
  • 网络Beijing South Station;Beijing South Railway Station;South Railway Station
  1. 在北京南站,这个超现代化的车站有点像飞机场。

    Indeed , at Beijing South station , the ultra-modern facility resembles an airport .

  2. 北京南站站房外形为椭圆形,雨篷采用新颖的拉索结构。

    Station building of Beijing South Station is elliptical , and novel cable structure is used in its awning .

  3. 上海铁路警方表示,此次开通的“红眼高铁”G8次列车,将于晚上7点从上海虹桥站出发,在23点48分抵达北京南站。

    Shanghai railway police said that the red-eye bullet train , G8 , will leave Shanghai Hongqiao Railway Station at 7 pm and arrive at Beijing South Railway Station at 11:48 pm .

  4. 北京南站站厅结构列车运行激励的振动分析

    Vibration Analysis of Train Running on Beijing Southern Station Building

  5. 冷、热、电三联供系统在北京南站的应用

    Application of CCHP system in the South Beijing Railway Station

  6. 对于北京南站候车区的噪声分布特点进行测试研究。

    The noise was measured in the waiting area of Beijing South Railway Station .

  7. 北京南站客流组织动态仿真分析方法研究

    Research on Dynamic Simulation Method for Passenger Flow Organizations in Beijing South Railway Station

  8. 北京南站综合交通枢纽地铁站预留改造方案研究

    Research on the Pre-reserved Upgrading Scheme for Subway Station in Beijing South Traffic Terminal

  9. 在北京南站,每天大约有5万旅客离开。

    The Beijing South Railway Station sees around fifty thousand passengers departing every day .

  10. 北京南站超厚底板大体积混凝土施工技术

    Construction technology of super-thick slab of mass concrete in Beijing South Railway Station Project

  11. 北京南站高架层显示屏支撑结构的设计与施工

    The design and construction of supporting structure for display screen at overhead floor of Beijing South Railway Station

  12. 该列车将于晚上7点10分从上海站出发,次日清晨7点7分到达北京南站。

    It will leave Shanghai at 7:10 pm and arrive at Beijing at 7:07 am the next day .

  13. 北京南站启用了一种新的智能安检门,能够对乘客进行脸部识别。

    At the Beijing South Railway Station , a new smart gate is using facial recognition to screen passengers .

  14. 北京南站改扩建工程与北京动车段走行线工程中高性能混凝土的研究与应用

    Study and Application of High Performance Concrete in Beijing South Railway Station Reconstruction and Beijing D - train Running Track Project

  15. 南联盟抗击北约空袭作战对策及启示冷、热、电三联供系统在北京南站的应用

    Revelation of Yugoslavian Operation Countermeasure against NATO s Air - attack ; Application of CCHP system in the South Beijing Railway Station

  16. 这些都没有影响到董华(音),一位来自浙江的,正在北京南站等待购票的销售主管。

    None of that mattered to Dong Hua , a sales executive from Zhejiang waiting in a ticket line at Beijing South station .

  17. 并结合北京南站的实际,对大型客运站仿真模型的设计与实现方法进行了实例分析。

    Combined with the actual data of Beijing South Railway Station , and make examples analysis for simulation model design and implementation on the large passenger station .

  18. 实际上,拥有超现代化设施的高铁北京南站,其建筑模式与机场极其相似,同时高铁的另一终端站实际上就位于上海虹桥机场。

    Indeed , at Beijing South station , the ultra-modern facility resembles an airport . The other terminus , meanwhile , actually is at Shanghai 's domestic airport .

  19. 夏季流经东沙群岛北侧的一支偏西向海流北京南站高架桥西侧立交的选型与设计

    A WESTWARD CURRENT THAT FLOWS THROUGH THE NORTH OF THE DONGSHA ISLANDS IN SUMMER Type Selection and Design of Interchange at West Side of Beijing South Station Elevated Bridge

  20. 现年60岁的李女士已经在水头庄居住20年了,此前她住在北京南站附近的一个平房里,那里因为要重建也已经拆迁了。

    Sixty-year-old Mrs. Li has lived at Shuitouzhuang for 20 years - ever since her last home , a single story house near Beijing South railway station , was bulldozed for redevelopment .

  21. 最后,对影响换乘效率的指标体系利用综合模糊评价法进行评价,并对北京南站和上海站进行了实例分析。

    Finally , the paper evaluates the impact index of transfer efficiency system by comprehensive evaluation method . And make the Beijing South Railway Station and Shanghai Railway Station as an illustrative example .

  22. 此外,还将增开一趟夜间动卧高铁D312次列车,它以前只是作为上海站至北京南站春运时的临时列车,以后则将开始常规运行。

    Another bullet train with sleeping cars , D312 , which ran from Shanghai Railway Station to Beijing South Railway Station temporarily during the Spring Festival holiday , will also start regular operation later .

  23. 选取北京南站与广州南站进行客站实例调研,从旅客的主观角度出发,以问卷调研形式对客站的环境行为心理安全进行统计与分析。

    Beijing South Railway Station and Guangzhou South Railway Station to station selection example research , starting from the subjective perspective of passenger station , the environmental behavior of psychological safety statistics and analysis to the questionnaire survey form .

  24. 以北京南站为例,进行了客流集散仿真系统的实例应用研究,验证了集散仿真模型的有效性,给出了不同客流条件下评估高铁枢纽集散效率和安全状态的方法。

    We made the passenger distributing simulation in Beijing South Railway Station , verified the effectiveness of the distributed simulation model and gave the method of assessing distribution efficiency and security status of high-speed railway hub in different flow conditions .

  25. 以北京南站综合交通枢纽和北京地铁雍和宫站为案例,利用校验方法对客流生成结果进行分析,从而证明生成结果的可靠性和模型的合理性。

    Taking Beijing South Railway Station and Beijing subway Lama Temple station as examples , validation methods was used to analyzing the results of flow generation , the analysis proves the reliability of flow generation results and rationality of the model .

  26. 随着客运专线的建设,在一些大中城市已经形成了综合性的交通枢纽,如北京南站、上海南站、广州南站等。

    With the construction of Passenger Dedicated Line ( PDL ), some comprehensive transportation hubs have already formed in some major cities such as the Beijing South Railway Station , the Shanghan South Railway Station and the Guangzhou South Railway Station .

  27. 北京南站厅结构为多层框架结构,地面以下为钢管混凝土柱和钢筋混凝土梁,地面以上为钢筋混凝土柱和大跨度钢梁。

    The station building of Beijing Southern Station is a frame structure , in which the underground part is consisted of concrete-filled steel tubular columns and reinforced concrete beams , and the overground part is consisted of the reinforced concrete columns and steel beams .

  28. 北京南站高架桥西侧立交的选型与设计从台北高速公路往南,在林口下交流道,你会看到长庚医院,沿途还有指标。

    Type Selection and Design of Interchange at West Side of Beijing South Station Elevated Bridge From Taipei by freeway get toward the south , and exit at the Linkou crossroad , than you will see the Chang Gung Hospital and golf course sign .