
  • 网络heavy truck;Heavy-duty truck;heavy lorry;heavy motor truck;heavy-duty truck tool
  1. 本文将试验手段和CAE仿真技术相结合,以某重型载货汽车为研究对象,构建了一种耐久性虚拟试验方法。

    In this paper , a virtual durability test method which combines test method and computer aided engineering for a heavy truck was established .

  2. 提出了根据发动机转速信号来识别不同制动工况的方法,制定了相应的换挡控制策略,并在装有AMT的某重型载货汽车上进行了实车制动试验。

    According to the different brake conditions identified by the rotating speed of engine , the corresponding shift control strategy is established and a brake test is performed on an AMT heavy truck .

  3. 基于ADAMS的重型载货汽车可靠性仿真与试验研究

    Reliability Simulation and Test of Heavy-duty Truck Based on ADAMS

  4. 其次,以某重型载货汽车车架结构为研究对象,利用ANSYS建立了车架结构有限元的实体单元模型,对车架建模过程进行了研究;

    Secondly , it took some carrier car frame structure as research object , established the entity unit model by using ANSYS , and made a research on the frame modeling process ; model . This improved mixing dielectric model yields an excellent fit to measured data .

  5. 在装有AMT的某重型载货汽车上进行了有、无柔性控制的换挡对比试验,试验结果表明,该柔性控制方法可以有效避免换挡卡滞,提高了AMT车辆的换挡成功率。

    The contrast tests of one heavy loading AMT vehicle with the flexible control and without it were done , and the test results show that this method can avoid the shift clamping stagnation and increase the shift success rate of AMT vehicle .

  6. 因此,对重型载货汽车动力学的研究格外受到重视。

    Therefore , the study of heavy-duty truck dynamics is important .

  7. 重型载货汽车变速器远距离操纵机构设计

    Design of Gearbox 's Long-Distance Control Mechanism in Heavy Duty Truck

  8. 重型载货汽车动力传动系匹配研究

    Research on Powertrain Trade-off of the Heavy Duty Truck

  9. 东风中型及重型载货汽车采用的粉末冶金零件

    P / M Parts Used for Dongfeng Medium-duty and Heavy-duty Trucks in China

  10. 重型载货汽车底盘性能设计参数控制研究

    A Study on Design Parameters Control of Performance of Heavy Duty Truck Chassis

  11. 重型载货汽车悬架系统多目标优化设计系统的研究开发

    Research and Development of Multi-objective Optimization System for Suspension System of Heavy Truck

  12. 重型载货汽车车身涂装技术

    Painting Technology Used in Heavy Duty Truck Bodies

  13. 重型载货汽车车架有限元分析与研究

    Finite Elements Analysis of Heavy-duty Truck 's Frame

  14. 重型载货汽车高流量低噪声冷却风扇研究

    Research on High Flow Rate & Low Noise Cooling Fan of Heavy Duty Truck

  15. 斯堪尼亚新型4系列长途重型载货汽车

    New 4-Series Long Haul Heavy Truck of Scania

  16. 重型载货汽车后桥主动锥齿轮断裂原因分析及改进措施

    Analysis and Improvement on Fracture of Drive Bevel Gears in Heavy Duty Truck Rear Axle

  17. 对如何发挥重型载货汽车在现代公路运输中的主力作用,提出了有关的建议。

    Some are put down also for the main action of heavy truck in road transport .

  18. 重型载货汽车设计的展望

    The Future of Heavy Truck Design

  19. 在实际使用过程中,某重型载货汽车出现了离合器摩擦片烧伤及变速器六档齿轮轮齿折断两个问题。

    In the process of actual usage , two problems about a certain type bf cargo truck appear .

  20. 新型汽车车箱涂装线的工艺设计及应用重型载货汽车车身涂装技术

    Technical Design and Production Practice of Coating Line for New-Style Car Bodies Painting Technology Used in Heavy Duty Truck Bodies

  21. 随着中国社会的发展和进步,人们对汽车特别是重型载货汽车通过性和舒适性的要求逐步提高。

    With the social development of China , vehicles ' comfort and passability , especially for heavy trucks , have become increasingly demanded .

  22. 目前在国外,空气悬架在重型载货汽车上应用率达到了85%;大约有80%的拖挂车使用空气悬架。

    At present , air suspension applied on the heavy-duty truck abroad at the rate of 85 % ; about 80 % of trailers using air suspension .

  23. 重型载货汽车,尤其是大吨位重型载货汽车,具有运输成本低、安全以及运输效率高的优势,是公路运输最主要的工具。

    Heavy-dutytrucks , especially large-tonnage heavy-duty trucks are the most important road transport tool , with advantages of low transport costs , high safety and transport efficiency .

  24. 随着我国重型载货汽车双前桥转向系统的广泛应用,对双前桥转向系统运动学的分析与研究变得日益重要。

    While the dual-front axle steering system of the heavy trucks is widely used , it becomes more and more important to study and analyze its kinematics performances .

  25. 所以,近十几年来空气悬架系统在国内外的高档豪华客车、重型载货汽车和高级轿车上被越来越多的采用。

    Therefore , for lately several years , air suspension be adopted more and more on upscale luxurious passenger car , heavy truck and senior passenger car on domestic and oversea .

  26. 与中重型载货汽车市场关系最紧密的相关行业&煤炭、钢铁、水泥、食粮、石油、固定投资等,其发展状况直接决定了运输市场的发展,进而间接影响到中重型载货汽车市场发展。

    The development of transportation market is influenced directly by the condition of most related industries , such as coal , steel , cement , food , petroleum , capital investment , which influence that of the medium and heavy truck market .

  27. 另外,随着重型载货汽车市场竞争的加剧,如何缩短产品开发周期、提高设计效率,降低成本等,提高产品的市场竞争力,已经成为企业成功的关键。

    In addition , with increasing competition of heavy duty vehicle market , how to shorten the product development cycle , to improve design efficiency and to lower costs , to improve the market competitiveness of products , and has become a key to success of enterprises .

  28. 本文以某载重卡车为平台,对钢板弹簧进行有限元分析与性能试验,同时针对重型载货汽车的平衡悬架进行多体动力学仿真分析。

    In this paper , we take a truck as the platform , studying on the leaf springs through the finite element analysis and mechanical properties performance test ; meanwhile , we do the dynamics simulation test to show the performance of the heavy vehicles ' balance suspension .

  29. 离合器助力泵为离合器的分离提供动力,减轻驾驶员操纵的疲劳,其结构简单、重量轻、传动效率高、工作可靠,广泛用于中、重型载货汽车上。

    The clutch booster pumps provides the power for the clutch separation , reduces weariness which the pilot operates , its structure simple , the weight light , the transmission efficiency high , the work is reliable , widely uses in to hit , on the heavy truck .

  30. 保持制动性能稳定对车辆的行驶安全至关重要。许多重型载货汽车和一些需要在山区等特殊路段行驶的车辆,在使用鼓式制动器进行制动时很容易发生制动器热衰退现象。

    It is of great importance to maintain braking performance of a vehicle , especially for heavy-duty vehicles and others traveled in the mountain areas . Because of the widely used of drum brakes in their braking system , brake thermal recession is very likely to take place .