
  • 网络Chemical activity;physical andchemicalactivities
  1. 废渣中各元素的化学活动性表现出很大的差别,其中Cu、Zn和Cd的化学活动性最强,活性态浸出比例在90%以上;

    The chemical mobility of toxic trace elements has great differences in slag : Cu , Zn and Cd have the highest mobility , and the extractable fractions of them are more than 90 % of the total , respectively ;

  2. 实验结果显示96h的EC50值苯胺衍生物的毒性比母体毒性强,这是由其脂溶性、化学活动性、极性及稳定性的大小而决定的。

    The results show that the acute toxicity of aniline 's derivatives is stronger than the aniline in 96 h EC50 toxicity values , and the intensity of the toxicity is dependent on the power of fat resolvability , chemical activity , polarity and stability .

  3. 桂林市红粘土的化学活动性与工程环境效应

    Guilin Red Clay chemical activity and its influence on engineering environment

  4. 煤中部分潜在毒害微量元素在表生条件下的化学活动性

    Chemical mobility of potentially toxic trace elements in coal at surface conditions

  5. 云浮黄铁矿利用过程中微量毒害元素的环境化学活动性

    Chemical mobility of toxic trace elements in Yunfu pyrite and its slag at surface conditions

  6. 超基性岩浆作用中硫的化学活动性增加与其碱度增加直接有关。

    The increase of sulfur chemical activities in ultrabasic magmatic processes is directly related to its alkalinity .

  7. 根据区域构造演化史提出岩溶演化模式,指出多期的构造旋回,复杂的断块掀斜作用和长期的化学活动性流体的溶蚀是研究区古岩溶发育的主要因素。

    The main factors leading to the development of paleokarst in the region were found to be multi-phase tectonic cycle , complicated fault-block tilting and long-term dissolution by chemically active fluids .

  8. 结果表明,不同时代、不同类型岩石中氟的化学活动性具有很大的差异,碳酸盐岩中氟均具有很强的化学活动性,其中氟的可淋失比例一般高于75%;

    The results show that there are quite big differences in chemical mobility of fluorine in rocks of different types . Fluorine in carbonate rock is very active , in which the proportion of leachable fluorine is generally more than 75 % .

  9. 成岩物质是决定砂岩成岩动力特征的内在因素,主要表现在岩石的抗压性、抗热性和化学反应的活动性方面。

    The diagenesis material was the inherence factors that influenced dynamic diagenesis , which was mainly showed by resist-press resist-hot the activity of chemistry of the rock .

  10. 使用逐级化学提取方法对岩石中氟元素的化学活动性进行了研究。

    Sequential extraction experiments were used to study the chemical mobility of fluorine in rocks .

  11. 高温化学的有关或表明高温下的化学活动的改性含钛高炉渣高温碳化低温氯化的研究

    Relating to or designating chemical activity at elevated temperatures . Study on High-temperature Carbonization and Low-temperature Chlorination on Modified Titanium Bearing Blast Furnace Slag