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  • 网络chemical castration
  1. 我是说,我甚至想过化学阉割。

    I mean , I even thought about chemical castration .

  2. 我现在甚至考虑化学阉割。

    I am now even thought about chemical castration .

  3. 但在大多数发达国家里,生猪都已采取了化学阉割。

    But most pigs in developed countries have been chemically castrated .

  4. 现在,欧洲正在考虑禁止对生猪进行化学阉割。

    Now Europe is considering a ban on castration .

  5. 最后,他被迫在监禁和化学阉割二者中做出选择,他选择了化学阉割。

    Turing was subsequently forced to choose between imprisonment and chemical castration . He chose chemical castration .