
  • 网络crystalline glaze
  1. 辉石结晶釉析晶体的研究

    Study of crystal phase in pyroxene crystalline glaze

  2. 北京昌平霏细岩在结晶釉陶瓷坯体中的应用

    Application of Changping Eurite in Crystalline Glaze Body

  3. 茶叶末结晶釉主晶相的研究

    A Study on Principal Crystalline Phase of Tea Dust Crystalline Glaze

  4. 一次低温快速烧成马赛克结晶釉的研制

    Development of Crystal Glaze on Mosaic Tile with Once Fast firing

  5. 普通辉石结晶釉的研究硅锌钛结晶釉初探

    An Approach to Silico - Zinc - Titanic Crystalline Glaze

  6. 探讨了硅酸锌结晶釉的析晶机理。

    The formation mechanism of crystalline glaze was discussed in this dissertation .

  7. 辊道窑快烧结晶釉的制备与晶体形貌分析

    Preparation and crystal shape analyse of crystal glaze QUICK-FIRED in roller hearth kiln

  8. 钙镁硅酸盐系列结晶釉的研究&钙、镁氧化物对结晶釉析晶的影响

    Crystalline-glaze Series of Calcium-magnesium Silicates & the Influence of CaO / MgO Ratio on Crystallization

  9. 故在硅酸锌结晶釉中加入着色氧化物可改变晶体色调。

    So these metal oxides added in crystalline glaze can change the color of crystal .

  10. 金黄色铁板钛矿结晶釉的试制

    Trial-production of Golden Yellow Ilmenite Crystal Glazes

  11. 传统结晶釉主要用于工艺品以及日用陶瓷上,而在建筑陶瓷上的应用较晚亦较少。

    Traditional crystalline glaze mainly used in craftwork and commodity ceramic while in tile lately .

  12. 稀土着色结晶釉生产工艺

    Rare earth colouring crystal enamel manufacture

  13. 结晶釉以它独有的艺术风格,享有广泛的声誉,颇得消费者的青睐。

    Crystalline glaze has broadly reported and gained favors of customers for its particular art style .

  14. 具有金星装饰效果的结晶釉

    Crystalline Glazes with Aventurine Effect

  15. 利用天然矿物岩石作原料,研究结晶釉中辉石的形成,及其种属确定。

    Reported in this paper are to make and study Pyroxene Crystalline Glaze with natural minerals and rocks .

  16. 针对钙镁硅酸盐系列结晶釉,研究配方中钙、镁氧化物含量及CaO/MgO比值发生变化时,对釉烧温度及析晶体矿物种属、析晶集合体形态的影响;

    CaO / MgO crystalline glazes and the influence of CaO / MgO ratio on firing temperature of glazes of Ca-Mg silicates were studied .

  17. 从工艺配方着手,试制成功了一种符合现代建筑陶瓷产品低温快速烧成要求的新型结晶釉。

    This paper began with technological formulation and trial-produced a new kind of low temperature and fast firing crystalline glaze according with modern tile .

  18. 研究成功烧成温度为1040℃和烧成周期为70分钟并适用于彩釉砖的硅锌系结晶釉。

    Zinc silicate type crystalline glaze that fits coloured glaze brick of firing temperature 1040 ℃ and firing cycle 70 minute has been developed .

  19. 2004年开发的新产品&仿古系列结晶釉马赛克受到欧洲及东南亚各国好评。

    Newly developed products in2004 & the imitated antique mosaic , crystal mosaic * etc have been well received by European and South-East Asia countries .

  20. 因此,结晶釉不能满足建筑陶瓷的低温快烧要求,在建筑陶瓷领域难以得到广泛的推广和应用。

    It can not satisfy the requirements of low temperature and fast firing for building ceramics , and is difficult to apply in the building ceramic field .

  21. 结晶釉是一种极富观赏价值和装饰效果的艺术釉,用其装饰陶瓷制品,可以提升陶瓷的观赏性和艺术性。

    Crystalline glaze is one of the art glazes with high ornamental value and decoration effect . The ornamental and artistic quality of ceramics can be advanced with the crystalline glaze .

  22. 本文介绍近十多年来我国硅锌矿结晶釉基础研究在以下几个方面的进展:(1)硅锌矿成核机制的研究;

    The progress in the following aspects of the basic research of willemite crystalline glaze in recent years is reviewed in the paper : ( 1 ) Mechanism of nucleation in glaze melts ;

  23. 以Na2O-B2O3-SiO2系熔块为基研制了具有金星装饰效果的含铁结晶釉,并列出了其主要性能。

    Iron-containing crystalline glazes with aventurine effect were developed on the base of the Na 2O-B 2O 3-SiO 2 system , and the main properties of the glazes were introduced in this paper .

  24. 目前,结晶釉主要应用于艺术陶瓷及日用陶瓷,但其烧成温度较高(通常在1300℃左右),且烧成周期较长(一般长达数小时)。

    At present , the traditional crystalline glaze is mainly applied to art porcelain and domestic porcelain due to its high firing temperature ( about 1300 ℃) and long firing period ( about hours ) .

  25. 按朝代分有唐瓷、宋瓷、明瓷、清瓷等;按釉的装饰特征又有单色釉、结晶釉、花色釉等。

    The ceramic is divided as Tang , Song , Ming and Qing ceramics according to the years ; another is classified as monochrome glaze , crystalline glaze and color glaze by decorative features of the glaze .

  26. 通过在釉料配方中加入多种助熔物质,如玻璃粉等,降低硅酸锌结晶釉的烧成温度(1200℃左右)。

    In order to reduce the firing temperature of zinc silicate crystalline glaze , a variety of fluxing agents such as glass powder etc. were added to the glaze , and made the firing temperature down to 1200 ℃ .

  27. 采用正交试验、动态观察及单因素优化试验的方法研制出了铁系结晶釉之一的幽邃银星装饰釉,对其形成机理进行了详细研究,并掌握了其合理的生产工艺控制条件。

    Through cross experiment , dynamic observing and single factor optimization experiment , a new variety of iron system crystallization glaze was studied , its forming mechanism was researched in detail and the reasonable technology control condition of the glaze was in hand .