- 网络tar;Tar,d

With the increase of Ni loading and reduction temperature of Ni / MgO catalyst , the tar yield increases .
Research on Tar Production Rate in Coking Process
Relations among yields , characterization of low temperature tars and pyrolysis temperature
Research on the tar yield and properties of coal pyrolysis in an internal-heated rotary furnace
With the increase of pyrolysis temperature and gas flow rate , the tar yield increases .
Tar yield increases with the increase of volatile matter yield of brown coal in different ages .
The tar yield increased firstly , and then decreased , and got its maximum at 600 ℃ .
This thesis focuses on the experimental study of mild gasification of Zhaotong lignite and mathematical model on predicting tar yield .
After removing minerals of asphalt shale by HCl / HF mixing acids , the conversion ratio increased and tar yield reached 14.4 % .
Gas production rate increases with the gasification temperature . Solid residue decreases with increasing temperature . Tar yield decreases with the increasing temperature when the temperature exceeds 650 ℃ .
The experimental results proved that with the input of the limestone the yield of tar decreased and the yield of gas increased and the quality of the gas was also improved .
It was demonstrated that the tar ratio was high at large , the blending coal not only reduced the sulfur content but also improved the low-temperature carbonization process and the product quality .
The effects of temperature and residence time on tar cracking in the freeboard of a fluidized bed have been investigated in order to reduce the tar produced in the pyrolysis process of coal .
The results show that the yield of xylan pyrolysis tar product increases with rising reacting temperature , but decreases with rising temperature after approaching a maximum value caused by the secondary decomposition of tar .
Some waste plastics are added to mixed coal and coking with a small coke oven , then tar yield , coke yield , coke granularity , coke intensity of I rotational kettle and coke ash is analyzed .
Using poplar sawdust as raw material , we research that the yield of fuel gas , tar and char was influenced by the gasification conditions , such as the gasification temperature , heating rate , and steam quantity in the gasifier .
In this paper , the fusel was added in bituminous pyrolysis for the first time . The pyrolysis of shenmu bituminous coal was investigated on a fixed-bed reactor . We hoped to improve the situation that the coal tar yield of the traditional pyrolysis process was low .
Compared with the experimental results from those without steam existence , the tar yield of co-pyrolysis with steam was increased . The water vapor atmosphere could promote the co-pyrolysis process .
The tar and char yield were low and decreased with the gasification temperature .
The experimental results show that the yields of tar and coke are increased with the increment of adding proportion on plastics , there is no remarkable variation on crude benzol and ammonia yields .
The results demonstrated the yields of the tar and crude benzol were improved differently , the yields of ammon remained the same , coke yields had been slightly declared during co-carbonization of coal with additions .
The main pyrolysis production of coal is coke , but the main production of waste plastics is tar ; the yield of water became decrease and the gas became increase by adding the waste plastics .