
  • 网络chemical pump;ISWH
  1. IFW型无泄漏化工泵的研究与应用

    Research and Application of the IFW Leak Proof Chemical Pump

  2. IFW型无泄漏化工泵是一种全新结构的自吸内引流无泄漏泵。

    The IFW leak proof chemical pump is sort of leak proof pump with full new structure .

  3. 针对废水处理汽提塔的液位控制要求,将积分分离智能PI调节应用于可编程控制器,控制变频器化工泵进行液位调节。

    In accordance with requirement in the liquid level of waste water treatment of the vaporization tower , An integral-separated PI control algorithm for PLC was proposed in this paper , which used to level regulation by controlling inverter and chemical pump .

  4. 磷酸装置化工泵的选用及运行分析

    Pump Selection and Operation in Phosphoric acid Plant

  5. 石油化工泵用机械密封的可靠性分析

    Petrochemical process pumps MFS reliability analysis

  6. 化工泵试验台

    The test station of chemical pump

  7. 石油化工泵用过滤器选用、检验及验收实验室或工业用陶瓷过滤器

    Specification for selection , inspection and acceptance of strainer for pump in petrochemical industry ceramic filter for laboratory or industrial purposes

  8. 适用于水泵、化工泵、液压、气动系统中的动密封。

    The O-shaped sealing ring is adaptable to dynamic seal of water pumps , chemical pumps , hydraulic pressure and pneumatic systems .

  9. 供应各种过滤机、耐酸碱化工泵、磁力泵、大头泵及所有配件、各种滤材、密封件、订做各种滚桶及生产线等。

    It supplies all kinds of filters , acid chemical pumps , magnetic pumps , bulks of the pump and accessories , as well as filters and seals .

  10. 本文简要地介绍了端面微孔机械密封的典型结构及其工作原理、端面微孔机械密封产生发展概况、最新研究进展及其在化工泵上的应用情况。

    The typical structures , the working principle , the development and the latest progress in research and applications in chemical pumps are concisely presented in this paper .

  11. 能安全使用于除熔化碱金属、氟溶液、发烟酸及其它强氧化性介质以外的一切化工泵,也适合于水、蒸汽、植物油、溶剂等介质。

    Can be safely used in all chemical pump applications with the exception of molten alkali metals , fluoride , fuming nitric acid and other strong oxidizing agents .

  12. HD型石油化工流程泵叶轮内部流场数值计算

    Numerical Simulation of Flow Field in the Impeller of HD Petrochemical Process Pump

  13. HD型石油化工流程泵的几点设计思路

    Thoughts of HD type petrol - chemical process pump

  14. 为了使HD型石油化工流程泵具有更好的性能,了解泵内部流场的流动规律显得尤为重要。

    To make the HD type petrol-chemical pump have better performance , It is very important to know about the flowing distributions .

  15. 内装式、单端面、单弹簧、平衡型,动环辅助密封采用U形密封圈,密封可靠,适合高压石油化工流程泵。

    With built-in type , single seal face and single spring , U-ring is used for rotating ring auxiliary seal , high reliable seal , fitting for high-pressure petrochemical process pump .

  16. 目前,石油化工流程泵正往大型化、高速化方向发展,HD型石油化工流程泵就是基于这种思路开发的一种新型化工流程泵。

    Presently , Petrol-chemical process pump is developing to large scale and high speed . Based on this thought , people design the HD type petrol-chemical process pump .

  17. 本文论述了HD型石油化工流程泵在开发研制过程中结构、水力设计以及密封问题上的思考,与化工行业的同行进行交流。

    This paper discussed thoughts of structure design , hydraulic design and seal design of HD type petrol - chemical process pump , in order to communicate with experts in petrol - chemical industry .

  18. 化工流程泵已被广泛应用在石化装置上。ZA型、ZE型化工流程泵是我国石油化工生产装置中应用最多最广的单级单吸悬臂式流程泵。

    Chemical process pumps of model ZA and ZE are single stage single suction cantilever type process pumps , which are widely used in petrochemical plants .

  19. IHF型氟塑料化工离心泵为单级单吸式离心泵,参照国际标准ISO2858标准设计。

    IHF fluorin plastic chemical centrifugal pump is single-stage single-suction pump , it is designed according to standard of ISO2858 .

  20. 石油、化工离心泵常用标准的分析与比较

    Analysis and Comparison of General Standards for Chemical and Petrochemical Centrifugal Pumps

  21. 化工离心泵的新结构研究

    New Design and Research on Centrifugal Pump for Chemical Industry

  22. 石油化工用泵的行业现状及技术发展趋势

    Present situation of petrochemical pumps industry and its prospects of new technology

  23. 双吸式化工流程泵内部流场的数值分析

    Numerical Simulation of Flow in the Double Suction Chemical Pump

  24. 离心式化工流程泵设计技术进展综述

    Review of progress on the design technology of centrifugal type chemical process pump

  25. 化工用泵的工艺计算

    Process Calculation for Pumps Used in Chemical Industry

  26. 便拆式管道泵系石油化工流程泵,为国家专利产品。

    The convenient unweave type inline chemical pumps are the patent products for petrochemical process .

  27. 化工流程泵在炼油装置中的应用

    The application of process pump in Refinery

  28. 化工离心泵的可靠性分析

    Reliability Analysis of Petrochemical Centrifugal Pump

  29. 玻璃钢化工离心泵过流部件模压成型的生产工艺方法及应用

    The Technique and Application of Moulding Parts About Chemical Centrifugal Pump Made of Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic Material

  30. 射流式自吸喷灌泵内部流场的数值分析双吸式化工流程泵内部流场的数值分析

    Numerical simulation of internal flow field of self-priming irrigation pump Numerical Simulation of Flow in the Double Suction Chemical Pump