
  • 网络geological data;geologic information;geological information
  1. 利用WORD模板功能快速实现成果地质资料文字部分的制作

    Use MS Word ﹖ Template Function to Create Letterpress of Geological Data Rapidly

  2. NET技术的地质资料目录服务系统的总体设计,并对其功能和关键技术进行详细描述。

    NET technology based service system of the geological data catalog , and makes a detailed description of its function and pivotal technology .

  3. 该系统采用B/S结构,实现了煤田地质资料的属性和图形的联合查询,以及各种类型的资料在Web浏览器中查阅。

    The system adopted B / S structure , realized combined inquiry of coal geological data attribute and graphics , search all kinds of information in Web browser .

  4. 用Excel处理地质资料

    Handle Geological Information with Excel

  5. 基于工程地质资料,通过对PHC管桩试桩静载荷试验相关数据的归纳分析、反演计算,确定了合理的桩型、单桩竖向承载力设计值和桩数;

    Base on the geologic prospecting information , the logical data of pile-type and pile load bearing capacity were confirmed by the accurate analysis and repetitive calculating .

  6. 通过对实际三维地震资料的处理,结合已知地质资料,证明C1相干技术在三维地震资料的断层解释方面有着明显的效果。

    The results of 3D seismic data processing , compared with known geologic data , showing that the C1 coherence algorithm is very effective for fault interpretation .

  7. 根据1992年和1995年两期GPS测量结果所获得的位移场和应变场,结合丰富的地质资料,利用有限元方法对华北地区现今构造应力场进行了数值模拟。

    According to the displacement and strain field obtained by GPS in 1992 and 1995 and combining with the abundant geologic data , the present tectonic stress field in North China , as a plane strain problem , is simulated numerically by means of the finite element method .

  8. 主要研究结果如下:(1)以AsterDEM为基本数据,结合地质资料,利用GIS空间分析技术,通过提取宏观与微观地形因子进行研究区地貌形态的定量分析。

    The results show that : 1 , Based on the database of Aster DEM and geological data as well as GIS techniques , we make quantitative analysis of the topography of the study area through the extraction of macro-and micro-topographical factors .

  9. 根据应力测量和地质资料,建立了柴北缘地区中西段T2和T4的地震反射层地质构造模型,并对这两个模型分别进行了光弹模拟和弹塑性数值模拟。

    Based on the stress measurement data and geological materials , the geological structure models are set up for T2 and T4 seismic reflection layers of the mid-west region of Qaidam Basin . Photoelastic simulation and plastic-elastic numerical simulation were carried out in terms of those two models .

  10. 根据ODP184航次的电阻率、声波速度、密度等测井资料以及地质资料,初步推断南海陆坡存在天然气水合物。

    On the basis of resistivity , sonic logging , density data and geology data in ODP184 , there exist gas hydrates in the continental slope of the South China Sea .

  11. 本文运用D-InSAR技术对杭州地区近期的地壳形变特征进行了监测,并结合区域地质资料、地球物理资料、水文地质资料以及钻孔资料等对地壳形变机理进行了深入的探讨。

    The current characteristics of crustal deformation of Hangzhou area was monitored by the D-InSAR technology and the crustal deformation mechanism was discussed deeply combined with regional geological data , geophysical data , hydrogeology and drilling data etc. The paper falls into the following parts : 1 .

  12. 加强基础信息工作,公开公益性基础地质资料和矿业权信息;

    Strengthening information work ; opening public data and ownership information ;

  13. 地质资料管理存在的风险及内部控制的建立

    Risks in management of geological data and establishment of internal control

  14. 成果地质资料电子文档的汇交与保管

    On the convergent commitment and storage of resultant geological materials-electronic files

  15. 物探及地质资料在地震解释中的综合应用

    Study on seismic section interpretation with combination of Geophysics and geology

  16. 地质资料图文数字化工作现状和发展趋势地质标准地形图图幅

    Present Status and Development Trend on Graph-text Digitalization of Geological Data

  17. 成果表明,所得地质资料可靠程度较高。

    The results indicate that the obtained geological data are reliable .

  18. 实物地质资料管理标准化研究

    Management Standard for Geological Data in Kind , Such as Drilling Core

  19. 煤矿生产中对地质资料的再认识

    Recognition of Geological Information in the Production of Coalmine

  20. 浅谈地质资料信息资源的二次开发与利用

    A preliminary study on the redevelopment and utilization of geologic data information resources

  21. 提出了一种新的土壤氡浓度预测方法,即利用现有地质资料中铀的含量评价环境氡浓度水平。

    A new method for soil radon prediction is provided by the authors .

  22. 深入学习贯彻《决定》大力推进地质资料开发利用

    Implementing the Guidelines of Decision to Promote the Development and Use of Geological Data

  23. 谈地质资料的封锁与开放

    Blockade and opening - up of geological data

  24. 高应变动力试桩拟合法中工程地质资料的应用

    Application of Engineering Geological Information in Fitting Process of Test Pile in High Straining Stress

  25. 河北省蔚县王喜洞村附近有含煤地层零星出露,以往地质资料多定为侏罗系。

    The age of coal-bearing stratum of Wangxidong used to be regarded as Jurassic system .

  26. 国内外实物地质资料管理现状对比研究

    A Comparative Study of Management of Geological Material Data in China and in Foreign Countries

  27. 地质资料是地质工作形成的重要基础信息资源。

    Geological data of geological work is an important basis for the formation of information resources .

  28. 结合区域地质资料,建立了本地区的地层系统。

    Integrate with the district geological material , set up the stratum system of the areas .

  29. 地质资料管理系统建设研究

    Construction of Geological Data Management System

  30. 由于缺乏取心和地质资料,解释精度较低。

    Due to the lack of coring and geological data , the interpretation accuracy is doubtable .