
  • 网络gravity retaining wall;Gravity wall
  1. 将水泥土重力式挡墙支护模型与双排桩支护模型结合起来,组成格栅式MC桩组合支护、止水体系,成功应用于青岛凯悦中心深基坑工程。

    Grid-MC-pile composite support and water stop system is successfully applied in deep foundation excavation of Qingdao Capland Center , which is combined of cement-soil gravity wall and double-row-pile .

  2. 重力式挡墙是各种支挡结构中最为常用的。

    Gravity retaining wall is the universal structure in slope protection .

  3. 水泥土重力式挡墙倾覆破坏的分析

    Analysis on the overturning of cement treated soil gravity retaining wall

  4. 双向土钉锚喷技术在重力式挡墙设计中的应用研究

    An Applied Research on Two-way Soil Nailing Support in Gravity Retaining Wall Design

  5. 水泥搅拌桩重力式挡墙在深基坑应用中的问题

    Discuss on the application of cement deep mixing gravity retaining wall in deep excavation

  6. 广州地铁三号线车辆段下穿隧道水泥搅拌桩重力式挡墙基坑围护的设计与施工管理

    The design and construction of the retaining wall for foundation pit in Guangzhou subway

  7. 土质边坡123处。所研究的高边坡中已治理148处,其中:重力式挡墙95座;

    A high side slope for studying has managed 148 places , among them .

  8. 深层搅拌水泥土重力式挡墙的设计与施工

    The Design and Construction of the Deep - stirred Soil - cement Gravity Retaining Wall

  9. 边坡重力式挡墙加固中挡墙型态对自身稳定性的影响

    The Effect of the Shape of Gravity Retaining Wall on Its Stability in Slope Reinforcement

  10. 水泥土重力式挡墙组合围护结构的应用

    The Design and Construction of Gravitational Anchor Rod Retaining Wall Application of Composite Support Struction of Soil-Cement Gravity Retaining Wall

  11. 采用水泥搅拌桩重力式挡墙对挖深6.2m~8.3m的深基坑进行支护,是一次大胆而成功的实践。

    The author used the gravity retaining wall of concrete pile to support a 6.2 ~ 8.3 m deep foundation pit and succeeded .

  12. 景观砌块挡土结构在护岸挡墙工程中的应用边坡重力式挡墙加固中挡墙型态对自身稳定性的影响

    Application of scenic granitiform retaining wall in the bank protection project The Effect of the Shape of Gravity Retaining Wall on Its Stability in Slope Reinforcement

  13. 在基坑主动土区和被动土区设置地基加固搅拌桩,有利于增强重力式挡墙的稳定性。

    The foundation reinforcement piles have been set up in both the active and passive areas of the pit and increase the stability of the retaining wall .

  14. 重力式挡墙的压应力峰值分布随着墙高的变化呈现先增大后减小的钟形分布;

    The distribution of the peak compressive stress of the gravity retaining wall is changed in different heights and presents bell-shaped distribution , which increases at first and then decreases .

  15. 基坑围护结构深层水泥搅拌桩重力式挡墙施工与开挖不同护理干预方式对重症肌无力胸腺切除术后生活质量的影响

    Construction and Excavation of Cement Deep Mixing of Gravity Retaining Wall in Foundation Pit Support Structure Influence of different nursing interventions on quality of life in myasthenia gravis patients after thymectomy

  16. 本文介绍了水泥搅拌桩重力式挡墙与墙后注浆卸荷平台组合支护的计算方法,及其在基坑工程中的应用。

    The paper introduces the calculation method of a mixed retaining wall using cement mixing pile and unloading plat by grouting in back wall , and its application in excavation is analysised .

  17. 结合室内试验及工程实例,介绍了深层水泥土搅拌桩重力式挡墙技术在基坑支护中的应用,对于基坑设计及施工有一定实际意义。

    The applications of deep mixing pile gravity retaining walls to foundation pit supporting are introduced by indoor experiments and practical instance . It has practical meaning in foundation pit design and construction .

