
  • 网络awacs;aew;AEW&C
  1. 基于SEA的预警机低空预警效能分析

    Effectiveness Analysis of AWACS Based on SEA for Low Altitude Early-warning

  2. 用SEA法分析预警机指控系统的时效性

    Analyzing the timeliness of AWACS command and control system by using SEA method

  3. 应用概率论方法,提出预警机引导导弹攻击概率评估模型,并运用Matlab仿真,对预警机引导导弹超视距攻击的概率进行评估。

    It gives missile launch model by probability method and evaluates the effection by Matlab emulation .

  4. 基于TOPSIS方法的海上预警机防空作战效能评估

    Evaluating the Operational Effectiveness of Early Warning Aircraft under Antiaircraft Defence at Sea Based on TOPSIS

  5. 航母编队航渡过程中预警机阵位确定方法研究基于SOA的民航航班延误波及分析与预警系统

    Research on the Position of Early Warning Aircraft Carrier Formations in Navigation ; Flight Delay Propagation Analyzing and Predicting System of Civil Aviation of China Based on SOA

  6. 预警机JTIDS对抗作战能力评估模型

    The Evaluation Model of Combat Capability against JTIDS in Early Warning Aircraft

  7. 介绍了JY型列车接近语言预警机的软、硬件设计和工作原理,并对其技术特点进行了分析。

    This paper introduced the design purpose and working principle of Model JY Train Approaching Announciator and analyzed the features of the system .

  8. E-2C鹰眼预警机的现状与发展

    Status Quo and Development of E-2C " Hawkeye " Early-warning Aircraft

  9. Awacs预警机交易后,班达尔王子成为沙特驻美大使馆的武官,后来升任大使。

    After the Awacs deal , Prince Bandar became military attach é at the Saudi embassy in the US , and was later promoted to ambassador .

  10. 美军战术数字信息链路(TADIL)A是一种战术数字信息链路,被美军广泛应用用于装有NTDS、AEGIS等系统的舰艇之间实时交换战斗信息及舰艇与预警机之间的数据交换等。

    The ( TADIL ) A is a new kind of tactical digital information link , used in the naval vessels equipped NTDS AEGIS for information exchanging or data exchanging between naval vessels and early-warning airplane .

  11. 文中运用目前流行的分布式交互仿真思想,设计了分布式海军航空兵突击作战仿真系统,并对相关联邦成员以及预警机CGF进行了开发,对分布式作战系统的开发具有参考价值。

    Based on the introduction of HLA , in combination with the new characteristic of Air-Sea Combat , naval aviation distributed striking simulation system is designed , the correlative federates and AEW CGF is exploited , which is valuable to develop the distributed operation simulation system .

  12. 预警机雷达在协同空战中的多目标探测

    Study of AWACS Radar Detecting Multi-Group Targets in Multi-Aircraft Cooperative Combat

  13. 预警机雷达反隐身途径探讨

    The Discussion on Means for Anti - stealth in AEW Radar

  14. 预警机任务分系统的仿真控制与网络管理

    Simulation Control and Networked Management for Subsystem of Early Warning Aircraft

  15. 对预警机相控阵雷达主瓣干扰的可行性分析

    Main lobe jamming for phase array airborne early warning radar

  16. 预警机支援下的空地协同目标定位研究

    Target Locating Based on Air-Ground Cooperation with Support of AWACS

  17. 预警机雷达抗干扰性能的分析与仿真

    Analysis and Simulation of Anti-jamming Performance of Early Warning Aircraft

  18. 小型预警机主雷达天线的机体散射

    Scattering of the main radar antenna fixed on mini-awacs

  19. 预警机用两点源抗反辐射导弹研究

    Research in Two Radiation Sources Decoy Systems Resisting Anti-radiation Missile for Early-warning Aircraft

  20. 预警机雷达目标威胁判定的多因素综合方法

    A Method of Multi-factor Synthesis for Determining Target Threat

  21. 预警机雷达的低截获措施及分析

    The Analysis and Application of LPI in Airborne Radar

  22. 无人机攻击预警机飞行仿真模型初探

    Discuss on Flying Simulation Model of UAV Attacking AWACS

  23. 概述了红外探测技术在预警机中的应用。

    Infrared detection technology application in the warnig aircraft is summarized in the paper .

  24. 预警机系统关键技术分析

    Key Technologies Analysis of Airborne Early Warning System

  25. 预警机指挥多机群空战的协同战术决策空地协同群在防空作战空地协同中的应用

    Research on Tactical Decision of Multi-groups Aircrafts Coordinated Air Battle under Command of AWACS

  26. 有更强的战略轰炸机、预警机、大运输机和加油机。

    More strategic bombers , airborne warning aircraft , large transport planes and tanker aircraft .

  27. 然后根据预警机自身的特点,着重研究了预警机如何与点源型红外制导导弹进行对抗的情况。

    Secondly , how the airborne radar confront the point-type infrared missile is studied emphatically .

  28. 预警机利用红外诱饵弹抗点源型红外制导导弹模型

    A Model for Airborne Radar to Use Infrared Decoy to Confront Point-type Infrared Guided Missile

  29. 预警机红外对抗技术分析及其对抗措施

    The Technical Analysis of Infrared counter measures in AEW and the Measures Against Infrared Jamming

  30. 预警机的发展趋势

    Development Trend of Early Warning Aircraft