
  1. 本文通过分析市郊铁路的作用及优点,介绍了国外现代化大城市的市郊铁路网状况及北京市郊铁路的状况。

    This article analyses the functions and the advantages of the suburban railway , and introduces the situations of two modern big cities ∶ Paris and Beijing .

  2. 铁路为城市公共交通事业服务抓住机遇,重振北京市郊铁路抓住机遇推进交通企业股份改革交通板块的活跃给交企股份制改革的启示

    Railway Serves Urban Mass Transit-Reshape Beijing Suburban Railway Taking the Opportunity and Making New Progress - Inspirations of joint stock system reform of transportation enterprises from the apperance of the listed companies in the stock market

  3. 发展北京地区市郊铁路运输的探讨

    How to Develop Suburban Railway in Beijing Area