉嫌使用化学武器,美国的原有想法可能发生改变。

    President Barack Obama doesn 't want to intervene militarily , but he has said the calculation could be changed by suspected use of chemical weapons by Mr. Assad 's forces .

  17. 七月份有报道称,ISIS在巴格达以北已经捕获了一个旧的伊拉克化学武器的设施。

    Reports in July said that ISIS had seized an old Iraqi chemical weapons facility just north of Baghdad .

  18. 很难相信,去年这个时候,美国总统巴拉克奥巴马(BarackObama)还在向美国公众发表演讲称,鉴于叙利亚越过了他在使用化学武器问题上划定的红线,有必要对该国实施惩罚。

    It is hard to believe that only this time last year President Barack Obama addressed the American public about the need to punish Syria for crossing his red line on chemical weapons .

  19. 在另一个问题上,包括JamesRussell在内的分析家表示,有报道指出埃及人在上世纪80年代帮助伊拉克研制化学武器。

    On another issue , some analysts , including James Russell , say there have been reports of Egyptians in the 1980s helping Iraq with its chemical weapons research .

  20. 联合国(UN)昨日表示,它已从叙利亚收到一封信。这是加入《化武公约》的第一步。该公约要求参加国报告自己的化学武器库存,并最终销毁自己储存的化学武器。

    The UN yesterday said it had received a letter from Syria that was the first step towards joining the convention , which requires parties to declare and eventually destroy their stocks of chemical weapons .

  21. 在叙利亚问题上,克里和拉夫罗夫制定了让叙利亚总统阿萨德(Basharal-Assad)交出化学武器储备并终结叙利亚内战的外交轨道。

    On Syria , Mr. Kerry and Mr. Lavrov formulated diplomatic tracks aimed at disarming President Bashar al-Assad of his chemical-weapons arsenal and ending the civil war .

  22. 民主党国会女议员洛雷塔·桑切斯做客MBC电视台的《与媒体见面》时表示,她不认为使用化学武器对美国国家安全构成威胁,这不足以成为发动军事打击的理由。

    Democratic Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez told NBC 's Meet the Press that she doesn 't see the use of chemical weapons as a threat to US national security that justifies military strikes .

  23. 英国退休准将,现于国际战略研究所的BenBarry,说叙利亚政府在失去其化学武器后,有可能会更多地使用其他军备。

    Retired British Brigadier Ben Barry , now at the International Institute for Strategic Studies , says with the loss of its chemical weapons , the Syrian government is likely to make more extensive use of its other military assets .

  24. HGN认为禁止化学武器公约是侵犯其在美国的流赌博技术专利,并下令该公司停止提供服务给客户。

    HGN argued CWC was infringing its US patent on streaming gambling technology and ordered the firm to stop offering the service to its clients .

  25. 没有人怀疑叙利亚发生了化学武器袭击。

    No one doubts that poison gas was used in Syria .

  26. 禁止化学武器组织筹备委员会

    Preparatory Commission for the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons

  27. 这是化学武器的滥杀和令人难以置信的恐怖。

    This is the indiscriminate , inconceivable horror of chemical weapons .

  28. 他们签署了禁止使用化学武器的协议。

    They signed agreements banning the use of the chemical weapons .

  29. 对于化学武器在叙利亚已经被使用一事,已没有人提出质疑。

    No one disputes that chemical weapons were used in Syria .

  30. 对化学武器的使用常有强烈的抗议。

    There were frequent outcries about the use of chemical weapons .