
  1. 一群叛乱分子迅速占领了港口地区和大部分城北郊区。

    A group of rebels overran the port area and most of the northern suburbs

  2. 70年代,南郊区、北郊区、古交区、阳曲县、清徐县、娄烦县先后建成电影院或影剧院。

    70s in the south suburbs , the area on the northern outskirts of the ancient settlement areas , Yangqu County , Qingxu County , Loufan County has built a cinema or theater .

  3. 本文在分析太原市北郊区产业结构存在主要问题的基础上,提出其产业结构调整的总体思路和主要措施。

    On the basis of analysis the primal problems in the industrial structure of the Norther Suburbs of Taiyuan city , the essay proposes a general plotting and some key measures for the adjustment of the industrial structure of the Suburb district .

  4. 徐州市北郊工业区浅层地下水重金属污染研究

    Pollution Assessment of Heavy Metals in Shallow Groundwater in the Northern Suburb of Xuzhou City

  5. 对1991年和2003年徐州市北郊工业区土壤中重金属的含量作了对比分析,探讨了该区土壤重金属污染的演化特征。

    Through comparative analysis on heavy metal contents in soils taken from northern suburban industrial region of Xuzhou in 1991 and 2003 , the evolutional features of the soil contamination by heavy metals were investigated .

  6. 西安市北郊污水灌溉区土壤中抗重金属放线菌的多样性分析

    Diversity of Heavy Metal-Resistant Actinomycetes Isolated from Soil of Sewage Irrigation Area in Xi'an Northern Suburb

  7. 昆明北郊水源保护区圣诞树人工林分生物量及生产力的研究

    Studies in biomass and productivity of Acacia dealbata plantation in the Protected District of water sources in North Kunming

  8. 南京北郊是重工业区,空气污染严重。

    The industrial pollution over northern suburbs of Nanjing is heavy .

  9. 西安欧益光电科技有限公司坐落于西安北郊的出口加工区,是立足于光学技术的高新技术企业。

    Xi'an OE Photonics Co. , Ltd. , located at the export processing zone of Xi'an northern suburbs , is one hi-tech enterprise engaging in optical technology .

  10. 南京北郊是工业集中区,污染严重,近年来大气细颗粒物污染日趋加重。

    The northern suburb of Nanjing is a industrial zone , where pollution is heavy . In recent years the pollution of atmospheric fine particulate in this area is becoming more serious .