
zhònɡ tónɡ wèi sù
  • heavy isotope
  1. 锇的一个重同位素:~(197)Os

    A Heavy Isotope of Osmium : ~ ( 197 ) Os

  2. 燃耗值的不准确度可达到3%,与Nd标准方法最大偏差为2%,为重同位素方法使用提供了新公式。

    The uncertainty of burnup values got by the set of formulae is 3 % , maxium deviation from Nd method is 2 % . This is a set of new formulae for heavy isotope method .

  3. 所有地下水Cr(Ⅵ)的分析结果显示,相对于电镀槽中均富含有重同位素。

    The analyses of Cr (ⅵ) in the groundwater show enrichment of the heavy isotopes relative to the plating baths .

  4. 在雨季,受来自海洋水汽的影响,空气湿润,降水量大,大气中ΔTd小,因此蒸发弱,重同位素的富集作用轻,从而降水中稳定同位素比率低。

    In rain season with the moist air , heavy precipitation , small Δ T_d in atmosphere , light evaporation and thus light enrichment , influenced by low-latitude marine vapor , the rainfall is characterized with low stable isotopic ratio .

  5. 研究中的排污口站点悬浮颗粒物的δ13C值亏损严重,这是因为污水的输入会使悬浮颗粒物的碳同位素值亏损重同位素的原因。

    In this research , the δ 13C values of suspended particulate matter in outfall sites were serious losses . This is because the input of effluent will enter the carbon isotope values of suspended particulate matter make the deficit of heavy isotopes . 4 .

  6. 更为活跃的是氢的较重同位素,氘和氚。

    More reactive are the heavier isotopes of hydrogen , deuterium and tritium .

  7. 论轻、重同位素分离的整体性

    On the light and heavy isotope separation

  8. 与大气降水季节性效应相反:夏季温泉水相对富轻同位素,冬季则明显富重同位素;

    The thermal spring water has a light isotope composition in summer and a heavy isotope composition in winter .

  9. 微生物作用下的同位素分馏为动力同位素分馏,导致重同位素在残余物中富集。

    The isotopic fractionation under microbial actions belongs to the kinetic isotopic fractionation , which results in the enrichment of heavier isotopes in .

  10. 因此,当从海洋上生成的雨水被运载到内陆,重同位素趋向于在沿海区域上大量降下。

    So , as rain gets carried inland from where it is created over the oceans , the heavy isotopes tend to rain down first on the coastal areas .

  11. 测得的元件燃耗值与用重同位素比值法和放化法测得的燃耗值分别在4.0%和2.8%的误差范围内相符。

    The burnup values agree with the data obtained from heavy isotope ratio and radiochemistry methods within the errors of 4 . 0 % and 2 . 8 % respectively .

  12. 氢同位素δD随深度略有下降(从11‰到-12‰),这与水合物形成时氢氧重同位素相对富集于固相有关,表明天然气水合物的存在。

    The enrichment of heavy oxygen and hydrogen isotope in the solid phase , during the gas hydrate formation , causes a decrease gradient in the δ 18O and δ D profiles and indicates the gas hydrate existence .

  13. 与全球大气水线相比,昆明站大气水线的斜率和常数项均较小。这与雨滴在未饱和大气中降落时重同位素的蒸发富集作用有关。

    The slope and the constant item in the meteoric water line ( MWL ), compared to the global MWL , are both smaller in Kunming , and are related to the evaporation enrichment of heavy isotopes as raindrops fall in unsaturated atmosphere .

  14. 最后简要介绍超声分子束荧光光谱、重元素同位素低温光谱、多光子电离光谱和超声分子束CARS光谱。

    Finally , the fluorescence spectroscopy , multi-photon ionization spectroscopy for supersonic molecular beam are briefly introduced .

  15. 湘桂走廊地区大气降水明显的富集轻硫同位素(32S),而珠江三角洲地区则富集重硫同位素(34S)。

    It is indicated that the sulfur isotopic composition of precipitation of Xiang-Gui Corridor is enriched in 32S , however , which of the Pearl River Delta is enriched in 34S .

  16. 燃料由氢的两种较重的同位素制造,分别称为氘和氚。

    The fuel will be made from two heavy forms of hydrogen , called deuterium and tritium .

  17. 研究人员说锆石的高标准重氧同位素暗示了它形成之后靠地表水来冷却。

    Researchers said the zircon 's high level of heavy oxygen isotopes suggest it was cooled by surface water after it formed .

  18. 他们提取了树干中心的样本,并对树木每年生长形成的年轮进行了采样,从而测定正常的氧元素与比它重的同位素的比率。

    The researchers took cores from tree trunks , and sampled the individual rings that form with each year 's growth to assess the ratio of normal to'heavy'oxygen .

  19. 后春富氯,低铊,高碘,富重硫同位素,相对贫碱土族元素。

    The latter is rich in Cl but poor in Tl , high in I , rich in heavy sulfur isotope , and relatively depleted in alkali-earth group elements .

  20. 斯人指出,该理论对重氙同位素在大气中过量之解释并非完全;亦未能解释铀与钚之放射性衰变在岩石中遗下之附加氙。

    She notes that the theory does not totally explain all of the excess heavy xenon in the atmosphere , nor for additional xenon made from the radioactive decay of uranium and plutonium in rocks .

  21. 重丰中子同位素~(237)Th半衰期的测定

    Half-life Measurement of Heavy Neutron-rich Isotope ~ ( 237 ) Th

  22. 新重丰中子同位素~(239)Pa

    A New Heavy Neutron-Rich Isotope  ̄( 239 ) Pa

  23. 营城组天然气甲烷碳同位素值比乙烷的重,碳同位素值都有反序特征;

    For the gas in Yingcheng Fm , the carbon isotope values of methane are heavier than that of ethane .

  24. 通过测量一缕头发中较重的氢氧同位素的比例,科学家们可以构建一个地理学的时间轴。

    S.By measuring the proportion of heavier hydrogen and oxygen isotopes along a strand of hair , scientists can construct a geographic timeline .

  25. 生长中的葡萄会吸收二氧化碳,也就会吸收微量质量更重的碳同位素,这种吸收最终会在酒中表现出来。

    And as growing grapes absorb carbon dioxide , they take in trace amounts of the heavier carbon isotope & which eventually show up in the wine .

  26. 部分天然气遭受了次生变化,烃类碳同位素值偏重、重烃碳同位素值倒转均与细菌的生物降解作用有关。

    Some natural gas has experienced secondary change , and the relatively heavy carbon isotope of hydrocarbons and the inverse carbon isotope of heavy hydrocarbons are the results of biodegradation .

  27. 用60MeV/u18O离子轰击天然铀靶,通过多核子转移反应产生重丰中子同位素237Th。

    The natural uranium targets are bombarded by 18 O ( 60 MeV / u ) ions , and the heavy neutron rich isotope 237 Th is produced through the multi nucleon transfer reaction .

  28. 气烟囱的发育可以解释第四系天然气组分、重烃碳同位素等体现出来的混源特征,解决第四系各层序源岩生烃潜力和含气储量之间存在的矛盾。

    The existence of gas chimney can explain the mixed source characters of Quaternary gas composition and ethane carbon isotope , thus resolving the contradictions between source rock hydrocarbon-generating potentials and gas reserves of each sequence .

  29. 重丰中子新同位素&~(238)Th

    A New Heavy Neutron rich Isotope & 238 Th

  30. 氘是普氢较重的、稳定同位素。

    Deuterium is a heavier and stable isotope of ordinary hydrogen .