
  • 网络reconnaissance;pretest
  1. 这要跟下一次预查中36-50节的法利赛人做个比较。

    Compare this with the Pharisee in the next lesson , vs.36-50 .

  2. 对三个勘查区探矿权最佳评估方法提出建议,并主要就预查阶段、普查阶段的评估方法进行了总结。

    The premium assessing method in these three exploration areas are recommended .

  3. 警检关系的重构与公诉预查制度的构建

    Reconstructing of Relations Between Police and Procuratorate and Building System of Pre-spy in Public Prosecution

  4. 这种方法实质上是在抽样论中预查法基础上提出来的一种动态处理数据的抽样理论。

    This method is based on the method of previsional measure present sampling method of data processing of moving state .

  5. 乙方接受甲方委托,免费为甲方提供注册地公司名称预查服务。

    Party B accepts the commission , provided free of charge to Party A company registered in the name pre-screening services .

  6. 在预查选区上,框定了从带入手,以带找区,再以区找体的思路。

    For the advance survey precinct , it is decided to start with zone , find area from zone and find body from area .

  7. 低磁纬度地区ΔT异常处理解释方法在坦桑尼亚某地区金矿预查中的应用

    The application of the method for interpretation of magnetic δ t anomalies in the low magnetic latitude area to gold ore prognosis in Tanzania

  8. 为此,在其前期预查时采用了多种电法手段,其中以对称剖面法和激电测深方法确定煤层露头具体位置;

    For this reason , multiple electric means have been used during advanced investigation : in which , use the symmetric profiling and IP sounding to define exact location of coal seam outcrops ;