
Ted Simons from North Carolina State University and colleagues put recordings of frogs , like this wood frog , [ Wood Frog sound ] in the field to test the volunteers .
His talent was recognized and he was given a basketball scholarship from the University of North Carolina .
And I stopped by N.C. State University , where engineers are set to develop the new technology that will make those motors even better .
Research Triangle Institute , in partnership with North Carolina State University and the University of Utah , will generate syngas derived from woody biomass .
Researchers from North Carolina State University working in New York City found that hungry urban arthropods play a significant role in the disposal of trash .
At North Carolina State University in Raleigh , the president again urged his audience to contact their lawmakers and express their support for his jobs initiative .
SAS , which was in effect spun out of NC State University in 1976 , has been a pioneer in the increasingly fashionable business discipline of " analytics " .
" She 's gone home ," Obama said on Monday as tens of thousands of rowdy supporters at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte grew silent in an evening drizzle .
But what about a problem that could affect either sex , like a dislocated shoulder ? Researchers at North Carolina State University asked male football players at two American colleges .
Having such a wide spread of samples was important to the team from North Carolina State University as it showed them how the changes happened over a long period of time .
Now think of this : there are far stranger , albeit smaller , critters living in your own home . And Rob Dunn at North Carolina State University wants you to go on safari to find them .