
  1. 流动SLR北京站观测结果分析

    Data analysis of mobile SLR at Beijing station

  2. 宽带消光法反演气溶胶光学厚度与AERONET北京站探测结果的对比研究

    A Comparison Study of Aerosol Optical Depths Retrieved from Broadband Extinction Method and Aerosol Robotic Network Observation

  3. 本文运用仿真软件ED-PLATO软件,在对北京站乘客实地调研和对调研数据分析的基础上建立仿真模型。

    In this paper , we use simulation software ED-PLATO , on the basis of field research Beijing station passenger and analysis of survey data , building a simulation model .

  4. 在北京站火车又加挂了2节车厢。

    Two extra carriages were joined onto the train at beijing .

  5. 金属屋面系统在北京站扩改工程中的应用

    Application of metal roofing system in extension project of Beijing Railway Station

  6. 北京站的揭幕赛出乎意料地充满戏剧性。

    The inaugural race , the Beijing ePrix , was unexpectedly dramatic .

  7. 一辆公车在在北京站停了下来。

    A city bus pulls into the Beijing station .

  8. 先生、小姐,北京站已经到了,请下车。

    Ladies and gentlemen , Beijing station 's here , please get off .

  9. 北京站无站台柱雨棚安全监测内容与方法

    Content and means on safety monitoring of no-station pole canopy in Beijing station

  10. 火车正驶进北京站。

    The train is pulling in Beijing Railway Station .

  11. 此次北京站是拜登副总统对亚洲进行为期一周访问中的一站。

    The stop in Beijing is part of a week-long trip to Asia .

  12. 凯特在北京站下火车。

    Kate got off the train at beijing .

  13. 新德里与北京站在一边,不接受对本国的碳排放设定上限。

    New Delhi has sided with Beijing to oppose binding caps on its carbon emissions .

  14. 北京站高架候车室地基与上部结构地震反应

    Earthquake response analysis of the foundation and superstructure of Beijing railway station high-rise waiting room

  15. 电动方程式赛车锦标赛北京站在2008年的奥运会场奥林匹克公园举行。

    The Beijing ePrix took place in Olympic Park , site of the 2008 Olympics .

  16. 奢华的亚洲巡演包括在北京站与上海站与歌迷们见面。

    As part of the luxury Asia tour , Lee will be meeting fans in Beijing and Shanghai .

  17. 路过北京站时,他瞥见大钟正指着上午十点。

    As he rode past Beijing Station , a glance told him the big tower clock read ten o'clock exactly .

  18. 北京站是我国大型的铁路客运站之一,是北京重要的客运交通枢纽,也是北京市对外连接门户。

    Beijing Railway Station is one of largest Railway station , the important passenger traffic hub of Beijing , the portal Beijing city connected to other city .

  19. 这张图展示的是北京站以及成百万的外来务工人员在农历春节返乡的景象,他们从工厂的生产线里解放了,返乡了。

    This is a photograph of one of Beijing 's train stations ahead of Chinese New Year when millions of migrant workers flock away from their factory production lines and head home .

  20. 详细介绍了北京站至北京西站地下直径线工程概况,运用安全系统工程理论,具体分析其安全管理好的方面与不足之处。

    I take underground diameter line project from Beijing Railway Station to Beijing West Railway Station as an example . I give a detailed introduction to its general construction situation and concretely analyze the advantages and disadvantages of the safety management with safety system construction theories .

  21. 本文针对铁路客运站地区城市交通换乘的问题,分析了北京站地区交通衔接的现状,指出存在的主要问题是换乘地铁走行距离过长、公交车站设计不合理和站前广场人流车流混杂。

    Based on the problems of the traffic transfer at the area of railway passenger station , this paper analyzes the situation of Beijing railway station and points out the existing disadvantages as follows : ( 1 ) The transfer distances to the subway is too long ;

  22. B在北京火车站。

    B At the Beijing Railway Station .

  23. 第二天她带着我我来到北京火车站,帮我搭上了去往南昌的列车。当我独自一人坐上那辆22小时旅程的“K”字快车时,我的中国之旅才满24小时。

    The next day I was taken by her to the Beijing Railway Station to board the train to Nanchang , I was on my own , and only had had 24 hours in China on that journey of 22 hours on the " K " train .

  24. 利用VC++实现基于TAPI的调制解调器编程,使微机通过调制解调器的拨号功能与北京地面站相接,并使用户能通过调制解调器经由用户电话线直接完成陆地方与Inmarsat-C船站间的中文通信。

    This paper focuses on how to realize the TAPI-based programming utilizing VC + + , connect the computer with the Beijing CES through modem dial-up service and realize the Chinese communication between land and Inmarsat-C SES through users ? telephone wire and modem .

  25. 北京火车站抗震鉴定与加固技术

    The Seismic Evaluation and Strengthening Technique of the Beijing Railway Station

  26. 北京南站站厅结构列车运行激励的振动分析

    Vibration Analysis of Train Running on Beijing Southern Station Building

  27. 房屋供暖,如北京火车站、人民美术出版社等单位。

    The Beijing Railway Station and the People 's Art Press ete .

  28. 我们公司在北京火车站附近的馆前路上。

    Our office is near Beijing railway station , on Guan-Qian Road .

  29. 你能支付在抵达北京火车站(从深圳)后,您呢?

    Can you pay you upon arrival at Beijing train station ( From Shenzhen )?

  30. 她在北京火车站接受记者采访时表示,自己最关心的是国有职工的待遇问题。

    She said what she concerns is about the treatment of workers in national companies .