
  • 网络Combined water;water of hydration;Constitutional water;water of constitution
  1. 氯对测定化合水的影响及其校正研究

    Interferences of Chlorine on Determination of Combined Water and Their Correction

  2. 岩石矿物中化合水的测定

    Determination of Combined Water in Rocks and Minerals

  3. 碳酸盐对平菲耳特法测定岩矿中化合水的影响

    Interference from Carbonates to the Determination of Conbined Water by Penfield Method

  4. 卡尔费休滴定法测定铁矿石中化合水含量

    Establishing the standard of " Determination of Combined Water Content in Iron Ores Using Karl Fischer Method "

  5. 文章探索了锰结核中化合水的测定方法。

    A method of determining the water of crystallization ( H2O ) + in manganese nodules is proposed .

  6. 室温下硫酸钴产品的湿存水间接测定和化合水稳定性试验

    Indirect Determination of Hygroscopic Water in Cobaltous Sulfate Product at Room Temperature and the Test of Stability of Combined Water

  7. 近红外反射光谱学在岩石矿物研究中的应用Ⅰ.快速测定地质样品中化合水

    Study on Application of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy in Rock and Mineral Analysis ⅰ . Rapid Determination of Combined Water in Geological Samples

  8. 对岩矿中化合水的测定进行述评,包括以平菲耳特法为主的重量法、卡尔·费休容量法、电量法、气相色谱法和一些其它方法。

    Methods for determination of combined water in rocks and minerals are reviewed , including gravimetry , Carl Fisher titration , coulometric electrolysis , gas chromatography and other methods .

  9. 对电气石中化合水的测定条件进行了对照,并对矿物中的杂质元素进行了分析,保证了结果的准确性。

    The determination of combined water by Penfield tube gravimetry were tested conditions in different . The accuracy of total analysis results is guaranteed impurity in the mineral is determined .

  10. 表示氢气与氧气容易化合生成水。

    Hydrogen and oxygen easily combine to form water .

  11. 什么化学元素化合成水?

    What chemicals combine together to form water ?

  12. 聚合一种由两个或多个分子化合生成水或其它简单物质的化学反应。

    A chemical reaction in which water or another simple substance is released by the combination of two or more molecules .

  13. 植被水又称植被含水,指的是植被体内部含有的游离态或化合态的水。对于植被体本身而言,水是其进行光合作用的主要原料之一,对植被体生长具有重要意义。

    The vegetation water content contains compounded and dissociative water inside vegetation cells . Water is basic material for photosynthesis , it plays an important role in the growth of vegetation .

  14. 德士古煤气化合成气带水问题的分析与探讨

    Analysis of and Inquiry into Water Entrained in Syngas from Texaco Coal Gasifier

  15. 氢和氧是元素,但两者化合而成的水不是元素。

    Hydrogen and oxygen are elements , but water , which is formed when they combine , is not .