
  1. 但是,投资者准备花多长时间等待这家重资产型在线零售商实现盈利,则需拭目以待。

    But it remains to be seen how long investors will be prepared to wait for the asset-heavy online retailer to post a profit .

  2. 产权制度是国有资产管理体制改革的核心问题,同时也是重筑国有资产管理体制的关键。

    The property rights theory is one of the core problems of reforming and restructuring the state-owned assets management system .

  3. 这些地产商的最终目标是摆脱近乎完全依赖地产销售的模式,建立可持续的重收入轻资产的商业模式。

    The ultimate goal is to move away from a near total reliance on property sales towards a sustainable income-based and asset-light model .

  4. 而且,在以往重预算、轻资产的财政管理理念指导下,行政事业性国有资产管理相较于预算管理远远没有得到应有重视。

    Under the guidance of " pay more attention to budget but light assets management ", compared with the budget management , the management of state-owned assets of administrative units and institutions is far from enough attention .