
  • 网络coalfield prediction
  1. 因此,N-Y生态区及其周缘地带应为该区煤田预测与勘探的主要方向。

    Hence the N-Y ecotope and its surrounding areas should be considered to be the main direction of coalfield prediction and exploration in the region .

  2. 对煤田预测成果进行了分析、评述。

    The paper has analysed and evaluated to the achievements of coal prediction .

  3. 通过对大地构造演化及区域动力学背景分析,为煤田预测和勘查规划提供必要的地质学基础。

    Analysis on the tectonic evolution and regional dynamics background provides necessary basis in geology for forecast and planning of coal field .

  4. 煤田构造预测中的数学地质方法

    Summarizing the Mathematical Geology Method in the forecast Advance of Coal-field Constitution

  5. 这些研究成果对于煤田的预测和勘探具有普遍意义。

    These data are of universal significance in coal predicting and exploration .

  6. 神府&东胜煤田地表塌陷预测及防治

    The prediction and prevention and cure measures for the ground subsidence in Shenfu-Dongsheng Coalmine Area

  7. 分析总结了豫西宜洛煤田宜洛预测区推覆体下找煤的原则、方法及地质依据,对研究建立豫西地区类似构造控煤模式有一定的指导意义。

    This paper summarizes the principles , methods and geological basis of search for coal under nappe in Yiluo prediction area located in Western Henan .

  8. 煤田地震资料横向预测技术

    Technique of Lateral Prediction by Seismic Data in Coal Field

  9. 裂隙和断层充水煤田矿井涌水量预测的新方法

    A new approach for predicting mine water-inflow from inundation coalfield with fracture and faults

  10. 根据地质勘探和矿井开采资料,归纳总结出铁法煤田煤层赋存特征,并简要分析了煤层赋存的影响因素,对今后煤田预测具有一定的指导作用。

    Based on geology exploration and mine mining information of Tifa coal - field , sum up the storag feature of coal bed , briefly analyse the influence factors of coal bed so as to provide a certain leading role for the prediction of coal field afterwards .