
  • 网络degree of coal metamorphism
  1. 煤变质程度的新指标&变质系数

    Metamorphic coefficient , a new index for metamorphic degree of coal

  2. 煤变质程度较高与板块岩浆活动较强烈有关。

    The higher degree of metamorphism is related to more intensive activity of magma .

  3. 受挤压强烈的向斜陡翼的煤变质程度并不高于受挤压相对弱的缓倾斜翼;

    The metamorphism grade of coal strongly compressed is no higher than that weakly compressed ;

  4. 本文还研究了随煤变质程度增高时煤结构的变化规律。

    The changing rule of coal structure with increase of coal metamorphosis is also studied .

  5. 反映煤变质程度的V~r所对应的分割点为20、28、36%,分为低、中低、中高及高挥发分烟煤四类。

    The section points corresponding to V ~ r are 20 , 28 and 36 % .

  6. 挤压带和构造复合部位的煤变质程度也要高一些。

    And higher is the coal metamorphic grade in the compressional zones and tectonic compound positions .

  7. 滇东北地区煤变质程度与铅锌矿成矿关系初探

    The metamorphic grade of coal and it 's relationship with lead zinc deposits in Northeast Yunnan

  8. 哈密、淮北煤变质程度与稀土元素的关系研究

    Research on Relationship Between Ranks of Coal and Geochemical Features of REE in Hami and Huaibei Coal

  9. 分析了分形维数与煤层的孔、裂隙发育程度和煤变质程度的关系。

    To denote quantitatively the characteristics of pore and fracture structure in coal reservoirs , a few fractal dimensions are necessary .

  10. 根据煤变质程度进行内生矿床成矿预测的探索&以滇东北地区铅锌矿为例

    Mineralization prognosis for endogenetic deposits on the basis of metamorphic grade of coal : & a case study on Lead-Zinc Deposits in the northeastern Yunnan

  11. 从得出的结果可以看出,随着原料煤变质程度的加深,所制备的活性炭微孔和比表面积增大,超微孔、中孔体积变小,平均孔径变窄。

    The result is shown that , micro pore and special surface area increasing , super micro pore and medium pore volume decreasing and average pore diameter tend to narrow in pace with metamorphic grade increasing of raw material coal .

  12. 针对沁水盆地煤变质程度高、煤层渗透率普遍较低的主要矛盾,利用新技术、新方法,利用应力场、曲率分析方法和主应力差分析方法预测高渗区。

    In accordance with the main contradictions between high deterioration degree of coal and low permeability of coal bed , this paper predicts high permeability region by use of new technique and methods including stress field , curvature analysis and major stress difference analysis .

  13. 研究了反应温度、时间、溶液浓度、pH值以及煤的变质程度对吸附量的影响。

    The effects of temperature , time , monomer concentration , pH value , and degree of coalification on the SPI adsorptive capacity of coal were investigated .

  14. 结果表明:外加钠在热解过程中对NH3释放的作用较大程度上取决于煤的变质程度,变质程度越低的煤影响越明显。

    The results showed that the influence of Na metal added on NH3 release during pyrolysis greatly depended upon coal metamorphism , which made the obvious influence on the coal with lower metamorphism .

  15. 煤的变质程度对焦炭结构构造的影响

    Influence of coal metamorphic degree on texture and structure of coke

  16. 煤的变质程度低,灰分高。

    The coal has lower metamorphic grade with high ash .

  17. 变形值的大小与煤的变质程度、强度和孔隙性质有关。

    The amount of deformation depends mainly on the metamorphism , strength and porosity of the coal itself .

  18. 探讨了煤的变质程度、粘结剂和成型条件对颗粒间作用力的影响。

    The metamorphic degree of coal , the binder and the briquetting conditions that affect the acting forces were also studied .

  19. 计算结果表明,吸附热与煤的变质程度有关,特别是与煤的挥发分成线性负相关。

    The results indicate that absorption energy is related with coal rank , especially with volatile matter form a linear relation .

  20. 煤岩变质程度一是影响生气量,二是影响煤岩的渗滤性;

    Degree of metamorphism has influenced both the amount of coalbed methane generated from coal and the filtration properties of coal beds ;

  21. 在走向上煤的变质程度由南向北逐渐增高,在倾向上煤层随赋存深度的增大变质程度逐渐增高。

    Degree of metamorphism steps up along the strike from south to north , whereas steps up along the dip in company with depth .

  22. 混合体系中煤的吸附特性受吸附质气体原始含量、物理化学性质和煤的变质程度控制;

    The adsorption characteristics of coal in mixed gas system are controlled by gas initial content and physicochemical property as well as coal metamorphic grade ;

  23. 喜山期岩浆直接侵入到煤层或煤层底板,使煤的变质程度普遍增加,煤的含气量增大;

    Magma directly intruded into the coal beds or the seam floor in Himalayan epoch , resulting in generally higher degree of metamorphism and larger gas concentration of coal beds ;

  24. 梁山煤系和龙潭煤系煤岩变质程度较高,生气量大,赋存大量以吸附态为主的煤层气。

    The metamorphic grade is high and the gas production is big for the coal rock of Liangshan and longtan stages in which there is great coal bed gas mainly with absorption way .

  25. 结果表明,添加剂分子的空间结构、亲水能力和亲油能力的相对大小、以及磺化度与煤的变质程度、孔结构特征等性质具有匹配性。

    The results showed that the spatial structure of additives and hydrophile-lipophile balance as well as the degree of sulphonation were notably related to both the ranks of coal and characteristics of pore structure .

  26. 结果表明:煤的变质程度越低,表面活性基团越多,越易同大豆蛋白发生表面反应,从而具有较高的接枝率。

    The results showed that , the lower the coal rank , the easier the surface grafting reaction is performed , because low rank coals contain higher activated functional groups content than high rank coals .

  27. 分析了煤的变质程度、浮煤堆放蓄热环境和漏风供氧对煤炭自然氧化的活性自由基链式反应过程的影响;

    The influence of the degree of coal metamorphism , the storing heat circumstances of loosing and piling up coal , the air leaking on the process of active free radical chain reaction of coal natural oxidation are also analyzed .

  28. 对我国不同地区、不同煤盆、不同变质程度煤的等温吸附实验进行综合分析。

    The isothermal adsorbing experiment of coal collected in different areas and coal basins with different metamorphose degrees was synthetically analyzed .

  29. 煤岩组分和煤变质程度是影响煤层生储气能力的主控因素。

    Research shows that maceral and the degree of metamorphism of coal rock are key factors that control the generating and storing capacity of coal rock .

  30. 煤中氯的释放特性与煤变质程度的关系

    The relativity between release characteristic of chlorine and the rank of coal