  18. 研究表明,加筋土挡墙的结构特性明显不同于一般重力式挡墙,并据此对其设计和施工提出一些建议。

    The conclusion that the structural characteristics of reinforced-earth retaining wall was obviously different from general gravity retaining wall was drawn , based on which , some suggestions for design and construction were put forward .

  19. 研究表明,三种处理方式均是提高重力式挡墙稳定性的有效处理方法,实践中可以根据施工条件、工程经济性进行选取。

    Research shows that three measures are all the effective treatment methods of improving the stability of gravity retaining wall , the best treatment can be selected according to the construction condition and engineering economy in practice .

  20. 中国四川省西部山区汶川县2008年5月12日发生里氏8.0级强烈地震,对震区内公路边坡造成了严重的破坏作用,尤其是对路堑边坡重力式挡墙产生了不同类别的破坏。

    On May 12,2008 , an earthquake measuring eight on the Richter scale happened in Wenchuan County , mountainous area of western Sichuan Province of China . The earthquake greatly damaged cut slope retaining walls , and especially gravity retaining walls .

  21. 在基覆边坡数值模拟中,主要针对重力式挡墙&基覆边坡的振动台试验模型,将数值模拟结果与振动台模型试验进行对比分析。

    In the simulation of dynamic response characteristics of the bedrock and overburden layer slopes models , the comparison analyses were conducted between gravity retaining walls , and the results can be used as a supplement or verification for shaking table model tests .

  22. 在柔性桩复合地基、主动和(或)被动侧土体加固基坑、重力式挡墙边坡和滑坡等进行数值模拟工作中,岩-土-混凝土的强度参数估算是必不可少的环节。

    Estimation is made on the strength parameters of rock , soil and concrete , which is necessary for finite element simulation in flexible pile foundation , excavation whose active and / or passive soil may be reinforced , slope with gravity retaining wall and landslide .

  23. 经与现行抗震规范对比,显示了基于性能抗震设计的优越性,最终形成了重力式挡墙基于性能抗震设计的规范化流程,提高了性能设计在工程应用中的可行性。

    By comparing the design method of seismic code and performance-based design , the superiority of performance design has been revealed . Finally , a standard flow of performance-based seismic design for gravity retaining walls is formed , which improves the feasibility of performance-based design in engineering applications . 5 .

  24. 重力式锚杆挡墙的设计与施工重力式锚杆挡墙的设计与施工

    The Design and Construction of Gravitational Anchor Rod Retaining Wall

  25. 管桩基础的重力式码头挡墙抗滑移计算方法

    Research on Anti-Sliding Design of Gravity Retaining Wall Wharf with Pipe Pile Foundation

  26. 重力式抗滑挡墙最优截面的模式搜索法

    Optimization of anti-slide retaining wall with pattern search method

  27. 重力式水泥土挡墙及水泥搅拌桩与土锚组合支护的设计基本成熟,但还需要进一步改进;

    It has no problems to design the Gravity type cement soil block wall , but to cement compound piles , it need to further improvment ;

  28. 在深厚软土地区的基坑支护工程中,重力式水泥土挡墙因具有挡土、施工进度快和经济性强等优点而得到广泛运用。

    The gravity cement-soil retaining wall have been widely used in the deep soft soil foundation pit supporting engineering , because of the soil retaining , fast construction progress and strong economy advantages .

  29. 本论文首先介绍了基坑的特点以及支护结构的发展现状和分类,并进一步讨论其中的水泥土搅拌桩挡墙的相关内容,包括重力式水泥土挡墙设计方法及步骤相关内容的介绍。

    In this thesis , the characteristics of the foundation pit , the development of the type of the retaining structure was introduced , and the theory and design method of cement treated gravity retaining wall was discussed especially .

  30. 挡墙中插入的微型钢管而形成微型钢管桩重力式水泥土挡墙支护型式近些年在广州软土地区得到了成功的运用和推广。

    The foundation pit support structure of micro steel tube pile gravity cement-soil retaining wall is consisted by inserting the micro steel tube piles to gravity cement-soil retaining wall . In recent years , it has been successfully used and promoted in soft soil area in Guangzhou .